Childhood memories part 3- The Chase

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I made my way to a seat on the left side of Jango as boba was sitting on the right side, I buckled the seat belt for safety and then looked out the window, looking away from the bounty hunter who was working on making the ship hover and then slowly upright. I was still angry at myself and obviously sad but I didn't want boba to see me like that, so I stared out looking at the stars as we left Kamino.

——-Boba's P.O.V——

I was looking down at a mandalorian symbol I made out of a rare purple crystal I found while traveling with dad to different planets, and turned it to a necklace, I was planning to give it to Kira when she comes to where we were but as soon as I lift my head towards the sound of her footsteps, I felt like something was wrong, she looked sad and angry. I frow my brows wondering what had happened earlier, I wanted to maybe ask her but as soon as she buckled her seat belt, she looked away out the window.

'What happened?' I was completely confused as I layed back on my seat and stared down at the necklace before I slowly put it away in my front pocket and then look back in front of me. Soon the sound of the ships tracking device started beeping, indicating that someone or something was following us. "Dad, I think we are being tracked" I said, still looking at the device on the control panel. Jango notices it "he must've put a homing device on our hull" he pressed some buttons before adding "hang on you two we are heading towards the asteroid field" I had a serious look on my face before hearing my father "and we'll leave him a few surprises"

I laughed a bit before looking over at Kira who she was holding her saber with now an anger look. 'Kira, what happened? Why suddenly have that angry look on your face?" I was beginning to get more worried about her 'maybe I'll ask her later when we land...maybe she'll be better by then' I thought to myself.

——-End of Boba's P.O.V——

I was holding my saber unaware of Boba looking at me, I was angry when Boba mentioned we were being tracked and I knew perfectly it was that jedi, the jedi who hurt my father. I wanted to have revenge but now having the thought of Jango being mad, I just couldn't risk it getting him more mad. So I just held my saber tight before hearing a loud bang behind us "huh?" I looked to my side and saw like a blue wave, guessing Jango threw that and then there was another loud bang. "He doesn't seem to take a hint, this guy" Jango sounded rather annoyed as he would fly us inside an asteroid to maybe loose him or he maybe had a plan.

As we waited a bit we saw Obi-wan's ship now in front of us. "Get him dad get him! Fire!" Boba said as the bounty hunter pressed a button and the ship started shooting at the jedi's ship but he wasn't taking any hits which was making me feel a bit nervous about it. That's when I hear the blaster going of again, shooting at the jedi's ship soon and finally landing a hit "we got him" Boba smiled a bit. "We just got to finish him" Jango shot him a missile, A semi dark smirk appeared on the corner of my lips as we soon saw an explosion in front of us 'YES!' I thought a victory.

—-Obi-wan's P.O.V——

Right after the explosion, I hid my ship on a asteroid, pretending to me gone of the bounty hunters sight. I waited a few minutes for me to start moving "R4, I think we waited long enough" I told the droid as we start to fly away from the asteroid and into the red planet.

—-End of Obi-wan's P.O.V—-

As we entered the planet, Still holding the smirk feeling happy that the jedi is no longer here anymore, I heard Jango calling me, making me snap out of my thoughts and listen "Kira" "y-yes?" I stutter a bit not knowing what he was about to say.
"Sorry I got mad earlier, I was just worried that you might've gotten hurt or worse" I sighed a bit and respond "I'm sorry I disobeyed, I just wanted to help since Boba was also helping" I explained as the Bounty hunter completely understood "and I thank both of you for helping" he looked at both boba and I with a smile.

"Can I ask something?" Boba looked at me as his father would stand up and walk towards the crates. "Sure" I said "what is it son?" Jango asked. Boba unbuckled himself from the seat since we already landed and spoke "why did you look so angry right when dad said the jedi's name?" His tone showed curiosity, I looked down at my hand holding the saber before giving boba a response "cause, he's the reason my father has a robotic had and legs, he's the reason why my father has to use and oxygen mask" I couldn't see boba's expressions since I was still looking down at my hand and saber, thats when boba placed a hand on my shoulder "well, now there's no need to be like that, he's gone now thanks to dad" I look up at him and smile with a nod.

"We still have to be careful" Jango suddenly spoke from across the ship, putting his helmet on. Boba slowly removes his hand from my shoulder, giving full attention to his father. "Why do you say that dad?" Jango sighed a bit under the helmet before giving his son a response "the jedi was not only chasing us for me, but was also chasing us for Kira" he looks towards me, his tone sounding serious. Confused, I stood up next to boba "why? Did I do something wrong?" My voice show worry making the bounty hunter walk towards us and crouch a bit "no" he simply said "they want to take you away because of your father, they think is best if you go with the rebellion instead of walking down the path your father did, becoming a sith" he explained.

My expressions that once was a rather happy one were gone and became a sad one about this news. I didn't know what to say other than to look away, but then boba decided to speak "you are not taking her nor let them take her, right dad?" Boba's voice was a worry one, he didn't want to loose his best and only friend to the rebellion. Jango saw his son and shook his head to a no before standing up "I won't, Darth Vader told me to protect Kira as if she was my own daughter and that is exactly what im going to do, Vader a friend im not letting down" Coming to think that he promised my dad to protect me while he was busy building a project he had, really helped me calm my nerves a bit down "Thanks Mr. Fett" I grinned at the mandalorian as he would give me a nod as your welcome.

"Now c'mon you two, we have to go rest so that we meet up with Dooku in the arena tomorrow" Jango turns around and pushed a button to open the ships hatch and in a second starts to walk down, I was about to follow behind but my name was being called from behind "Kira, wait"

End of chapter 3

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