Chapter 48- The Problem

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The bounty hunters room was left quiet for a few seconds when Boba chose to stop counting his bounty and setting the case hidden away in case someone gets in his ship. "So, you won't hurt my feelings huh?" He sat back in his bed with ought taking his shoes off, well, its his bed so I guess I can't complain with that. I played with a random strand of my hair, feeling a strong gaze coming from the hunter next to me. "Well, yeah, why would I hurt your feelings?" 'Maybe its because he thinks that since I'm daughter of the fallen sith, he thinks that I'm a bad person hiding in a sweet calm person' I shift on the bed till I was facing him and looked at him with a serious gaze "is it because im a sith right?" I sigh and look away "you think that just because im a sith, I will hurt you in general-"

"What? Nonono! Its not that all! Its just- agh!" He lets out a frustrated grunt, holding his head with both hands. I stayed quiet as he takes a deep breath, held it in before releasing trying to calm himself down. "Yes I'm jealous, but that's not another problem I've been having recently..." he spoke. "Huh? What kind of problem? You can tell me" I place a hand on his armored forearm, feeling him about to move away, but he stayed.

——Boba's P.O.V—-

Back flash to Kamino

My room was quiet a half dark, the only source of light was a small lamp next to the bed that sometimes flickered as it was old and needed to change the bulb. I was sitting on the bed hugging my legs and my chin resting on my knees as my mind wonders with tons of thoughts that I've been having ever since I found...her. 'I've beed acting so soft and kind recently and it was all because of Kira, not that there's a problem with that but what if I change completely and stop being recognized as the feared hunter to a soft hunter?' "I can't let people think that underneath a tough looking hunter there's a soft hearted hunter who changed and for a girl"

I buried my face on my knees "but she's my friend, the only person who understands me, the only one who's been always there for me, its not like I'm going to get rid of her because of that, I mean, I wanted to find her for a reason, but what reason IS THAT?!" I shout to myself before covering my mouth quickly as soon as I remembered about Kira sleeping on the room in front of mine. I glance to the door for a bit 'till I got back to my thoughts. "I know I like her and have a crush on her, I know that, yet I feel like there's another reason to it, but what?" I stared at nothing in my room, when I snap out from my thoughts by the sound of an alarm. It was the clock reading 12:00pm. I let out a sharp exhale as I ran my fingers through my hair "I gotta go to bed"

'Hopefully, i'll soon know that reason'

End of flashback

I zoned out thinking about that moment in Kamino. I wasn't even paying attention to Kira calling me multiple times, when I did, Kira was close to my face with her hand cupping my left cheek while the other gently slaps my right cheek. I grab her hand that was still slapping my cheek and stare at her, soon curling the corner of my lip into a small unsure smile. "What?" I ask as if nothing happened. "What? What dod you mean what? You were telling me something and then you suddenly zoned out, staring at nothing like a complete dork!" She swings her hands around as she explained the situation. I scoff a small laugh as I soon looked down at my hand still holding her small gloved hand and smiled a little more. I didn't want to worry her, so I decided to drop it "its nothing, don't worry about it" My voice was as calm and reassuring as it could possibly to avoid any further questioning. Didn't work.

"What do you mean? Boba I'm worried about you, sure you tend to be quiet and serious but now your acting like this? Tell me what's wrong, what the other problem?" She insists, her voice filled with concern. I really didn't want to tell her this, she might take it the wrong way and get mad, and possibly leave...forever. I close my eyes scared that that might happen 'I don't want to loose her, not again, not ever' my breathing hitched catching her attention, Sensing that she'll ask something, I grab her by her arms and pulled her to me. She's now laying on my armored chest as her head was under my chin. My hands let go of her arms, finding another area to rest. My left hand rests on her back and my right on the back of her head.

"Is it okay if you stay like this...with...with me?" I mumbled out nervously. Took a few seconds till I felt her head moving up and down, nodding a yes under my chin. "Boba-" I knew what she was going to say, another question. "Don't worry about it, seriously, its something I have to figure out...on my own, alright?" I kept my low calm tone. "Okay" she responds. I place a kiss on her head and smile to myself for that before I noticed her lifting her head facing me, her eyes locked on mine. I felt like I did something wrong for her to be looking at me like that "W-what?" Or maybe I was over thinking it when she got closer to my face, my eyes wide shocked at the feeling of our lips hovering each other, my heart race bit the second. "K-kira?" I stutter. A smile appears on her face and in a blink of my eyes, her lips were on mine.

End of chapter 48

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