Chapter 51- No Success

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Its been a couple of hours since we've set course to Kamino in search of Kira, so far there hasn't been any success, no sign of her, no one has seen her, nothing. Jar jar knows that I haven't slept at all last night cause I was pin pointing a map I had in the ship of all different planets. Different planets she could and couldn't have go to or hid. I yawn almost feeling my body relax to much to the point of I was about to fall to the floor and sleep there, good thing jar jar was keeping a good eye on me while I worked. "Why don't yousa sleep for now? Dha skeebeetle(the ship)  is on autopilot and yousa did set it to head straight to kamino" Jar jar spoke. I tapped the map with the marker a few times "its not that Jar jar, its the fact that if we don't find her at Kamino, I should at least have another posible lead on these other planets, so that when I leave Kamino, I know where to go next"

Jar jar curled his lips in a frown as he nods slowly. He didn't care to find Kira at the moment, he only wanted for me was to sleep and take care of myself for once. I appreciate his worries and concerns but I can't just rest now. I yawned again. Or maybe I can for just a few hours. "Know what? Fine, I'll go sleep but just for a few hours okay?" I spoke. My eyes half closed watched as the gungan jumped of the counter with a happy smile "Do not worry about dha skeebeetle, mesa will-" he had a heroic speech going on until I stopped him "you won't push any buttons" Jar jar lowered his index finger and pouts "I won't push any buttons" he grins innocently. I shook my head letting out a small tired chuckle. "Right, I'm headed to bed now, let me know if anything happens okay?" I pressed both my hands together hoping the gungan promises instead of taking things to his own hands.

Jar jar held up his hand over his forehead like a soldier and spoke "roger dat!" Right as I was going to take my leave to head to bed, the radio station made a few static sounds at first before the voice of a adult came through "Akari? Akari are you there?"

"Master Obi-wan?" Jar jar and I said in unison.

The both of us approach the radio station and press on a button to respond "Akari here, what's wrong?" The statics continued "you need to get out of Kamino!" Obi-wan exclaims. "I haven't arrived Kamino yet, why? What's going on?" i asked puzzled. "I'll explain when I reach you, where are you now?" Jar jar and I exchange glance before I look over to the destination tracker and tell him where I currently was. "Good, stay there, we are on our way" "wait! What's going-" the static stops, indicating that Obi-wan turned off the station on his side. I let out an annoyed sigh "he does this every time..." I got up from being hunched and canceled the destination to Kamino so I can wait for Obi-wan. "What do yousa think disa is about?" Jar jar spoke behind me. "I don't know, but whatever reason we have to cancel Kamino and wait for him to get here" I inform.

I turn around and face him "anyway, should give us some time to rest right?" I laugh. Jar jar laughs "Noo, it should give yousa time to take dat rest" he pats my head. "Heh. alright, alright, I'll go. You gonna stay here?" I ask. "Yesa, but mesa promise mesa wont touch anyth" he wave his hands in front of his chest. I squint my eyes before I turn and head to the room.


"You know what hurts me more? That you think that I don't like you anymore, then why do you think I kissed you back at Kamino? How do you explain what happened literally 15minutes ago?!" His voice elevated by the second to the point he was now yelling at me. I was still crouched next to him, ears ringing from his yelling, his eyes still teary were glaring at my soul. I felt my heart sink, it was all my fault, I screwed up. "Boba I'm sorry...I really am sorry, I didn't mean to say that" I sob "please to yelling at me..." boba continued to glare until that glare soften, becoming a disappointed look. He didn't say anything else before he wiped his tears and got up from the bed. I immediately grabbed his wrist stopping him from leaving as my eyes shed tears. The hunters free large hand reached mine ready to pull it away. "Go get your helmet and jetpack...we should be entering Geonosis by now" his tone was low and upset.

He released his wrist from my grasp and walked away out of the room, leaving me in the darkness of the room in my own sorrow. "Boba..." I whispered to myself as I close my eyes letting the tears run down my cheeks and fall onto my lap. I had to accept the fact that right now, he needs time alone until he gets better and he feels ready to talk again. 'I'm sorry, im so sorry' the words replayed at the back of my head. I soon start to feel anger for myself 'its all my fault, my kriffing fault' I felt the urge to let out a scream but I didn't want to bother boba to come check up on me, so I rushed to the bed and grabbed a pillow and scream on the top of my lungs till I began to cry against the pillow.

——-Boba's P.O.V——

After I left the room, I went back to my room to put on the jetpack and kinda waited for her in case she needed help with her own. Noticing that she wasn't coming, I walked back to the other room. At first I didn't hear anything, I start to hear her screaming when I was at the door, watching gripping the pillow as she let all that anger and sorrow out. I felt this urge to run to her and hug her but at the same time, I knew it was better if she takes this time for herself. I decided to leave her alone and check on the ship instead.

'Boba I'm sorry...I really am sorry, I didn't mean to say that' her words replayed in my mind, as well as when I yelled at her. "Dammit" I sighed frustrated.

End of chapter 51

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