Chapter 42- Call it a Warning

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"Same as always...clone" I shoot a glare at the clone that decided to enter at the wrong time and on top of that, its the clone that I hate most. "Aww c'mon boba, aren't you happy to see me?" He takes a step forward. I noticed his actions which made me put my arm in front of Kira and pull her behind me. The clone had a almost perv smirk when he saw me hide Kira behind me. "May I have a word with you Boba? Alone?" He asks. The way he was staring at her made me feel...jealous, so I thought it was a good idea to tell her to wait for me back at the little house. Once se stepped out of the training room I growled loudly as I death glared the clone for eyeing her as she exited. The clone's smirk as he turns to look at me "so, how many does that make them huh?" He chuckles. I lift a brow crossing my arms "the kriff are you talking about? My voice stern and menacing, it wasn't enough for this guy to stop bothering me.

"C'mon, don't you remember that beauty of a Twi'lek you brought-" "I NEVER BROUGHT HER HERE! SHE SNUCK ON MY SHIP!" I spat. The clone laughed not even scared or bothered by my attitude, as he starts to approach me until he was face to face with me. At this time my hands were clenched to a tight fist, if I loose my patience, this guys face won't be pretty later. "That Twi'lek loooves you and you reject her like that?" He mocks. "i never love that obsessed weirdo, I was set up by Bossk" I grind my teeths against each other. "Sure boba, oh, those the pretty new girl know about that?" He points to the direction Kira exited. "She doesn't..." I was now furious by this...son of a bantha! I felt a pat on my shoulder "i'll make sure to tell her" he chuckles before he turn on his heels and start to walk away. 'That's it, HE'S DEAD!' My hand reaches down on to the side to my belt were there's a saber hanging off it underneath my shirt and pull it out.

The saber didn't belong to me, it belongs to Kira's father, Darth vader. I was meaning to give it to Kira to surprise her by giving her something from her father, so that she could have something from him, but I guess that'll have to wait. I rush to the door and close it so that the clone doesn't try to run away. "Scared I might tell her?" He laughs. His stupid laugh cuts short once I get behind him, wrap my arm around his neck and with the other one activate the red saber near his neck which caused him to jump back and make my loose a bit of balance, but I manage to fix myself. "Hold on! W-what are you doing? You're not going to kill me...r-right?" He stutters fearing the saber. "You have 10 seconds to promise that you won't tell Kira that kriffing lie!! Because that's what it is a...LIE!" I move the saber closer to his neck.

"Hey hey hey! Wait yes! I-I promise!!" His tone elevates. He use his hands to push mine away, I was stronger than him. "You promise what?" I move the saber closer, it was now inches away from his neck. The clone grunts under my strength trying to get the saber away from him and spoke "I promise I wont tell her that lie!" Once my ears hear what they wanted to hear, I release my arm from his neck and push him hard enough to make him loose balance and fall to the ground. The clone held his neck as he coughs looking for oxygen. I didn't care or bother to help him at all since what I wanted I achieved it. My thumb flicks the switch of the saber off then look down at the clone on the ground coughing. "Make this be a warning you kriffing clone, next time I won't show mercy" I scam my hand to open the door and stop on my tracks.

"I may be out of the armor" I turn my head back to look at the clone who was staring right back at me "but I'm the same assassin people fear, the one who don't usually show mercy for people like you" I finish and left the room, leaving the door open. I put the saber away as I walk pass a group of marching clones followed by Kaminoans. I got to the small house and open the door to see if kira was still awake cause I needed to talk to her about something but she was nowhere to be seen, thats when it hit me 'shit! The kiss! Is she mad about the kiss?' I move my bangs to the top of my head only for them to bounce back to my forehead 'she can't be I mean, she didn't pull back or tried to stop me, but what if she got scared?' "Oh god dammit!" I whined as I make my way out of the house to find her.

"Kira?" I called her name as I looked around and everywhere, even saw through the window to see if she was maybe down where the clones are trained, nothing. "Kira? Where are you?" I probably seemed to be going crazy for some clones and that's because some of them don't know who Kira is, they never met her. "Kira Skywalker as in" "Vader's Daughter?" 'Hold on' I look forward to see a group of four teen clones and a female 'what the heck is going on?' As I approach the group, I recognized the clones that were surrounding Kira 'Cole, Kye, Max and Jack' Jack sometimes annoys me specially when his hair is the same length and style as mine. I tend to annoy him back by giving him weird dumb nicknames instead of his name "hey shorty, leave her alone"

"Well, well, if it isn't boba fett" he grins.

End of chapter 42

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