Chapter 80- Deperate

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After that call with Kira, I couldn't help but to feel urge, worry and anxious. I may not know what Kira is going through, what she's feeling or what her thoughts are, what I do know is that right now, she needs my help and I will do anything in my power to help her and when I do "that lightsaber will be destroyed by me" I talked to myself as I closed the last crate containing our belongings and then carry it over to the slave 1. I made sure I have all my things with me, as I was about to take off my helmet, thinking that no one was there but the sound of steps approaching from behind made me pull out my rifle and aim whatever was behind.

"Hey easy, I come in peace" the mandalorian wearing silver armor, Beskar to be precise stood with both hands up to his chest showing surrender. The more I stared at the mandalorian, the more I realize that this was the target I was after 'what could he possibly want?' I slowly stepped out from the hatch getting a bit closer to him "what do you want?" The mandalorian lowered his hands and rest his hands at his belt "I can tell you're not a fan of asking who I am nor look interested so-" gets cut mid sentence "I already know who you are..." I had a serious tone "ah yes, I know, im one of your targets correct" shakes his head showing a bit of disappointment.

"You may know me like that, but im also the one who saved your girlfriend from possibly becoming the satisfaction of another bounty hunter" he explains rather calmly. Still holding the rifle at him nod once "i've heard, too busy focusing on something here so why don't you go mind your own business or go bother someone else" putting the rifle back in its holster, I turn around about to close the hatch not caring if he was still there or not, but as soon as my gloved fingers touched the button of the hatch, the mandalorian spoke "is this about your girlfriend, K.R?" As soon as Kira's code name came out of this mandaloria's mouth, my body automatically turned around to look at him once again. "How did you know that? Do you know where she is? Do you have her?!" I didn't noticed my tone raising with each question.

The mandalorian did not flinch but only shakes his head as a no "but I did saw her earlier today, she was leaving this building in rather a rush, I did kind of followed her to see why the rush, she was looking for ship and well..." he stops. I wasn't going to patient any longer, I have to leave now, but the thought about her looking for a ship kept me intrigued to what he had to say 'why was she looking for a ship? Where is she planning on going?' I look at the mandalorian again. "Well? Are you going to tell me or are you just gonna stand there looking at me like an idiot?" He slowly looks up at me, I could sense a bit of anger from him cause I just called him and idiot when he was just telling me about Kira sighting. "First off, tone it down...I may not know how old you are but by the sound of your voice, to me you sound younger than me"

Crossing my arms I respond to that question "im 24..." the mandalorian chuckles "i'm 36" I scoff "yeah yeah, listen, it was rather nice knowing you...? I guess, like I said I'm too busy right now so I would appreciate if you leave me alone now" I turns around accidentally leaving the hatch open, I walked down the hall over to the control panel to power the ship 'lets see..' I was looking for a planet to start my search but then I received a call from Kamino 'who would be calling from there?' I answered, soon seeing Jack in a hologram infront of me "oh, what do you want shorty?"

"Boba! We have a situation here! A-a pretty bad one!" Jack shouted. While stirring the ship I listened but didn't seem to care at the moment "yeah and I also have a situation...I can't find Kira and right now im currently searching for-" "you can't find her because she's here!" I looked back at him confused "what did you say?" Jack seemed to be looking at a certain direction while holding a blaster "Boba, you need to come back here, K-kira is taking every single of the troopers that won't join and become her troopers for this supposed new empire!" I was in utter shock listening to all of this 'that sounds nothing like Kira...she would never in a million years would do such thing unless...' my eyes grew wide "she's being controlled by vader..." I spoke out loud.

"What?" Jack asked confused. I snapped out of my thoughts "listen Jack, I need you to stay in a safe place, i'm on my way right now and whatever you do, DON'T hurt her...I'll explain everything when im there" I set course to Kamino and I was ready to hit the hyperspace when I heard Jack's voice again "o-okay! Please come quick!" "I will..." He hangs up and then I hit hyperspace

"Hey! Woah! At least let me sit down!"

A male voice was heard behind me "what the?" When I stopped hyperspace with the planet Kamino right infront of me, I turn my chair around to see who was in my ship, to my surprise, it was the beskar armored mandalorian.

"What...the kriff are you doing in my ship!?"

End of chapter 80

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