Chapter 22- The desicion

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We finally arrived at the sarlacc pit where Jabba wanted to throw Luke, Han and the wookie off, my eyes wide still looking at the bounty hunter infront of me, the hunter must've noticed my expressions but he didn't say anything, he picked up his rifle and then searched in his pockets till he pulled out a key and held it out to me. I gave him a strange look at what he was doing and grabbed the key away from his hand, I was so puzzled with this guy at that moment, the only thing I could say was "thank you?"  The bounty hunter spoke right after that "If you want to know who you are and where you come from, then meet me by the deck" I scoffed "and what makes you think-" The green armored hunter held out his hand, cutting me off "I know you have no trust in me at all, but I promise I can show you that i'm not who you think I am"

With that being said, the hunter sprinted away, guessing to be there if Jabba needs him. Leaving me with the key to the cell in my hand and a bag containing something misterious. The sound of Luke made me react quickly, so I first put on the broken necklace and then used the key the bounty hunter gave me and got out of the cell were I crouch in front of the bag, and opened it. "My armor?" I look up, to see where the bounty hunter sprinted off to 'why help me all of a sudden? Does he know who I am? Or more importantly, have I used to know him?' My thoughts were going crazy but that didn't stop me from grabbing my armor and run to a dresser were I finally changed from that revealing outfit, to my armor.

"How I've missed you" I slid my helmet on and pulled out my blaster ready to shot as I make my was up the ladder. When I was up, The first thing I saw was the people and creatures going wild with the jedi, trying to shoot him down, but Luke's saber skills protected him, Han and chewbacca. Looking to my right to see if there was any sign of my big sister leia but there wasn't 'right, she must still be with Jabba' I thought, I held my blaster tightly on my grasp, shooting anyone who got in my way or attacked me until I saw Jabba and aimed at him with my blaster, to my surprise, Leia was choking him with her neck cuff chain 'okay then, that works too' I lower my blaster and helped Leia down.

"We need to get out of here quick, this ship is about to explode" She sprints to where Luke was waiting, leaving me in my thoughts 'ship...explode...' I felt like I've heard those words before, from where? I don't really know. "K.R!" "LETS GO!" Luke and Leia shouted, snapping me out, I ran towards them, seeing Luke glide down to the ship with Leia using a rope, I was running till I jumped out of the ship and used my jet-pack to fly my way to the small ship they were in. Once my feet met the floor of the ship, I look back to see Jabba's ship explode with everything left in it, even Jabba's slug body. 'Meet me by the deck' the bounty hunters voice suddenly came to mind, letting out a small and low gasp, I looked around for any sign of him.

There was nothing in sight, I was about to give up when a figure popped out from behind a sand mountain. At that moment I knew I had to make my decision or else I'll loose he opportunity, but what if he's lying? What if this is just a trap?, but how would I know if I don't risk it? I clench my fist tightly and spoke towards Leia and Luke "I'll meet you guys back at the base" Luke place a hand over my shoulder and stops me "where are you going?" His serious tone made me feel nervous about telling him a lie, but I had to "i'm just going to see if that ship had any valuable parts that I could bring the guy that sold me this armor" that lie seemed to have convinced him a lot to let go of my shoulder and approve "okay but be careful, and meet us back at the base, Leia, han and I need to go somewhere" He informs.

I nod and fly away from the ship to where Jabba's ship exploded, next to the sarlacc pit. I carefully land away from the pit but I wasn't enough for the sand to slip me off my chest and slip into the sarlacc pit "oh no!" I panicked trying to crawl out of there as the sarlacc made weird sounds of hunger, My body kept slipping down and nearer to the sarlacc when a rope appeared next to me, I quickly grab a hold of it and was pulled away from the hungry creature. Once I was out I let go of the rope and got up, dusting the sand off my armor and pants, as soon as I was done, I look up to see the green armored bounty hunter staring right at me with his rifle in hand. Suddenly feeling nervous, My hand went to grab the blaster only to realize that the blaster wasn't in the holster 'it must've fell when I slipped in the pit' I groan annoyed "you hungry son of a bantha" I looked behind me, referring to the sarlacc.

"K.R, was it?" The male asked "yeah? what?" I turned my face, seeing the bounty hunter walk closer to me, I move my hands in front of me "stay back" I said, it didn't work, the mysterious hunter kept getting closer and I kept stepping back until my right leg almost slipped back into the pit. "Please don't hurt me, I only came here because you said to meet you here cause you were going to show me or tell me who I am and where do I come from" I had my eyes closed, keeping my hands in front of me, feeling his hand grab my wrist and pull me to him " and I am, you may not trust me or know who I am, but I need you to me okay? At least just a bit" I opened my eyes and glance at him, I may not be able to see his face and read his expressions but his calm tone made it seem like I can put a bit of trust in him.


End of chapter 22

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