Chapter 27- The red saber

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After what happened with the bounty hunter, once he let go of my arms, I took that chance and ran away from him, leaving the paralyzed bounty hunter at the deck. I ran through the hall til I stopped on a door, feeling something strong behind it, its like as if was calling me. 'What could be behind this door that's calling for me?' Curiosity got over me, placing my hand against the door, I look to the hall where I came from, checking to see if the bounty hunter was there, there was no sign of him. My index and middle finger pressed the button to open the door and quickly got inside the room, the door closed behind me.

I was left in a dark space so I tried to look for a button to turn the lights on, there was nothing 'how does this guy see in this room?' Letting out an annoyed sigh I tried to make my way, feeling the strong energy with ought bumping into any crates or whatever this guy keeps in here. Soon as I made my way closer, the energy became stronger and stronger, I could of swear voices just started to speak to me, telling me to come closer. There were many other voices, adult voices, kids voices, screaming, laughing, crying, everything was heard. I stop facing a small crate on top of some bigger crates like a stand, my breathing intensifies as my hands slowly and shakily make their way to the crate 'what could be inside that's calling me? What and to whom this voices belong to?'

"Daddy!" A little girls voice shouted cheerfully, catching me off guard 'that's...' before I could finish the sentence in my head, my hand flipped opened the crate, revealing a light saber. The strong feeling like a force and the voices got louder, eager to know what was all of this, I picked the saber out of the crate, immediately taking me to what they look like, flash backs of the past, my past. 'Woah!-'

Flash back

"You must remember to study your enemy first, then you can attack" A man's deep voice came through robotic, followed by his deep breathing.

"Oh, haha! Right, sorry dad!" A young girl scratched the back of her neck with a wide grin as she was holding the red saber.

'Red and black hair, brown eyes...hold on- that's-that's me!' I exclaimed in my mind, watching how the flash backs changed randomly right in front of my eyes.

"Don't worry Lord vader, your daughter will be safe with me, she can maybe become friend with my son" Another man's voice spoke, I couldn't tell who it was because of the blue and silver armor he was wearing at the time. 'Wait did he just say that Vader is my father?! So...that dream vision I had...that was true?'

'who's?...' my brows frown as my eyes examined the bounty hunter holding my hand like a father holding their kid.

"I owe you one, Jango" The dark figure called Vader spoke. "Jango" I repeated in a whisper. Watching as how the hunter took me to his home in a rainy planet, I kind of started to feel like I've seen that place before.

"Son, we have a guest staying here, come on out and introduce yourself" the hunter had a happy/normal tone to him, he released my hand so I could walk and explore the house, younger me got distracted looking around not noticing a boy standing inches away from her, when she did, she crashed onto him, falling on to the floor.

"Hey, you okay?" The young boy offered his hand, he was so well mannered, like his father. I nod and accepted his hand and stood up "sorry about that" My young self apologized to the boy.

The flash back skipped some parts until it showed the bounty hunter again talking to his son. "Introduced yourself to her?" The man asked. "Ah! Yeah. Sorry I forgot, the name's-"


The flash back disappeared as my hunter name got called from a male's voice behind me. I turned quickly to see the green armored bounty hunter with arms crossed, looking directly at me still holding the saber. "What are you doing here?" He asked in his calm but still rough tone "you're not supposed to be here" he added. I've been wanting to find answers for so long and now that I've found something that might belong to me in the hands of this hunter, I knew that this guy must know something that I still yet haven't found out. "Where did you get this?" I referred to the saber. The hinter head moved down to see the saber on my hand and uncrossed his arms in a surprised way.

"What the kriff are you doing with that saber?" He took a step forward, I held the saber back and took a step back from him. "Answer my question, bounty hunter" I demand, seeing as how the hunter slowly look up at me, I could tell he had a brow raised at my tone. "Look, I don't have time for this, we just landed inside the death star because I need to do something here, so put that saber where you found it and come with me" he's tone changed to a bitter one. Wanting to say something, he left the room and possibly the ship, I look down at the saber and instead of putting it back inside the small crate, I slip it on my belt and exited the ship.

If I wanted my questions answered by that bounty hunter, then I need a plan to make him start talking, force him to talk. I met up with the hunter down the hatch of his ship were he closed the hatch and looked at me "right, I need you to follow my lead, don't talk, don't do anything stupid until we get to the deck of the death star, got it?" He gave rules, I rolled my eyes under my helmet and nod, he turns with his rifle in hand and start walking, I followed behind him. "Why are we here anyway? Who are we meeting?" I looked around, seeing troopers staring at us "Darth Vader" I stop in my tracks at his answer and spoke "wait what?"

End of chapter 27

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