Chapter 8- The Skywalkers

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"Ugh! I can't wait any longer, I need to know how is-" the female was cut off by me "patience, you must have" Akira stopped pacing back and forward and looked down at me "patience?! Her state is critical! Which means she may not survive!" She raise her tone, I understood why by judging her hysterical behavior just to know Kira's state. "I am beyond speechless" Obi-wan suddenly spoke, he was next to Mace windu and the padawan. We all turn to look at him. "Why are you speechless? I mean, its truly amazing that she survived that explosion but-" the padawan was cut off.

"No, I don't mean by that" Obi-wan shook his head as he then stood up straight "what I mean is that, Im speechless at how she sacrificed herself to save two criminals" he looks at Kira through the window while she was being treated by two medics. "Hmm" I made a sound. "Oh yeah, who was that kid? I never seen him before" Akira asked Obi-wan, but Windu gave her the answer "that kid she saved was none other than Jango fett's son, Boba fett" he said in a serious tone. Akira frowned her brows confused "Jango fett? Who is that?" She asked. Windu sighed at those two questions before speaking "sit down and I'll tell you the story" Akira nod and walks to a chair next to windu.

"Well, while those two are away" Obi-wan glance at me "are they coming to see her?" I knew what he was referring to, so I know "Kira must know that a brother and a sister, she has" I rub my chin with my thumb. A couple minutes had passed when we then hear people running to where we were standing. "We came as soon as possible" a male spoke "how is she?" The female spoke. I slowly walk over to them "Master and princess, your sister for now, is okay" I saw the master look through the window, seeing Kira with a oxygen mask, heart rater, tubes of blood, etc. As the girl's body was covered in ashes, small cuts from the parts of the ship, bruises and a patch covering her left eye.

The masters eyes were full of sadness at this sight of seeing his younger sister in this state, not knowing whether she'll be okay or...not. "Oh Kira" the princess voice broke as she then covers her eyes with her hands, the master brought her to his embrace and gently begins to rub her back to calm her a bit. "I'm sorry guys..." Obi-wan apologized with his head lowered "it's not your fault Obi-wan..." the master spoke calmly as he continues to rub and pat the princess back while she was crying and sobbing. "Hope, we must not loose" I said, feeling the pain and sorrow coming from the princess, it of course made me feel bad, but they know that they have to be strong for any situation.

A while later, the princess calmed down and wiped some tears away as she sniffles "you alright princess? Want me to get you anything?" Obi-wan offered but the princess nicely and calmly rejected "no thanks obi-wan" she had a shaky tone. The master clenched his fist "When I get my hands on those two criminals  and my father, oooh they will regret that they exist-" "no! Anger and rage can lead to the path of the dark side" I stump my cane against the ground, catching his attention. He lets out a sigh and relaxes his shoulders "my apologies master yoda, its just that" he walks closer to the window and place his hand over it, staring at his younger sister. "I'm so heart broken that Kira has done that to save two criminals, but have they done for her? They just simply left her, they didn't bother to find her body and check if she was alive or not" he explains a lot more calm.

"I know what you mean master, but you can't let this anger you and do the wrong thing" I explain. The master nods "yeah, I know" " the way Master, I apologize" The young padawan suddenly said , the master, confused turned to the padawan "why?" He raised a brow. "The reason why Kira has that patch over her eye, its because I accidentally swung my saber at her when we were fighting on Geonosis" she rubs her own arm, not expecting a calm master to reply, but to her surprise, he didn't say anything other to hear a sharp exhale coming from him. footsteps were heard, I look over to see Windu and Akira, Akira examines the two people who arrived when they left before speaking "sorry to ask but, who are you guys? I don't think We ever met" she points towards them.

The master and the princess exchanged glances and spoke "hello, I'm Master Luke Skywalker and this is princess Leia Skywalker, we are Kira's big brother and sister" luke presented both of them to the curious girl, who she then has a warm smile on her face "well, its nice to know that Kira has someone here, she won't feel lonely anymore, oh! I'm Akira, I'm a trainee to be a bounty hunter soon" she stated and presented herself. Leia looked as she was about to say something but got cut off when the robot medic walk out the door of the room Kira was being attended. "Well? How is she? Is she going to be okay?" Obi-wan asked the robot "our patient Kira Skywalker will be okay, she entered in a state of coma and we think that she'll wake up soon"

"Coma?!" Luke and Leia yelled at the same time, the robot medic placed a finger over his robotic mouth, telling them both to be silent as he then continues "our patient suffered minor burns on her left forearm which is already been treated, she seemed like she was blasted on her right leg but that seems to be healing properly" "what about her eye?" Leia asked "will she be able to see?" She added. "We yet don't know if she could see, once she wakes up, we also have to put her in a treatment for walking" "walking? Why?" Luke asked but Windu answered his question "the blast from her leg, remember that right now she is in a state of coma so can't move her leg" luke listens to him and sighs in frustrations as he places both hands over his head, completely worried about all of this.

Calm, you must be Master luke, a strong one, she is" I tried to say something that would calm him a bit as the medic spoke "If any of you wishes to visit our patient, please remember that only two people can come inside" everyones looks at each other, debating which tow people will go first, until the padawan spoke "I think Luke and Leia should go first, I mean, they are Kira's brother and sister" everyone agreed, so we decided to wait for when they are done, let two other people enter.

"Vader, worried, you should be right now"

End of chapter 8

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