Chapter 3- Akari

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The rest of the day was just walking around the base, knowing a little bit more even though I didn't really care but well, the wookie who I know his name is Chewbacca said I had to behave and if I wanted the jedi's trust, then I have no other choice. The random girl decided to tag along as well, which was weird but she did knew what the walking hairball was saying so I guess I didn't mind, but I did get a weird feeling of her staring at me, and every time I look to check if she is, she would just look away and blush 'weirdo' I thought as I looked at what was in front of me.

We suddenly come to a stop when we hear a ship landing feets away, thats when trooper jogged their way to the ship. I kept looking and at the same time thinking 'why do they need so many troopers guarding that ship?' "Hey its Master Windu and Obi-wan" Akari pointed. I growl lowly as I hear the name Obi-wan, that was the last thing I wanted to hear. The three of us kept looking till the hatch of the ship opened soon two clones with a boy walk down the hatch and towards the jedis. 'That boy...he looks familiar' I tried focusing my view, and thats when I saw those familiar curls and clothing. "B-boba?" I whispered as my eyes grew wide. I was shocked to see him here but at the same time happy that he was okay.

I wanted to get his attention, so I ran till I got cut off by the chains being held by the wookie, I scoffed and looked back at Boba fett who was now being taken somewhere. I didn't waste more time, so I shout his name "BOBA!!" "BOBA FETT!!!" I shout his names and last name till I see him stop with the troopers next to him.

—-Boba's P.O.V—-

Walking down the hatch and seeing two jedis, specially the one who murdered my father, just instantly boiled my anger, I hated him to death.

When I stopped in front of the jedi I said what I had to "you killed my father...I'll NEVER forgive you" I growled in anger as the jedi would look at me and speak "well, you'll eventually have to" that's when I felt the clones tap me in the back with the blasters, indicating me to start walking, so I did. As I was walking I could hear someone shout my name in the distance 'it sounded like a female's voice' I thought. Till I hear the female's voice calle me by my name and last name 'wait...that voice is familiar' I thought and stopped walking and looked up as I realized "kira?" I said and started to look around.

As I looked around I shouted her name "KIRA?!" But no response, but I did hear a wookie to my right, I turn my head to look and saw a wookie carrying a girl with cuffs and chains. I knew that girl was Kira cause who else these kriffin jedis cuff someone like that? I frown my brows and shouted towards the wookie "HEY! LET HER GO!!" I was about to run towards them but the troopers stopped me almost immediately and pulled me away from the scene "LET ME GO!" I demanded but the troopers continued to drag me away, that's when I shouted again "I'LL FIND YOU KIRA!!" Hoping that she heard me.

I looked at the jedi fading in the distance "AND AS FOR YOU! YOUR HEAD WILL BE MINE!!" I threatened Windu before the door closed behind us.

End of Boba's p.o.v

"Uff" I was kinda dropped off on the bed of the room they are keeping me in by the wookie as he would then remove the cuffs before he exit and locked the door again. I didn't care about it since now I know Boba is here and I know that he'll come up with a plan to escape this hell hole 'I just hope it'll be soon' I looked outside through the barred up window, placing my hands on the bars and letting out a small exhale.

It was starting to get dark so I decided to lay down in bed, hopefully get some rest cause I was somewhat tired from walking all day. I layed down facing the window, feeling the cold breeze touch my face and skin, I didn't really mind it, felt it a bit relaxing.

It was around 10:00pm when I hear a noise outside and low tapping on the bars of the window, I groan a bit and slowly open my eyes. My vision was a bit blurry so I rub my eyes and looked at the window again, I saw a figure looking directly at me. At first I thought it was Boba so I got excited until I jump out of the bed and approach the window and saw it really was. My excitement fades when I see the weird girl "what do you want?" I was annoyed.

Akari search in her pockets before showing me some keys, I squint my eyes as I stare at the keys for a bit and then look at her. "How did you get that?" "Well, judging by the way Chewy looked after watching you all day, aka tired" I raise a brow "uhu" I respond. "I told him that I can watch over you while he takes the night off" she grins. I exhale as turn around, headed to my bed and lay down, as I close my eyes I spoke "you are just gonna waste your precious time, hope you know that" The lock of the door unlocks and soon the door opens. "Huh?" I use my hands to lift me up from the bed to see what was going on, I see Akari holding the door before walking towards me. "What are you doing?" I ask. Once the girl was in front of me, she attempted to grab my hand but I used the force on her, I wasn't choking her. "I don't know what makes you think you can take the keys, open the door, walk towards me and attempt to grab my hand" I brought her closer to my face "but you are asking for a death wish" I slightly grit my teeths.

Akari's eyes wide at how close I brought her to my face while she struggles a bit with the force. "'re...choking me..." she forced the words out. Withought a warning, I let go of her, dropping her on the floor. When she fell to the ground, something, lightsaber looking fell from her, I recognize the saber because it was MY saber. I quickly used the force to get my hands on my saber before she grabs it and held it tight on my grip. I examined for any damage "what the kriff were you doing with this huh?" I glare at her who was rubbing her neck. She looked nervous at first but then she respond "I-well, when chewy grabbed you to bring you here, I saw the saber drop from his belt-" I cut her off "so you decided to keep it to yourself?" I pointed at her with the saber. She quickly shook her head to a no as she waved both her hands in the air "no! No at all! I swear!"

I made a hm sound before looking at the opened door and soon start being in my thoughts 'should I escape and get Boba out or should I just wait?' I shut my eyes closed and grunt, not knowing what to do. "Are you okay?" Akari asked, feeling her staring at me, I opened my eyes and slightly look back at her and then at the door. I decided not to answer her, but she then ask "is it because of that boba fett guy? know that because of what happened today..." she comes to a stop, I was becoming a bit scared, I turn and grabbed her by her shirt neck collar "what? What's gonna happen?! What are they gonna do to him?! ANSWER ME!" Akari's expression become a sad as she seen me being worried for my friend, she caught me off guard and brought me to a hug, I was about to grab my saber and get her off but I stopped as I hear her speak again "they are going to take him to another prison, far away from here-" I suddenly push the girl off of me and ran through the door till I was outside.

I was panicking and disoriented, I didn't know where the prison was until I saw a trooper. I immediately hid behind some crates, waiting for him to walk near to where I was hiding until I grabbed him using the force, suddenly hearing the clone gag and searching for oxygen. "Where is the prison?" I growled "ANSWER!" I demanded, The clone pointed to the left, I un hesitantly swung my hand to the right and release the clone, the clone crashed onto some crates by I was already running to the direction of the prison, so I didn't have time to see the clone. I continued to run till I saw some directions on a metal plate before I start to run again. I was already panting heavily but I didn't dare to stop, I just wanted to free my friend and get out of this sarlacc hole this jedis call home.

A few minutes passed till I made it to the front door of the prison, before I enter I start to think 'its not a good idea to enter through the front door' I start to look around for another way in, that's when I looked at the roof. 'The roof!!'

End of chapter 3

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