Chapter 79- The Intruder

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Boots stood beside my head as a teenage boy stared down looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Wow Cole, I thought you said you weren't gonna go easy on me" Jack offered his hand to Me. I accepts his help and gets up, he then placed a hand at the back of his neck "I guess I need a lot of training than I thought..." he place the weapon he chose to train back in its place.

Zak: You may need a lot of training Cole, but you need to admit that you've improved your skills in defense.

I  turn to look at zak "improved in defense? Did you see who took who down just now?"

Zak: Jack may have taken you down, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't learn, observe your opponents moves so that in the next battle you have, you'll know when to strike or when to defend yourself.

I  stare at Zak a bit confused "uhh" The adult chuckles as he placed a hand at my shoulder.

Zak: soon you'll see what I mean

"Just be patient" zak and I said at the same time. "I know I know" zak nods "good, now why don't the both of you go and-" Zak gets cut off by the sound of men and teens even children screaming and shouting. I look at Zak with my eyes wide "What's going on?!" At that moment, one of the clones rushed in the room we were in and shouted "there's an intruder with a red saber demanding for clones!"

Zak: who could be demanding for clones?

Intruder with a red saber? The only one who carried a saber in the last few days was boba, but the saber didn't belong to him since he doesn't use one' I was deep in my thoughts not even realizing that Jack was trying to snap him out of it "Cole! Wake up! We need to move and help the younger clones now!" I nod in agreement "right behind you" We both grab a blaster for defense and exit the training room over to the hall where we saw the older clones in their white armor blasting a dark cloaked figure using its lightsaber to deflect the blasts. I was amazed "Whoever that is, they are very skilled"

"No time to stop and watch the fight, we a mission to complete, come on!" Jack ran the opposite direction but instead of follow behind him, I stayed watching the fight, seeing as how the older trooper didn't stand a chance against the red saber holder. I knew I should be calling for back up or even defending the fallen troopers I look up at the dark figure, I could feel a dark and powerful force calling me to them, that's when I noticed the cloaked figured was standing right in front of me offering their hand, they then spoke in a distorted voice "Join the dark side, help me create an army of troopers for the new Empire"

'A-a new Empire?!' Part of me wanted to join but the other half wanted me to refuse and stay with the troopers "what's in it for me?" The dark figure stared down at me with those yellow eyes piercing in anger right at mine"what would you want?" The figure asked "I-I um" I gulped nervously at the question not really knowing what I would want in return if I ever helped them create an army of troopers. I took my time and that's when it hit me "I want to be trained...not like how these clones were trining me, I want to be strong, skilled and powerful" the figure lifts their view a bit as I continued "I want to be respected, taken serious!"

I didn't realize my anger was kicking in until the figure chuckles and respond "I can train you better than how these pathetic troopers were training you, I can show you true power and only then you'll receive respect from everyone" I smiled excitedly "but if you ever betray me" the figure moved the saber up to my neck "You'll die like how these men did" I was shaking scared thinking if they were actually going to slice my neck open or not. I shake my head to a no while lifting my palm up "I promise I won't betray you sir" that's when he moved the saber away, another chuckle came through "that's ma'am to you" the figure starts to walk away. 'Ma'am? That was a woman?!' I look towards the figure and ran behind her to catch up.

"So'am, how to we make the clones to join our side?" She looked at me "we? Oh no no, you are going to make them" I lift a brow while placing a hand over my chest "me? B-but-"

"You said you wanted respect, didn't you? Then make them respect you and while you're at it, set them a trap" I think for a few minutes, taking my time to analyze and process every time before I begin to plan something in my head "got it, i'll meet you back in here" I ran towards were the clones were hoping that my plan won't fail.


I watched as cole ran to where he thinks the clones were "you think we can trust him?"

"Don't worry, we can still get rid of him if he ever becomes sneaky and try to ruin our plans" vader chuckles proudly "Really good"

I smiled darkly "now once we have our army of clones, we can then start to build our new empire so we can finally destroy those stupid jedis"

End of chapter 79

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