Chapter 71- The Nightmare

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Upon arriving Mandalore the bounty hunter wanted to land the ship a few feets away from the town like he always does whenever he goes to a planet where he thinks its best to be on guard cause there can be unreliable people. While he was on it, I took the time to prepare my blaster and his rifle so that the moment he opens the hatch, we won't be searching like crazy for our stuff. My hand searched around, patting on my pouches to see if I had everything when I then felt something on one of them. I open the pouch up and took out the necklace, I almost forgot about it, it was still broken on the same area which I believe that the broken horn was still inside the pouch. I could feel sudden happiness the more I stared at the had crafted piece in my possession. It was made with a lot of effort which I always kept in mind but it also breaks my heart that it broke when Boba and I first encountered.

Although that happened, I'm really happy that we encountered again, I can feel like im on the right path again but there was also something holding me back from continuing that path and that was my fathers voice, I need to know why his voice is now popping inside my head at random times and what did that dream meant- "oh shot! I forgot to talk about that with Boba!" I closed my hand holding the necklace into a fist as the other one held Boba's rifle. Soon as I turned, Boba was there, standing staring at me as he holds his helmet. He lifts a brow keeping eye contact "tell me what sweetheart?" He softly asks. He broke eye contact for a brief moment when he gently grabbed his rifle from m and then looks back at me. I gulp nervously at the fact that I didn't know what or how he'll react when I tell him about the dream, and just thinking about the dream just made me a little dizzy.

He takes a noticed that something's off about me and takes a step forward, placing his index under my chin, lifting my head a little more. "Hey, you look pale, do you want to sit down?" His voice sounded concerned. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and shake my head to a no "n-no, im fine" I stammered. The hunter obviously didn't buy the "im fine" bit since he knows me too well to fall for that again "you're not fine, tell me, what's the matter?" He kept his soft tone but his eyes and expression showed worry. I never liked when he gets worried specially for small things like that dream, im sure it doesn't really have a meaning but it still scared me. "Um, its nothing that important but I still wanted to tell you cause it...scared me and I wanted to see what you think about it"

Boba nods once, with that he lets go of my chin and suddenly sits down on the floor, setting his helmet next to him. I look down at him confused as to why he sat on the floor, when I saw him looking up at me as he pats his lap, indicating me to sit on his lap. I slowly crouch down to his level and sat on his lap. He then use both of his hand sto bring me closer to his chest while he leans his back against the wall. "Tell me" he said while he gently begins to stroke my hair for comfort. Taking a some deeb breaths, I finally spoke "I had a nightmare" I begin. "Go on" he continued to stroke my hair. My expression changes to a scared and sad one as my mind recollects the events of that nightmare but it is best to let it out than to keep it inside you and destroy you. So I take another breath and began to explain everything from the beginning to the end.

The hunter nod every once in a while understanding the situation and asking some questions at times cause he wanted to make sure on a few things before I finish and he start to speak. "All I can say is that you don't have to worry about Palpatine, why? Cause he's dead, he's never going to hurt you nor kill you" he states "and as for your father, if he were here-if he was still alive, I know for a fact that he won't ever let that happen to you because you're his daughter and he loves you sweetheart, he still does no matter what and im also sure that he's proud of you, you're strong just like he always wanted you to be" a smile pushed my scared/sad emotions away but not for long "im not so sure about that" I carefully pushed myself away from his chest looking away from him. He tilts his head while his hand falls to the side "Why? What makes you say that?"

"Because...the saber" I spoke lowly. "What about the saber?" He asks calmly. "I don't know what's it doing to me, but when I left the jedi base, on my way back to the ship I heard a voice, I looked around but there was no one there" I lower my head, staring at my own hands before I continue "I continued to make my way to the ship when I heard the voice again, this time it was clearer, making it easier to determine who the voice belonged to, when I did, I noticed that moment that I had my father's saber in my hand by accident, that's why you saw me run back to the ship panicking" I glanced at Boba who was staring back at me with his brows frowned while his eyes showed that he was a little creeped out by everything that I was saying and who could blame him, I was ten times creeped out by all of this.

"Hold on, so you're saying you heard a voice? Who was it?" Boba suddenly ask. "It was..." I look back down at my hands and start fidgeting with my fingers. "M-my father's..."


End of chapter 71

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