Chapter 25- What does it mean?

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Letting the bounty hunter prepare the needle and so he could stitch up the cut he made to pull out the small chip out of my hand as questions flowed in my head like storm, wanting them to be answered but I knew if I asked just anything, they won't tell me a thing. I remember about one of the visions with Akari 'I she the one to tell me everything I want to know? But when exactly?' My thoughts were cut off as the feeling of a sharp thin metal object punctured my skin from one corner to the other, as the thread pulled my skin together "ah!" I whined, wanting to move the had away from the hunter, but his tight grip held my hand still. "Don't move" he focused on stitching my wound. "Sorry, I just kinda..." I stop, feeling embarrassed at what I was about to say.

"Ne-" "needles?" The hunter guessed correctly, almost as if he read my mind. I glance at him for a bit and then away "yeah" I reply, he finished the stitch with a knot and cut the thread with scissors, and sighs. "I used to know someone who was like that" he spoke, putting everything neatly away in the med kit before walking back to the deck, I look down at the stitch that was neatly made by the hunter, not wanting to move my hand that much because of the pain, soon taking my leather glove and putting it on carefully before walking over to take a seat on the left like earlier. Feeling somewhat curious at what he meant by what he said, instead of asking something strong or that could probably hurt in a way, I started rather baby steps "feared needles too?"

The bounty hunter's hand slide side to side against the buttons, being careful not to push any of them as he nods "I never knew that side until she showed me when I had to stitch her leg wound caused by a blast when we escaped the rebels base" he states, I wasn't expecting him to tell me that much considering that he's quiet and always keeping things to himself "you didn't need to tell me that-" "You didn't ask for it, I know, I decided to tell you" he cut me off. I look over to see him already looking at me "um" nerves flowed through my body his staring, I didn't know if he was glaring or just looking at me normally or if he was looking at me at all. All of that got answered when he extended his hand towards me and grabbed my mythosaur necklace.

"Do you know what this is? The creature?" He asked, tapping the necklace gently with his thumb. I look down at it wondering why he asked that, but I answered "yeah, its a mythosaur" I said it for sure. The bounty hunter nods once before he let go of the necklace, making it land safely against my chest plate. I watched as the male made himself comfortable on his seat, hearing his voice speak again "and have you seen that symbol anywhere else apart from that necklace" I shook my head to a no "not really, why?" I asked like a curious child starting to learn new things, the hunter turn in his seat to the side, now facing towards the counter a few feets away from the deck and pointed at his shoulder harness with the same mythosaur symbol painted there.

My mouth was left a O shape as my eyes stared at the red symbol on his harness "wow" was all that came out of my mouth "wait, what does that mean?" I raised a brow, the male turned in his seat once again to look at me and use his hand to scratch the back of his neck. "I don't know, but, I did painted this symbol for a reason" he finishes, leaving me puzzled by all of this and it kinda made me frustrated "what? You think that im supposed to find you or you were supposed to find me?" My voice turned serious. The bounty hunter notices the change in my voice and shook his head to a no "no! I mean kinda?" He sighs giving up "I don't know" he spins himself to face the control panel and pressed on a few buttons a bit hard.

The ship started up again as the coordinations were show next to him, he lastly puts the ship on auto pilot before standing up. "I'm going to lay down for a bit, we should be there in 30 minutes" he takes one step and stops "there's another room where you can go and rest if you want" he then leaves. I was once again alone at the deck, staring at the galaxy filled with billions of stars that shone bright and beautifully. I lay back on the seat, not really interested on going to the room the hunter told me and closed my eyes as I yawed.


I left the female at the deck while I was in my room, sitting on my bed thinking about millions of things on my mind that were unanswered "why is this so complicated?" My head rest on my hand "this girl clearly doesn't know the meaning of that necklace, the necklace I gave Kira before she died!" I kicked a wooden crate away from my bed so hard it broke when it hit the wall. I was now accepting the fact that Kira is gone and will never come back as a tear formed on my left eye and flowed down my cheek "Once I get this girl to vader, I'll leave her there and i'll leave her there, I don't care anymore" I stood up "wait, I never cared" I replied to myself, making my way out of my room and back to the deck.

Noticing the female was still there but she looked like she was sleeping "hey, wake-" I shut up as I noticed her helmet on the floor next to her legs, my head tilts to the side as I walk closer and closer trying not to make a sound that might wake her up and stop next to her, still looking down at the helmet before my head turns to loom at her face. My jaw drops as my eyes wide like basketballs when they say who this girl really was.


End of chapter 25

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