Chapter 75- Targeted

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The area was filled with crowds passing by, chatting and selling while other stared and throw little gossips as me and Mando walk pass them, we shrug it off avoiding any conflict with them and possibly get in trouble with the guards. The day went by with me and Mando chatting, talking about random stuff, he's not much of a talker but I could tell he tried his best to. Upon talking some things about himself, he tells me something that left me shocked and at the same time made me understand why there was a creature in a egg-like capsule. "I'm trying to get this child to be with his kind, but it's been hard when there's other bounty hunters tracking me down to take him away" he glance at the child next to him eating nuna meat. My eyes grew wide as my body stiffen up by this information 'This is the man Boba is looking for, he's the target!'

My hand unconsciously moves down to my belt where I put the hollow caller, tempting to call Boba and tell him that his target is here. Eyes narrowing, I grip at the device but soon stop with what the Mandalorian said next "I can't let anything happen to him or else I'll blame myself for the rest of my life for not completing the mission and him ending up dying at the wrong hands" his helmet turns to look at me, my expression softens, feeling sudden guilt crawling up inside me. Sighing, I move my hand away and rest it on my lap as my head lowers. "Hey, it's everything okay?" Mando ask concerned. "Did I say something wrong?" I shoot a glance towards his T shaped visor and immediately shake my head to a no but then regret my answer and decide to come clean "actually, yeah"

The mandalorian got himself comfortable on his chair and helping the creature next to him to drink the thala-siren milk, I awed finding it adorable, he looked like a father taking care of an adopted child. Mando chuckles lightly before speaking "so, tell me, what's troubling you?" Soon, our waiter comes in with our drinks and sets them on the table as he asks if we wanted something else, Mando glanced at me expecting me to say something but I kindly said that I didn't want anything else, with that, the waiter smiles and left. I took a sip of my drink, gulping down a sudden feeling of nerve first and calm down. "Mando, with what you just told me, about you getting targeted for the child, I need to tell you something about that"

Mando puts down his drink on the table, almost slamming against the table as he gets up grabbing his blaster aiming at me. "You're not taking the child away!" He shouts. I lift both hands up surrendering even though I didn't even think about putting up a fight with him, and spoke "woah woah! Calm down! Im not here to take the child away from you, im here to...warn you" I mumble the last part. Mando analyzed my posture before relaxing, putting the blaster back in its holster and sits down. He cleared his throat "warn me? About what?" That's when I took a deep breath and exhale "m-my boyfriend...he's one of the bounty hunters that's tracking you" I grinned unsure of what the mandalorian could say about that. I was rather expecting him to be concerned, asking who he is and where they are, but instead he chuckles.

I raise a brow confused "why are you chuckling? Aren't you worried or concerned of who he is?" I watched Mando continue his chuckle, he looked like he was about to laugh but didn't. "Darling, i'm not worried, like I said, there are many bounty hunters searching for me, yet, none of them have managed to take the kid away as they would either get badly hurt or...killed by me" the way he said it made it sound threatening which made me worry about Boba, sure Boba is strong and can handle anything but there was something about this guy that made it seem like he was dangerous, he knew what he was saying and doing. I felt pretty bad for those who were unfortunate with this Mando guy, specially those who got killed in his hands.

"So, who's your boyfriend?" His sudden question made me flinch a bit. "Um" I start, only to get interrupted by the child accidentally dropping Mando's blaster to the floor. 'Did he just used the force?' I was loosing focus on what Mando and I were talking as I was getting interested to know why this creature, like Yoda, use the force. "Don't do that again kid, here, play with this" mando hands the child a small metal rounded object that looked to be a piece of a ships lever. He then turns again to look at me "hey, wake up" he snaps his gloved fingers at me, I shake my head bringing myself back to reality "oh sorry" "you were saying..?" Mando brought back the subject this is when it got hard for me because I didn't want to tell him about Boba and yet I wanted to warn him cause I felt like I wanted to help.

"Uh, well, my boyfriend is..." I began to have trouble with talking so I took my time to find the correct words before speaking again "Mando, my boyfriend is Bo-" suddenly a sound was coming from the device, I already knew who that was

'uh oh'

End of chapter 75

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