Chapter 60- The Trandoshan's return

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The room fell in silence when everyone heard the Trandoshan voice coming from the doorway. It was Boosk's voice. I scoot away from the females to get a better look at Bossk, he looks the same as I remembered him the day he randomly disappeared. He had a ACP repeater gun hanging off his back, with a medium-range blaster on his belt. After a minute of staring at each other, the trandoshan took a deep breath and starts to walk, he passed the girls and stops as his eyes catch something that cause his eyes and mouth to gape. Knowing he was staring at the chained up female on the floor, I decided to intervene the little moment. "Bossk" I called, waking him up from his thoughts. The trandoshan breaks the gaze and turns around, noticing I was standing next to him. Bossk clears his throat while he covers his mouth with his fist. "So you did found her" he begins a conversation, but at the moment I wasn't really feeling like to have a conversation with him or anyone.

"Cut the crap and tell me why set me up with a spy" I said dryly "thought you were..." I stop my words and think, I didn't really considered him a friend or anything apart from the fact that I did trusted him. "Trustworthy" I finish. Bossk inexistent brows frown confused "Boba" he starts. Placing his hand on his chest "I didn't know she was a spy until now" A sudden scoff followed by a disbelieve chuckle escape my lips "you what? Never knew? Yeah sure" I shake my head. The trandoshan exhales deeply "boba, I know you don't trust me but you have to believe me, I never knew she was Aurra's spy, I didn't know they were doing all of this just to get revenge on you" his voice sounds sincere and honest, it was hard for me to actually believe him after this mess. Part of me also knew that Bossk is a Trandoshan of his words which it was a reason I gave him my trust after all those years. I didn't know what to say or do at the moment but just stare at the Trandoshan who only hopes for me to trust him again. My thoughts got cut short at the sound of someone clapping for attention. "Alright, alright. reunions over, lets get back to business, Khali go prepare mi speeder, I need to go meet the guy we are going to hand the girl to"

The twi'lek nods and leaves the room. Aurra turns around at both of us "Bossk, you will be in charge and Boba-" "who said I'm was here for the job? I'm here for what belongs to me" I point at myself with my thumb. My voice still stern. The palliduvan pressed her index against her cheek as she pops her hip out "aww, how cute, y'know boba" she crouch down to my rifle and picks it up "I remember the day we kidnap those soldiers and you were trying to do the same thing you are doing right now and by that I mean, trying to safe them" My knees buckle as I get a flashback from that day. We kidnap those soldiers so that Windu would come for them and I can avenge my father by killing him, but it wasn't really how I planned it would work out. Aurra wanted me to kill those soldiers one by one, I couldn't. "What are you getting at? You don't mean..." Aurra throws me the rifle, I grabbed it mid air as I then spot a menacing expression with a dark smirk on her face "I think its time you find yourself again, you've gone weak and it's all because of her" she points at Kira.

I could hear Kira gasp of fear along with the rattling of the chains that were restraining her from escaping. I fixed my grip on the rifle, feeling Aurra's hands on my shoulder "aim" she orders. I was skeptical of why she wanted me to, but I did. "Finger on the trigger" she gives another order, another order I followed. Her hands then turn me around to face Kira who's now standing, her back was pressed against the wall as she stared at the T visor with her brows frowned puzzled at what Aurra wanted me to do and why was I aiming at her. "Shoot" the last order made my eyes wide in shock. 'Y mouth mouthed the word what, thinking that she heard it but nothing really came out. "What are you waiting for? Shoot her!" Aurra hand pushes me by the shoulder. I could see fear growing on Kira's face as I held the rifle aiming directly at her chest, both of us knowing that with one shot, she could either miraculously survive or die. My arms strive to lower the rifle down and away from her only to be forced up again by Aurra.

"Don't you dare" she growls as she holds my arms straight. "I don't want to do it Aurra!" I exclaim. "Oh shut up and stop being such a softie, where is the bounty hunter who wanted to be like their father, where's the heartless assassin everyone fears huh? Wake up Boba fett! Can't you see she's the reason why you're like this? She's holding you back!" "SHUT UP!" I forced myself to release the rifle, making it fall to the ground once again before I turn, grabbing Aurra by both arms forcing her down to the ground on her stomach with her arms held on her back. She grunts and growls while she shakes her body underneath my grip, trying to release herself from me. "Get off me Boba!" She shouts. I have had it, she's gone too far for my liking. Anger consumed me, felt like I wanted to murder someone right now, how could I? Not in front of Kira, she would fear me more than she probably does. I could move Aurra to another room but if I'm too careless, she could run away and most likely kill Kira or even me.

"Bossk!" I called the Trandoshan who was standing, watching us and not really helping. "Yeah?" He asks. I glance at Kira for a few seconds before I continue "Cover her eyes and ears" I ordered. The Trandoshan looks at Kira then back at me "what are you gonna-" "JUST DO IT!" I yell. Bossk jumps in place. Nodding, he slowly approach the small female and carefully covers her ears tightly while he stood in front of her. "Boba? boba!" Kira's voice full of worry called my name twice but my ears block the sounds of my surroundings. Only feeling the slim palliduvan shaking her body vigorously. My head soon turns and looks down at Aurra as a devilish grin creeps on the corner of my lips "lets have some fun Aurra sing" I spoke menacingly. "What are you-" I cut her off by grabbing her dominant arm and began to twist it the opposite direction. "AGHH! WHAT THE HELL BOBA FETT!" She shouts in pain as I continue to twist her arm. "QUIET! You said I was weak, lets see if that's true"

I place my foot on her back so she doesn't try to stand up as I then pull her arm while it was twisted. "ENOUGH BOBA!" She hits the ground with her free hand as she lets more grunts and groans from the unbearable pain "Let Kira go then!" I exclaim. "No!" She refuse. "Well then" I suddenly push down her arm towards her back, this time hearing her bones crack for the movement. Aurra shouts louder, her nails digging onto the ground. "Let. Kira. Go" I demand. Aurra even though she was in such pain, she chuckles while her eyes are teary but she wasn't crying. "What are you gonna get from this huh? You think Kira will love you after this? You think that this will make you tough like your father?" My brows frown as my no se scrunch up showing my canine teeths my from being aggravated and pissed by these questions that were none of her business but one. She continues to say nonsense while my grip held her arm mid way from being on her back fully dislocated. I checked if Kira wasn't looking and that Boosk was keeping his hands on her ears this whole time. Soon, Aurra triggered something in me with what she says next "YOU'LL NEVER BE LIKE JANGO FETT!"

The room echoed her words around, my ears continuing to hear them as my head repeat them over and over. I sense my eyes twitch from this as my grin turns to a psychotic wide grin. Letting out a maniac laughter, I felt Aurra drop her guard by relaxing her body and arm, that was stupid of her to do, cause I did next, she'll remember it for the rest of her life. "Say bye-bye to your arm Aurra" I cooed, pushing my arms down with hers towards her back, hearing her bones break followed with her pitiful cries at the same time. Her arm is officially dislocated. I release my grip from her arm now resting on her back as I watched Aurra shout, groan and cry all at once. "AURRA!" The voice from the Twi'lek pierce through Aurra's crying. I move away before the twi'lek could push me or something. I kept an eye on aurra as I picked my rifle again, soon taking a small glance at Bossk, noticing he was looking at Aurra with wide eyes then at me in disbelieve. I honestly didn't care what he says, I felt satisfied with what I just did, with this, I just proved Aurra that im still the heartless hunter, no matter if im with kira or not, im still the same.

I was in my thoughts, not noticing the twi'lek shouting towards me before she immediately helps Aurra up and carries her outside the room leaving me, Boosk and Kira alone. I was about to turn around before I felt someone push me from behind "what's the matter with you?! How could you do that to her?!" Bossk exclaims, not realizing that Kira was paying attention "did what? What happened? What did you do Boba?" Bossk and I both turn towards the female standing up. I turn to Bossk and grab him by the neck collar "we'll talk about this later, away from her, got that" I release him with a slight shove as I then make my way towards Kira "she'll know eventually, you know that, right?" He spoke, I ignore him. "Leave us alone Bossk, now" I ordered, my voice still menacing. The trandoshan scoffs as he makes his way out, I decided to follow behind cause once he was out, I close the door behind me and locked it so no one tries to enter.

"B-boba? What are you doing?"

End of chapter 60

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