Chapter 2- 3 years later

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Its been 3 years, I was now 13 years old and Boba right now is 14 years old. Its been 3 years since all of those childhood memory events happened, 3 years since the jedi took me with them to their base. They wanted me to be a jedi like them, so they took me to jedi camp, but I refused, I wanted to be a sith, there was something about the sith that I always felt a connection to it, and if not sith then something else apart from becoming a jedi. Master yoda suggested that either the padawan, Windu or obi-wan kenobi could train me, once again, I refused, now im in a rebellion base not knowing what to do with my life, I can't even escape because they always assigned someone to watch over me like a prisoner.

I sit in the room I was staying, thinking, thinking about my own father, Is he okay? Did he forgot about me? Was he able to finish the death star? Is he looking for me? And of course I think about Boba every time I look down at the necklace he made me, Still one pice cause I've been taking good care of it, its like a air loom from generations that I had to protect with my life cause it was the only thing you have from that person.

I squeeze gently at the necklace and spoke lowly as I close my eyes "I miss you father, I miss you Boba" I slowly let go of the mythosaur necklace and open my eyes again, and sigh.

—-Yoda's P.O.V—-

I was sitting next to Mace Windu and Obi-wan Kenobi was in front. "Right, so how do we make Kira to be like one of us, its impossible! She refuses everything!" Kenobi paced side to side, clearly frustrated. "Patience, we must have, Master Kenobi" I said. Kenobi turned "patience?! That teenage girl has been making everything hard for us since she was just- Jawa sized!" He shouts a little. "There must be a way to help Kira to settle in and maybe that would give us some positivity that she might be a jedi eventually" Windu rubbed his chin.

"There is one thing, but careful, we must be" I looked at Windu. "What is it Master Yoda?" Windu asked. "Kira is a Skywalker, yes?" I ask before hearing Kenobi mumble "more like Annoying-walker" I hummed and shake my head. "Yes, but what about it?" Windu had curiosity in his tone. "Luke and Leia, both Skywalker, they are" I state as Windu would give me a' you're right look' and layed back on his chair. "But what you suggesting Yoda? Get Leia and Luke to try and convince a brainwashed-with-sith-child that its better for her to stay with us?" Kenobi raised a brow and crossed his arms.

"Brothers and sisters, they are, help her, they can" I nod. Windu pat his lap gently "there's only one way to find out right?" I hum a yes. We both turned to Kenobi who had a doubtful expression. "If this fails, don't say you didn't see it coming" he walked near a window and stared outside and adds "As much as I want to save Kira from the sith path, I don't think I can trust her for a bit right now" "I don't either, you did saw who she was staying with while Vader builds the death star, Boba fett and Jango fett" he adds "Jango who was a clear assassin bounty hunter and Boba who im sure is going to follow in his father's footsteps" he said in a serious tone. Kenobi turns around a bit of confusion showing in his face "didn't the clones found Boba and took him to see if he can be like those troopers?"

Windu sighed "yeah but, he did tried to kill me for killing his father, after that, he sabotaged and blew up the ship making everyone aboard leave in pods" he frowns his brow "after that I've heard that the troopers were going to bring him here to prison, I dont know when" Kenobi couldn't believe what he was hearing so he stood there stunned until he heard the last bit "wait, here? What if he finds out Kira is here and finds her a wait out to escape?" "Then time, we must not waste"

I eventually got up and start to walk "Master yoda? Where are you going?" Kenobi asked "to leia and luke, I must tell the plan" I opened the door as I could hear Windu and Kenobi following from behind.

——End of P.O.V—-

I was Pacing around my room as I thought of a way to escape this place and maybe steal a ship to go back home, I couldn't take it anymore here, I felt like I was starting to go nuts. That's when I walked to the door and knocked "hey furball! Get over here!" At that moment I heard a growl-like language in front of me "yyeeeah, I don't speak wookie buddy" I rolled my eyes "I just wanna get-" I stopped for a second to think of my use of words. If I tell him that I want to get out of here, he'll probably wont open the door, but if I tell him that I wanna go for a walk...I hum a bit before speaking.

"Listen, I just wanna go out and see the base, is that okay? I mean, just a walk and if you want, you can come and watch over me" I faked a smile. The wookie stood there looking into my eyes, seeing if I meant it before letting a small puff out and getting the keys out. I smirked at my plan but quickly fades when the door opens. The wookie growled some words before he grabs the cuffs with a chain and walks over to me. "Is that really necessary?" I extend my arms so he can put the cuffs on me. Raising my brows at them as I examined them I sighed and exit the room with the wookie behind me.

'Good, now for plan two' I smirked darkly as I walked outside, finally seeing nature and 'ugh, jedis' my expressions sightly darkened at the sight of the jedis and padawans, but what did I expect? Sith? Nope...I turned to the wookie with his weapon in had just in case and spoke "okay wookie, why don't you show me around this place" I turn back around as I mumbled "not that im interested in anything here anyway" the wookie growled and started to walk somewhere pulling at the cuff's chain gently, I followed behind and looked around.

Some jedis stared at me and whispered something to the other but I didn't care one bit at what they were saying, so I just shrug it off, I looked to the left and saw some teenagers about my age or so, also staring at me I gave them a dark death stare and scared them off, as for one of them just seemed to...blush...? And waved a bit. I was so confused at this girls actions that I just decided to ignore her and continue walking until we stopped somewhere.

My eyes slowly wide as I look up at the building in front of us, I looked at the wookie clueless "why are we here?" The wookie looks down at me and moves his head in a go ahead motion. That's when I slowly walk towards the button to open the door and head inside with the wookie. As I enter I could immediately see all kinds of armor from mandalorias and bounty hunters, my memories goes back when I saw this one helmet that reminded me of Mr. fett. I sighed sadly as I lowered my head 'I miss you Mr. Fett, you were like an uncle to me" soon tears start to form on my eyes but I held them in so that I don't look weak infront of the jedis

Seeing the wookie with a paper and gave it to me. I stared at him with my brow raised and then I slowly look down at the paper he gave me "blah blah blah, apply for bounty hunter academy-" I read the paper when my eyes shot up at the wookie "I can apply? Am I allowed?" The wookie sounded a bit doubtful but I still couldn't understand him. "I kinda wish I knew what you're saying" I sighed. At that moment I hear a girl a few inches away from us "oh, he says that you can but only if you're good and behave" "huh?" I turn to see the same girl from earlier, the one that blushed.

She was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and creme pants with a blaster in a holster around her thigh, she had fair skin and as for her hair, was a bit curly and long, here eyes were green, nails were almond shaped and sharp and her fingers were strange looking...they were long and alien looking than normal human ones (yes she's another oc of mine) "and who are you?" I said in a neutral tone. "The name's Akari, I'm actually an orphan, I don't know my last name nor who my parents are" she chuckles a bit embarrassed, she seemed like she's used to this, but why should I care, I just wanted to know what the wookie was saying, not some random girls info.

I closed my eyes a bit as I shake my head before looking back at the wookie "so you're saying that If im good, you'll let me apply?" I asked. The wookie nods 'great, just great...' I thought in annoyance. "So uh, w-what's your name?" I was about to snap at this nosey girl but I quickly remembered what the wookie said, that's when I thought a plan 'I can use the girl by making her think that we can become"friends" so that the wookie see that im starting to be nice and he'll let me apply' I start to chuckle at the idea.

"What?" Akari asked and I stopped "oh nothing, just thought about a joke" I smirk darkly.

End of chapter 2

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