Chapter 53- The DNA

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I was asleep for a couple of hours like I hoped to and to kill some time until Obi-wan get to where we currently were. I got woken up to Jar jar's loud cheerful voice when he saw Obi-wan's ship next to ours. Obi-wan's ship got close to ours so we can land the ship inside his and meet up in person and talk about the situation more easily. I noticed Han was also here, not knowing the reason maybe he just wanted to accompany Obi-wan or for back up. The group met up to the ship's deck where we all sat down on the seats and looked at each other for a few seconds. "Sooo, what's this all about?" I ask Obi-wan. The jedi glance to Han then back at me and stood up putting his hands on his back. "Kamino is a dangerous planet to go, now that the clones turned against us" He stared at the stars.

"Lets not forget that that's where Jango's son, boba fett, lives or used to live in" Han adds. As soon as the name of the green armored hunter enter my ears, my fists clench tightly from anger starting to boil inside me. "Used to live its safe to go?" Jar jar wonders. "No!" Obi-wan exclaims. "Just because he used to live there doesn't mean its safe, didn't the part about the clones being created there enter you ears?" He cross his arms. Jar jar scoots close to me shutting his mouth. The part where he said that the clones are created there caught my full attention. "So these clones are created there? Why don't we just...destroy whatever they are using to produce them" I suggest in a form of a question. Han cleared his throat first before speaking "well its not that easy, that place has the high security and that thing they are using is DNA, more specifically, Jango's DNA"

I lift a brow "Jango? You've got to be kidding me..." "Nope, we're not" Obi-wan interferes. "Which is why they are keeping the DNA under deep 24/7 security and why that place is dangerous...the clones" I began to put these pieces together "so, that means that Boba fett guy is just another one of those clones? Jango's clone?" Han and Obi-wan nod in unison. "But don't let that fact get over your head, yes he is Jango's clone, but that guy is really smart" "and a real bastard to take down" Han scoffs out. Taking everything they have said, I understood completely and nod. "Alright" I said. Obi-wan sat back down on his seat with Han next to him controlling the ship. "If we go to Kamino, its only to search for Kira, if there is no sign of her then we leave, lets not interfere with the DNA situation right now, we can deal with that later, understood?" He set down the rules.

To be completely honest, I didn't care about those clones at the moment, yet it was truly interesting to know more about them and what's creating them for later use. All I care at the moment is to bring Kira Skywalker back to safety. I nod towards Obi-wan, accepting the rules "roger that Master Obi-wan" He nods and glance over to jar jar "jar jar?" He waits for the gungan's response. "Oh! Uh yes! Roger!" He sits on a nearby seat, almost fell. Once everything was set and cleared out, Han hit the hyperdrive in direction to Kamino.


Ever since Boba left the house I've been just hanging around his room, chilling on his comfy bed that...smells a lot like him 'okay don't be creepy' I thought. I look to the side seeing a picture of Boba when he was a child with a tall blue and silver armored bounty hunter hunter next to him with ought his helmet. A smile appears on my face, it was so cute to see boba as a child again. 'We are going to the arena in Geonosis, my father's meeting up with some guy called Dooku!' Boba's young voice played in my head saying something about an arena here in Geonosis. "Hmm, what arena?" I backed away from the picture trying to remember an arena only to fail. 'Maybe Boba can tell me' "speaking of, its been more than 20 minutes since he left, is he okay?" I ask myself. By this time my legs no longer felt wobbly and my head was normal.

I place the water bottle down on a table and get off the bed to check if Boba near the house or not. I hot to the front door slip my helmet on and opened the door only to see a green armored bounty hunter with a duffle bag carried in one hand over his shoulder while the other hand held his rifle. He was making his way over here so I decided to wait for him by the door. Upon watching the hunter walk, I noticed him staring at something to his left, I take a peek at what was he staring at and saw a building in the distance. Yes, this house was distant from shops, building and shops. I turn my view back to Boba noticing he was about to hit the wall if he don't snap out, so I just...shout "hey wake up!" The hunter flinch in his tracks, shooting his view to where the shout came from and aimed with his rifle. I lift my arms up "hey chill, its me, you were going to crash against the wall if I didn't shout" I explained to the tensed up male.

"Oh" He glance at the wall of the house he was going to crash on before turning to me "sorry" he lowers his rifle and walks closer to me. "What's that building you were staring at?" That question made the hunter stand up straight, he looks to the side as his hand pats his belt pouches. "Erm, its not important" he walks past me and inside the house. I close the door behind me and then crossed my arms "it has to be important by the way you were staring at it" I smirked. The hunter sighs as he takes off his helmet with one hand "why do you have to be so stubborn?" His face had this tired expression on it like he hans't gotten enough sleep. I decided to change the subject, forgetting about the building for now. "You look tired" I comment. The male shakes his head, shaking his curls then stops "yeah. I am, I haven't got any sleep last night" he stares at my eyes for a few seconds before he gets closer, extending the hand that carries the duffle bag "anyway, here, hope you like it" the hunter shoots a tired smile till it quickly fades when he remembers something.

"The size well, I uh, Eye balled it" his cheeks have a hint of pink on them I grab the bag, listening to him when I look up at the last part "wait, what's that supposed to mean?" I noticed his cheeks have a hint of pink on them. The hunter bit his lower lip with a sudden small smirk on them as his eyes looked away from my T shape visor in a rather pervy-ish way before he takes off to his room. My eyes blink multiple times 'okay seriously, what did he meant by that?'

End of chapter 53

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