Chapter 15- To Tatooine

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I rummage around my room, looking for necessary things that I needed like: med-kit, some food and clothing for disguise. My room was looking like a mess at the moment but as soon as I finish with packing my stuff, I'll put everything again and leave my room clean, just like how it was. The room was small, it had a single bed which it was comfortable as heck, a table with a chair, the closet and a armor stand for my armor. Even tho this was my room provided by the jedi, it somehow never felt like home for me, as if I never belonged here in the first place. I did tried on asking my brothers leia and luke about our parents but the only answer I always got was about our mother, I don't know if my father is alive or not. 'I need to know who my father is...'

The door from my room opened, making me snap out of my thoughts and ramble "how many times I have to tell you to knock before entering my room" I ask a bit sternly, still mad about what happened earlier. "Oh, y-yeah sorry about that" a female voice stutters. I kept quiet as I pack the final thing, the med-kit as I felt Akari get closer to me "you're not serious about going to search for that bounty hunter are you?" She glance at my packed stuff before turning her gaze back to me. "Of course I am" I respond, zipping the bag and putting it over my shoulder before grabbing my damaged helmet "grab that bag for me will ya?" I told Akari before walking out pf my room, hearing her grunt a bit and the follow behind me.

I was headed to get a new armor at the bounty hunter academy, maybe hoping that they could fix my old armor, but I knew this was now beyond repair now. My feet walk up the stairs of the building and make a stop at the door, I look at the scanner and press my thumb against it until the door opened and I was greeted by none other than the talkative creature, Jar jar binks. "Oh! Kira, Akari. Hidoe!" He waves his hand side to side. "Hey jar jar" I walk past him headed to the back room where the armors were located, still able to hear those two talking to each other where I left them. My mind wondered as I examined the available female mandalorian armor in the room. 'Black, yellow and black, blue and white...' I spoke in my head.

"What about black and silver?" "GAH!" I jump in position as the female, Akari looks at the black and silver armor. I exhale sharply almost a sharp sigh "don't do that again" I glance at the armor and it looked like it was just made, it was shiny, cleaned and in great conditions. "Hmm" I made a sound as I think. "Oooh, beskar" jar jar comments. Raising a brow I turn to jar jar "beskar?" He nods "its one of the strongest metal in the galaxy" he explains. "Really?" Akira appeared behind me "how do you know which part of this armor is beskar?" I add. The goofy gungan steps closer to the armor and pointed to the chest plate of the armor only that? The chest plate?" I kept my brow raised. "I mean, its protecting a chance of a shot in the heart" Akari pointed out.

"Good point" I agreed, approaching to see the price of the armor but saw nothing "there's no price for it?" I asked confused "maybe its not for sale yet?" Akari said unsure about it before hearing the owner "oh, it is for sale alright, but I think that its too pricey for you" "how much?" I had a serious tone, seeing the owner rummage through his pockets till he pull out a small book with the pictures of every armor and their prices. Giving him time to look through his book, the three of us waited patiently. "Ah! here it is" he pats the page of the armor before he turns the book around to show me the price. "25 thousand?" I move my eyes to look at the owner, keeping my face facing the book. "HOLY SHIT! That's so pricey!" Akari exclaimed in shock.

I expected it to be around that price since it has beskar, the strongest metal in the galaxy, jar jar's words, not mine. But I wasn't worry to be short on having the amount of bounty to pay him, I've been saving my bounty for years, ever since I started the academy to say the least. My hands goes to my bag and unzips it to get a pouch full of bounty inside "I'll take it" I gently place the pouch in front of the man who gave me a wide eye look, clearly shocked that I had the amount to pay for the expensive armor. "Woah! Where did you- how did you get all that-" Akari was super shocked that she couldn't even finish her sentences "been saving my bounty" I simply answered her.

"Impressive" the owner commented "i'll go get your armor" he thenj noticed the helmet on my other hand "are you going to leave that one?" He asks pointing at the helmet. I nod as I motioned to Akari to place the bag on the table and then I put the helmet on the side of the bag. Feeling gentle pokes on my shoulder, I turn my head to see jar jar "are yousa goen somewhere?" I look away "tatooine" I respond "what?!" Akari whisper shouts, moving to look at me in the eyes "are you crazy?! That's where Jabba lives!" She kept her whisper shout "Not to mention dat dalee are lots of dangerous bounty hunters dat gos dalee to looky for jobs for bounty" jar jar adds.

A small smirk peeled on my face "I can take a little danger once in a while" Not noticing Akari facepalming herself, but I did hear the slap sound. "Why are yousa goen dalee anyway?" The gungan continued with questions as I fixed the strand of the bag that I was holding over my shoulder. "Cause now thanks to you, I know know that the most dangerous bounty hinters go there" I stop for a bit as I see that the owner brought the armor to me, I grabbed it with the helmet and continue "its a posible that the guy in green armor goes there too" I mumbled, ready to start to walk away but the next thing that comes out of jar jar binks says, stops me. "Oh you mean-?" Akari shh's jar jar by putting her hand over his mouth.

I glance over at them as I bit the inside of my lip ad a raised brow, Akari grins innocently but I ignore. Turning around with my bag in hand, I walk out of the building, hearing Akari shouting my name "Kira! Kira wait!"

End of chapter 15

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