Chapter 65- Then Go!

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Today, the day we escaped Aurra's little hidding place, well more like her house. But after Boba could even start the ship, Bossk called him from outside, Having a little chat before Boba held out his fist for Bossk to bump sealing their deals and friendship until next time. I asked Bossk if he wanted to come with us and leave Aurra, he kindly rejected the offer saying he had some things he had to do in order to do that and with that, we said our goodbyes and we left Geonosis to who knows where now. I did have somethings in mind before Boba can head to a planet thats far from where I wanted to go first, so in advance, I told him to head to the jedi's base. Boba jumped surprised in his seat "What? Are you crazy?! They'll take you to prison if you go back" he asks while stirring the ship. I stared aimlessly at the stars as I lean back on my seat "I need to talk to someone" I respond, not giving him information of who I want to talk to or what I wanted to talk to them, causing the hunter to use his legs, turning halfway in his seat as he stared at me by the corner of his eyes with a brow lifted.

I din't look back at him but I knew he was staring at me right now "relax Boba, its just Akari who I'm going to talk to" I rolled my eye playfully. "You mean that girl who didn't want you to leave with me when we were kids?" He asks, turning back to the front. I nod even thought he was focused on guiding the ship  through the galaxy, being careful not to hit or crash against a meteor "yeah, but it'll be quick I promise" I smiled as I held my pinkie towards him, Boba turns his head and noticed my pinkie inches again from him and chuckles. He extend his hand and grabbed my pinkie putting it down. "There's no need for that sweetheart, I trust you already, always did" he gave me a gentle smile as he kissed the back of my hand and released. The hunter then sets course to the jedi's base and hit the hyperdrive.

It was getting late her at the base, everyone has already gone to sleep while Leia, luke and Obi-wan were discussing some matters and issues they had, setting peace between them. Me on the other hand, I went to my room ready to jump onto my bed and sleep as well. I layed facing the ceiling with my hands on my sides as I begin to think 'if those clones really look does Kira know who Boba is? I mean sure, he has green armor but, what if they change clone and make people think that's him when in reality it just a different clone' "or do they clone boba fett as well? Just like how they do it with the troopers?" Knowing it was kinda crazy it could also be a possibility, but it wasn't. I turned my lamp off and shift to the side facing the door, pulling on my blanket ready to close my eyes when the sound of a branch being snapped made my body jump on the bed facing the window.

"Who's there?" I said quickly as I turned on my lamp again and grabbed my blaster to defend myself. Soon, I began to see a dark shadow in front of my window. I aimed towards the figure "I said who's there? I have a blaster and im not-" "afraid to use it" wait...that voice "Kira?!" I dropped the blaster and sprint towards the window to see Kira with a black hoodie on blending in the darkness. "What are doing here?" I helped her walk through the window. Kira didn't seemed interested in walking around my room ,so instead, she sat down on the edge of the window. "I came here to talk to you about something"

Kira's P.O.V—-

"S-sure! What it is?" Akari walked closer to the window where I sat down staring at the outside. I let out a deep breath before I could respond "imma go directly to the point and I want you to tell the truth, go it?" My voice was serious. Akari seemed to think about it for a few seconds before she nods quickly, with that, I went ahead and spoke "why did everyone lied to me? Why did everyone kept secrets from me? Why did you? I thought we were friends Akari" she exhaled truth the nostrils as she looks away and stared to the outside thinking for the right words to begin with. "Kira, we are friends, its just that-" she cuts herself up. Her hand pats the cold frame of the window. "When the medic that attended you confirmed that you lost all your memories...Leia, Luke, Han, Obi-wan, Yoda and Mace, were talking about how we should never talk or mention anything related to your father, Darth Vader or Boba fett"

"Why? Why didn't they wanted me to know about him so badly? And what about Boba?" I asked keeping my composure and not get angry. "Because we all knew that Vader was a strong and powerful sith lord, if we would've told you about him, you would discover that you have the same amount of power like him and probably would've escaped or told Vader where we were bringing caos to the base" she stops for a second to take deep breaths. I scoffed "so that's why you people didn't wanna tell me? Because you cared about the base? And what about me? What about how I felt thinking that I didn't have a father when the truth was that you all kept me away from him!" I raised my tone making Akari flinch "and so what about my powers being the same? Hello? He's my father and I would've discovered them on my own" I poked my head motioning to her like its so obvios.

The female stared at me for a bit before lowering her gaze again. "All I can say is...we're sorry to make you suffer so much Kira, we really are and we wish for you to come back to us" Akari's hand was randomly place on mine making me back my hand up and glare at her "for what? To keep me prisoner again? No thank you, I already found my freedom and you aren't going to take me away from it" I looked at the outside with my arms now crossed. What Akari says next catches me completely off guard "is it with that Boba fett guy? What's so special about him anyway?" I turn my head slowly to her "wha's so special about him?" I then turn my body facing the inside of her room and place my index on my chin pretending to think when I already knew what to say "he never lies to me, maybe a few things but he made up for them. he's sweet, kind and the only person who took me to see my father on his last moments, he kept me safe, he never in prisoned me like you all did and lastly he is my childhood best friend who I"

I rub my arm as I small warm smile creeps on my lips before I glanced at the female who had her eyes wide open and teary. "What?" I frown my brows by her sudden change of expression. "Y-you...w-what?" She stutters. Her voice was shaky and it sounded like it was breaking. "I said I love him Akari, what's the big deal now?" I rolled my eyes. "Big deal? You want to know what the big deal is?! Fine! I- well, we searched for you around the galaxy, different planets to convince you to come back to us...all for what? Nothing!" She yells. At this point I had it with her even though I yet didn't understand why she's even yelling at me in the first place "I never asked you to find me Akari and what's with the yelling? Can't I love someone now?" I raised my tone again but I wasn't yelling. "I know you didn't, but I still chose to! And yes you can, but the thing is that I..." she suddenly stops and looks away. I lift my brow tilting my head slightly at her "you what? Spit it out" Akari bit her top and lower lip trying not to say what she wants to say but fails "I liked you!"

My eyes wide not believing what I just heard from her, I did't feel anything but feel strange about it. "Um, what?" It was all I could say. "I said I liked you Kira...but now that you love someone else then...fine..." She said in a sad tone. I honestly felt bad for her now that she suddenly confessed to me what she feels or felt about me, that also explains why she was kinda clingy and always wanting to be on my side whenever I wanted to go on missions. "Akari...I respect you telling me how you feel know im- im not that kind of person...we can still be friend-" "then go" Akari cuts me off. "What?" I ask. "Then go! Leave! Leave with Boba fett and leave me alone!" She points at the outside. I sighed sharply as I shake my head and exit the room though the window, before I could leave, I turned around and spoke "i'm sorry Akari, really. But im not the one for you, I already found someone and I hope that someday you do too" I gave her a small smile, not trying to pay attention to her hurt expression on her face cause I knew it'll hurt me and left the base.

End of chapter 65

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