Chapter 28- The best Father

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'Wait what?' I stop on my tracks processing the name that just came out of his mouth as troopers stared and some walked passed by us, the bounty hunter noticed that I wasn't following him anymore and turns around "hey, aren't you going to move?" He asked, my body was slightly frozen when I felt a sudden force feeling, the same one I felt when I was fighting the hunter on the ship, I looked at the hunter and spoke "did you say, D-darth vader?" The hunter nods once, he wanted to say something but I completely stopped that from happing as I ran passed him, following the force that can possibly lead me to him.

Boba's P.O.V

I wanted to add something to my answer of her question, but I couldn't since the female ran passed me and away towards a hall. "K.R!" I called but it was useless. I sighed with a small annoyed growl "this girl is so stubborn" I start to walk, then my walk turn to a jog until I was running after her, when a feeling of the ground shaking vigorously making troopers fall on their butts and others grab onto something. I continued to run as I hear the alarm of attack go off 'dank farrik! It better not be those jedis' still running down the hall with this heavy armor and jet pack, already having some sweat droplets form on my forehead and making my curly bangs to get stuck on them.

My breathing was becoming heavy by the second, but I wasn't planning on stopping till I find that girl.

End of Boba's P.O.V

"I almost had them but the bounty hunter jumped on hyper space" "remember Akari, that bounty hunter is not alone, he has Kira with him" the sound of Luke's voice spoke "are they...teamed up?" Worry showed on my voice, I didn't want to think that the only person I cared about and found true friendship with, was willing to team up with a murderer, even tho that murderer is Kira's childhood best friend, the one we've all been keeping her away from and so that she doesn't remember him or her father. Luke sighed "I don't know, but what ever happens, we need to bring Kira back, remember the plan?" He asks "yes sir" I confirm "good, we can't screw this up, so remember to wait for your signal" he informs and ordered "yes master Luke"


The rebels arrived at The death star waiting for Luke's signal to follow the plan and attack, once luke managed to successfully get inside the base, he signaled the rebels to attack, to his surprise, the rebels were already attacking the TIE fighters that were coming out of the base. He continued to stealthily make his way to find the one called Darth Vader, the one that yoda himself told Luke that he was his father, but Luke wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, so him coming with Lei and lando calrissian and Han on the Millennium falcon, gave him the chance to go inside and find out for himself, not knowing that his little sister Kira was also looking for Vader for answers.

Luke finally arrived where there was a huge glass with a throne up some stair case, but no sign of vader, until "look who has finally showed up" the deep robotic man's voice spoke behind Luke, making him activate his saber and attack.


"Geez! Why are there so many halls?! It's like a freaking maze in here-" I stopped by a door that was opened, revealing a small room, a child's room. "This room..." I look side to side for any sign of anyone watching, but the coast was clear so I entered the room quickly, but forgot to close the door as the first thing that was in front of my eyes was a picture of a little girl training with vader. 'That's me...' My brows frown as I walked closer to the small picture, soon grabbing it gently to bring it closer to me. I examined the picture carefully, but it really didn't give me the answer I was looking for, that's when I noticed something written behind the picture, the language was a sith language that read

"you're the best father I could ever have, I love you dad!"

-Kira S.

That moment when I read daughter and then seeing my name written below, my breathing hitched, I was chocking for air and the helmet was no help, so I took off my helmet and set it aside as I continued to choke for oxygen. My view was become blurry, I could almost feel like I was about to fait when a unknown man's voice shout "hey! You can't be he-Kira?!" He ran towards me, sliding on his knees and immediately placed his hand on my back and began to pat me gently on my back trying to get rid of the coughing. I got a small glimpse of who was trying to help, It was one of the troopers, I didn't understood why was he trying to help and not shoot me, but then I look at the picture in my hand again and realized something. 'They must know or recognized who I really am'

The trooper continues to pat my back and sometimes rub, seeing that it wasn't really doing anything and decided to call for help, he pressed a button on his helmet to contact the other troopers "TK-4775! I need an oxygen tank right now!" He shouted in a panicking way. I couldn't really hear what the response was, all I could hear was the trooper next to me say a thank you, so I guess that the trooper he communicated with was already on his way. "Hang on Kira, help is on its way" his voice sounded shaky, almost as if he seen a ghost, but if he did knew me before and me showing up suddenly after the only thing I remembered was the accident I had, then I don't blame the guy.

End of chapter 28

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