Chapter 14- Find them, bring them to me

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I watched as the female bounty hunter fell from a high altitude but suddenly being rescued by another bounty hunter, guessing their friend? I don't know, all I know is that I went, lift a lever to close the hatch door, pissed at some of the damage that female did to my armor, but at the same time I knew someone that can repair it and be good to use again. I never liked the idea of spending my bounty for repairs for my armor, I found it like a waste, so I decided to learn to repair on my own.

As I was about to take a step forward, I felt something small and hard, snap under my boot, I look down and move my foot away to see what snapped. "The heck?" I crouch towards the small shiny purple object with a chain and picked it up "this..." I extend my other hand to pick the piece that broke off the object and put it together even tho it was falling off all the time. "This is..."


"Can you grab and hold your hair for me?"


I tied a small knot using the ends of the necklace and then let go when I felt it secure. "There" Kira let go of her hair as I walked to see how she looked with the necklace on her.

"Wow boba, it looks amazing, thank you"

I smile and nod "you're welcome"

End of flashback

I gasped and held my breath for a couple of seconds and exhaled, analyzing the flashback I just got about the moment I gave Kira the necklace of a mythosaur, the mythosaur symbol I painted on my shoulder harness. I was confused as I breathed heavily under my helmet, the warm breath making the visor blurry, feeling sweat droplets on my forehead but getting caught by my curly bangs "she can't be alive...can she?" I mumbled,suddenly turning my head to look behind me where the hatch opens and closes "no! I saw her die on that explosion, she couldn't have survived that...r-right?" I was talking to myself, almost panicking, feeling my heart beat fast. Knowing what I just did now to that bounty hunter, the one who had this necklace.

"Boba fett, is something wrong?" I flinch as I hear Vader's voice behind me, I turn and slowly got up, still holding the broken necklace on my hand. I was trying to control my breathing but it didn't work, I was panicking and somewhat scared, I mean I know I don't exactly know who that female was and why was she wearing a gift I gave Kira years ago, but something tells me that I need to find that female for answers, Kira did have a weird girl following her around. "Fett?" I was so deep in my thoughts that as soon as hear Vader's voice again, I jump a bit in position when I see him right in front of me, about to place his hand over my shoulder. I shook my head, feeling the sweat droplets falling on my cheeks and around my helmet "s-sorry lord vader, I got caught up by something" with ought warning, I extend my hand towards him to show him the necklace.

Vader examines the snapped object on my hand "silicax-" "n-no no no, the symbol-" I interrupted Vader trying to analyze further to see if he recognize the necklace, but I realize, that he never got to see Kira with it 'dank farrik...' I sighed the words out. "What's going on? Why are you acting weird? Answer" Vader spoke in a impatient and concern tone, I understood why, so I decided to take a deep breath and speak. "Can we go to my room, so that no one can hear?" I ask almost lowly but audible so that he could understand what I was saying. Vader nods and turns around.


"Can't believe Boba is back" "no! I can't believe he actually got revenge on Mace Windu!" "We can't let Kira know who he is or else she'll miraculously remember him and turn against us like before" "and how are we suppose to do that? She'll eventually want to come here and tell us 'hey, Im going to find that bounty hunter and avenge master windu'"
The padawa, Obi-wan Kenobi and Luke argued between each other as I was rubbing my temples at how loud they were talking. "HEY!" I shout, getting their attention, I fixed my hair, inhaling and exhaling. "Can you all calm down? As Kira's big sister, I know she won't come through those doors and say that" I referred to what Obi-wan said "nor she'll turn against us" I referred to what Luke said. A door opened and closed as footsteps walked near where we were standing.

I turn around as I hear someone slam something metal against a table and then I hear someone speak with rage "I'll find whoever that son of a bantha was and make him pay for what he did to master Windu!" Kira yelled, swinging her arms in the air like a crazy person. "Told you" Obi-wan said, I turn my head to look at him and mouthed a "shut up" looking at him rather sassy before turning to Kira and Akira. The others walked over to them, asking about what happened and why they took long to get back to our base, but they were greeted by Kira's sudden grumpy attitude explaining the situation before the death of Mace Windu. "I decided to follow the bounty hunter to the ship and maybe face him there, but some guy called lord vader showed up and ruined my changes to kill the bounty hunter"

'Oh no...' Feeling someone looking at me, I look towards the direction and saw luke giving me a wide eye look as he clenches his jaw slightly, not daring to tell Kira who that guy was.


"Tell Kira about her father, we can't" yoda ordered "but what if Kira asks us about him?" Luke asks "she may have woken up from a coma, she may eventually remember things about her past, but for now, we must keep boba fett and our father a secret" I spoke towards luke, he turns his head to look at me and nods in agreement. "We must keep an eye on her at all times, especially when she starts to go on missions with us" Obi-wan spoke from behind of yoda as he stares outside the window.

Soon the doors of the meeting room opened, footsteps were now approaching us slowly till they come to a stop. "We might not have to worry about keeping an eye on her" everyone turned around to see Mace Windu near the door, holding a small device in his hands.


It took me a while to study my words before I speak, as soon as I was done talking, I waited for some kind of response as I place my helmet on the bed near me along with the broken necklace. Silence filled the room, the only thing my hears could hear was the sound of Vader's breathing coming through the black mask of his, it almost made me go nuts cause all I wanted was to see what he was thinking right now. My hand move the wet curly bangs off my forehead to the sides but they all moved back to their positions whenever I looked down to the floor.

Every second I grew impatient, I open my mouth ready to speak but Vader spoke first "you said that the bounty hinter used the force on you?" Vader asks in a deep calm tone. I nod "yes sir, which is rather rare to see a bounty hunter who knows how to use the force" I stated. Vader begins to walk back and forth in the room as he thinks. "I know you still might have hope that kira is alive boba, but you also know that after you told me about the incident, we sent troopers to search around the area and found no trace of her body" he informs. I sigh "yeah...I know"

"I did told you to move on boba-" "I can't!" I exclaimed. Frowning my brows almost angry, realizing my attitude but I didn't care. "Since the day kira died, you've been doing nothing but tell me to forget about her, I even got electrocuted by Palpatine for it just so that I could focus on becoming a bounty hunter!" My tone slowly elevated. I get up from my bed and stood face to dace with him "I will leave this ship to search for her, even if you don't want me to" I lift my wrist to look at the device to check the time before looking up at vader again "you have 15minutes" I grab the necklace and put it away on one of the pouches around my waist and the grab my helmet to put it on. I make my way out my room to where the ships were.

10 minutes passed

I held my EE-3 rifle as I waited next to my ship for Vader but still nothing. Troopers marched near me, some stared at me for a bit as some were intimidated by me, I slowly turn my head till I was looking at the feared troopers and pressed a button on my wrist to make the holographic targeter on my helmet move, making the troopers think that I wanted to shoot them or use the cannon of my jetpack, but what I wanted was to scare them more, I always like it when someone or everyone feared me. I was known as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. Watching the troopers run away, I pressed the button to move the holographic targeter back up as a smirk was plastered on my face under the mask.

"Boba fett" I hear the deep robotic voice call me "took you long" I respond as his breathing was clearly next to me, vader took a deep breath and spoke "bring whoever that girl is...find them, bring them to me" he ordered, I turn my head slowly and nod once.

End of chapter 14

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