Chapter 45- You will never be alone again

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I honestly couldn't believe what Boba told me earlier 'my eye? Yellow?' Only siths like my father have their eyes change to that color, and yeah, I am a Sith but That's never happened before, not that I know of. I did have a panic attack cause I didn't know what to do, Boba suggested that I should take a nap, maybe it'll be normal tomorrow, that's what I did. It was a long night here on Kamino which was really good but kinda hard to sleep through all that loud thunder outside. I thought multiple times to see if Boba was awake, yet I didn't want to risk bother his sleep and get him grumpy, so I stayed in my room trying to find my sleep. I managed to sleep once I sensed the thunder calm down a bit.

The next day

It was around 7:00 am when I woke up, it was really early but I guess I got used to waking up at this time thanks to the Bounty hunter academy. I did my usual daily morning routing, shower, have breakfast and put on my armor. I decided not to wear my helmet yet so I left it on my bed and exit my room. After all that, I went to go check if Boba was awake since he was going to take me to buy clothes for me since the amount of clothing I own was left back at the rebels base and there was no way in hell I was going back there. "Boba, are you awake yet?" Didn't took a minute to see the door open, revealing a half armored Boba fett. I found myself eyeing the bounty hunter up and down...TWICE! 'God, this guy's so hot no matter what he wears or what he wears' 'am I starting to like him? Am I starting to have a crush on him?'

Boba didn't seem to notice me eyeing him as the only thing he does was to lift my chin to make me look up at him to check my eye. "Is it back to normal?" I ask. He flinch a bit from my voice and clears his throat as he lets go of my chin "yeah, it is, but I'm keeping that saber away from you though" he fixes his wrist and shoulder harness. "Okay" Boba turns on his heels back to his room to grab put on his chest plate "had breakfast yet?" Boba asked. I turn and nod to the hunter "yeah, I did" I answer "did you?" I add a question. The male exit his room looking at me in the eyes "worried?" His large gloved hand cups my cheek and with his thumb he gently rubs my soft cheeks. I blush a hint of red, Boba noticed my red hinted cheeks and chuckles "yeah, I did, sweetheart" he gave a nickname and winks before he goes back to his room to finish getting ready. I was let in the hall in between Boba's, Another room and my room when I thought I should get my helmet and hide my face.

"Im gonna get my helmet now" I spoke towards myself, it was loud enough for Boba to hear and have a light laugh. I walked fast towards the bed as I then throw myself on the bed feeling the weight of the jet pack crush my chest 'well that was a bad Idea from a gungan like me, oww' I bury my face on the bed sheet till I hear footsteps enter my room, soon feeling a hand tap my shoulder. I didn't want to turn cause I could still feel my face warm from that nickname he gave me, so the only thing I didn't was grab the bed sheet and use it to cover my face and saw Boba next to me. "Y-yeah?" My words were slightly muffled from the sheet covering half my face and mouth. The male crouch down to to the level of the bed and pulls some thing out of his holster "what?" I let go of the bed sheet and get to a sitting position on the bed looking at the blaster on his hand "my blaster?" I lift a brow as I slowly take the blaster off his hand "yeah, figured I'd give it back to you, with this as well"

He pulls a different saber from his belt and extends his hand towards me, I was debating whether to take it or not, after what happened last night, I started to fear these sabers, but Boba made sure to reassure me that it was okay "Don't worry, this saber belongs to you, so if this saber gives you any memories or flashbacks, they must be from your past" not even that gave me the courage to take the saber off his hand. "Thanks Boba but, I don't think im ready for that, after what I saw, felt and sensed yesterday with my father's saber" I take a deep breath and exhale the words out "I feel like I should take a moment away from them" The bounty hunter frown his brows as his lips curled to a sad yet understanding way and nods "I get it, don't worry, I'll keep a hold of it until you are ready" he puts the saber away on his belt and focuses on me. "Hey look at me" he said. I fidgeted with my fingers, turning my head to look at him, noticing a gentle smile on his face.

"Don't worry okay? I'll be here to protect you Kira, you will never be alone again, I'll never leave your side no matter the consequences" his calm soothing voice saying those reassuring words made my eyes tear up. I went and gave him a tight, thankful hug "thank you Boba, thank you so much, you don't know how much I wanted to hear that I'm no longer alone, that I have someone I can trust and talk to" My voice breaks mid sentence. "Shh, don't cry sweetheart, don't cry" he hugs back just as tight as he use his a hand to rub the back of my head "your eyes are gonna puff up" he says, it was true, whenever I cry too much, my eyes tend to puff up. I loved that he knows and observes every detail about me, more importantly...

He cares.

End of chapter 45

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