Chapter 77- Because I love you

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The day went on like any other day, calm, scary and weird. But that didn't stop me for ending the day in a good note. Boba and I got took cook ourselves a meal which we had a lot of screw ups with but we didn't give up and luckily we ended up having a decent meal. After that, Boba took a shower while I waited in our room already in the covers since it was chilly tonight. I was zoned out thinking that I haven't heard my father's voice in a while now, not that I wanted it back but it felt like such relieve that it was gone...for now. I was half deep in the zone that I didn't noticed boba entering the room, but when I did was because of him getting on the bed next to me.

He extended his arm and wraps it around my hips, bringing me closer to him "something on your mind sweetheart?" He placed a kiss on my cheek as he rubbed my hip with his thumb. I unconsciously shake my head to a no and look at him in the eyes "no" I reply. Boba shift a bit on the bed getting more comfortable and place his hand under my chin "you know you can trust me on telling me anything right? No matter how bad they are...I would never get mad at you" his lips soon meet mine for a peck. This was it, I should really tell him about that mandalorian guy even though he found him himself through a crowd. I bit my bottom lip finally giving in, I sigh and spoke "Boba, the target that you were looking for...I was with him today"

I could see a little bit of tension growing in the way he was staring at my eyes, I could feel as if he was staring tight into my soul. He didn't remove his hand off my chin, instead he gently gripped it in case if I looked away. "What do you mean by that?" He lowly but sternly asked. Before he could think the worst, I quickly spoke to clear things out "I was with him today but not like that, I sort of bumped into him when I was walking through a crowd, remember? I told you that I wanted to go for a walk today and that's exactly what I did" I explain. Boba looks away skeptical with all of this but right now he had no choice but to believe me. It hurt me because I knew just the way he was looking at me that he didn't believe me, so I decided to explain since the beginning.

When I finished, The bounty hunters intense gaze and tensed up muscles relaxed, hearing a deep exhale that he was holding throughout my detailed explanation. "O-oh" he said, finally releasing my chin. I watched him scratch the back of his head. "Sorry Kira, I was just worried that-" "I would cheat on you for being away?" I cut him off. That statement made him look away which indicated me that it was that, that worried him. I gently turn his face to make him look at me again and I smile "you dummy, why are you worried about that? I would never do that to you"

"Because Kira, you know that I have to go away for a few days and I thought that since they're times that you have to stay in places like this because where im going is dangerous..." he stops "you think that I might grow tired of that, grow lonely and cheat on you who gives me more attention?" I finish for him and he slowly nods. "That's never going to happen Boba, because I love you, meaning that I don't care where you are and how long you are apart from me, I will wait for you" I reassure, he locks eyes with me and grows a hint of blush in his cheeks. "Really? Y-you mean it sweetheart?" He softly asked and I nod with another smile sealing a promise that made him feel better. He then leans in on my lips and kissed them passionately.

I blush but reply to the kiss, it was a long kiss which of course I enjoyed until he gently pulls back panting, I did the same. I saw Boba turn around on the bed grabbing something from the nightstand and turning back to me. "Kira...I know that this isn't the right place that i'd imagine to do this nor the time but, I feel like I should do this now cause we never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, right?" He begins, I nod curious, that's when he stood up and walked to my side extending a hand for me to get off the bed for a few seconds. "Kira, I love you with all my heart since the day we met and everytime i'm with you, I want to spend more time, explore galaxies together, share memories together, be the strong team that we are now"

His words melts my heart as tears forms in my eyes. "Though, its really sad that you still can't remember me as the guy you used to know but that's okay, it really is because as you get to know me all over again, we create new memories so that you don't have to remember our horrible past, together we are building something strong and I never want to stop doing that, which is why I want to ask you something" I gasped when Boba got to one knee, pulling a small box with a beautiful ring inside.

"Kira, will you marry me?"

End of chapter 77

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