Chapter 18- Found you

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I steadily land the ship near the palace, where I usually land it so that it'd be easier for me to unload crates, captive people, or just about anything to the palace with ought having to walk that long in this intense heat. Once I turned off the engine of the ship, I went to pick up my EE-3 rifle and walked over to the cargo hold and check on Han's carbon freezed body before I could go ahead and unload him and send him to Jabba so I can get payed. 'Where did she go...why wasn't she there?' I was rambling on my thoughts, wondering where that female went to the last time I saw her- well, threw her out of the ship...I didn't want to think that she might've gotten seriously injured from that, I din't want to think about that all, I usually don't care about anyone, but if that was Kira, I wouldn't forgive myself for that.

I entered the palace with the carbon freezed body following my direction, held my head high with my rifle tight on my grasp, Watching as how everyone step to the side when they noticed me enter the room. Some had fear showing on they're eyes, some glared at me, but I expected it, they were just jealous I'm the most payed and wealthiest bounty hunter among all of these idiots. "Step aside" my deep and serious voice came through the helmet robotic. "What did you say" The smugglers wasted drunk body swayed side to side, beer going everywhere. Never liking the idea of repeating myself, I just pushed the smuggler using my shoulder and walked past as I hear him tense up. "Who the hell do you think you are?" His hand laying on my armor was the last straw for this guy.

Turning my body half way, shoving his hand away, I pointed with my rifle at the mans head and with no hesitation, pulled back the trigger and killed him. His lifeless body drops to the floor, blood coming out of his head and staining the floor. The sound of the rifle going off definitely made everyone else step back together in groups, reminding themselves not to mess with me ever again. I turn around like nothing ever happened and start to walk over to Jabba. "Ahh, Boba!" He greeted as he extended his hands side to side. "I have what you asked" I inform, noticing Jabba's eyes wide but go back to normal "You never disappoint, bounty hunter" he snaps his fingers, telling his assistant to bring a suit case "your bounty, as promised" I grabbed the suit case , watching as how two droids take han's carbon freezed body away.

I was about to leave when Jabba spoke "leaving so soon? I was just about to tell you what just happened when you weren't here" his voice was filled in disappointment when he saw that I was about to leave, but what I was really going to do was to take the bounty back to the ship. "I was just going to that this to the ship" jabba chuckle at my reason before he snaps his finger once again, feeling someone taking the suit case off my grasp, my grip almost tighten up when jabba spoke "you can trust the droid" I nod and let go of the suit case, as the music came back. "Boba, do you remember that twi'lek that used to hit on you?" Jabba suddenly asked. "What about it? She won't bother me anymore, right?" That twi'lek, ever since Bossk introduced me to her, she's been nothing but a obsessed, annoying and nosey girl, I hated it. But I never found a way to get rid of her. "When you left, she became my dancer"

I look down at the pit to maybe see a piece of the dancers clothing but there was no sign of anything. "Don't get your hopes up boba, a female bounty hunter ruined the fun by saving the twi'lek, letting her get away" he finished. My eyes roll under the helmet by the news but realized something "wait, did you say, female bounty hunter?" I felt a bit lost and needed a bit of catch up, Jabba nods as he slips a frog into his mouth and swallows it. Maybe that's the bounty hunter im trying to find "do you know where she is?" I asked a bit eager to know, he points to his left where the cells are located. I kept cool and made my way through the crowd once again until I was on the cell room. The cells were full of people I captured and brought to jabba, smugglers who became traitors even han's carbon freezed body was here.

Chuckling, feeling proud of myself for how much I accomplished so  far being a bounty hunter, but it was just the beginning of it. I kept walking feeling the prisoners gaze and glares on me were I just shrug them off until my feet stops next to a empty cell on my right, but a cell with a female who had a black tight tank top, creme cargo pants and her face and hair was covered with a black cloth like hood. I walked closer to tap on the cell bar to grab their attention "what do you want now slug?" Her voice, even tho it was coming through in a robotic way, it showed irate. I decided to to speak, so I tapped again, that was a mistake cause I aggravated her more than she was "ugh! WHAT DO YOU-" she stops, finally noticing me. "You..." she became furious as she uses her legs to stand up and was about to charge up to me but the chains on her wrists stops her mid way. She then laughs like a maniac before speaking "FOUND YOU!"

End of chapter 18

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