Chapter 19- The red eye

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Watching as how the female gets pulled back from the chains, I wanted to tell her to be careful "careful-" "SHUT YOUR HOLE!" She shouts, cutting me off. "How dare DARE you show yourself after what you did back at the battle of Hoth!" She exclaims, her hands trying to grab me an pull me to her, but her chains kept them away. "So, you're the one I-" I stop, feeling that same bad guilt for what I did, but again, what if she wasn't Kira? What if she was someone else? My head lowers, gently stumping on my foot 'dank farrik' "what's the matter? Can't admit what you did?" She starts "damaging my helmet, then blasting my jet-pack and then kicked me out of the ship!!" Right when she finished her sentence, she jumps and kicks hard on the bar with one leg, her actions made me flinch but I didn't step back.

She growls, frustration and rage coming out of her, she lifts her face to glare at me as she clenches both her fists tight like as she wanted to throw a punch. I stare at her eyes, noticing something odd about one eye, her left eye. I place down my rifle to the side and far from her reach and walk close to her "the heck do you think you are doing?" She was puzzled, but I didn't give her an answer as my hand went through the bars reaching her face, using one hand to cup her chin to make her look at me. I examined her eyes feeling familiar with her brown eye, but unfamiliar with her left red eye. "What happened to you eye?" Had a low and calm tone, thinking that she may somewhat calm down and talk to me properly, didn't work. The girl shook her face away from my hand with a scoff. "What are you? Detective? Stay out of my business"

I clicked my tongue, rolling my eyes under my helmet as I brought my hand back. "I need to know what happened" I kept my calm tone, but her stubbornness wasn't helping at all "why? So that you can go and take care of the responsible that did this to me?" The female steps back a few feet, soon sitting down on the floor and crossing her legs as her arms were hanging above her head. "I appreciate your caring attitude but I don't need it, so you can leave now" she quote on quote caring using her fingers, when she was done speaking, her face lowers down looking like she was going to rest. I sighed sharply as I watch her, knowing that there was nothing else I could say or try to do so I have up, picking my rifle up. Giving her one last glance before I left her and the cell room, back to jabba, Not wanting to speak, and stood behind him.


When the bounty hunter left, I look up once again, feeling this loneliness hit me, I miss my sister leia, my brother luke and everyone else back at the resistance base. 'I haven't updated them since I left, do they know that something's wrong?' I hoped they did, but at the same time I hoped they didn't. Not wanting them to get hurt because of me. Taking a deep breath as I leaned my head back against the cold rough wall behind me as my thoughts were now about that encounter with the green bounty hunter, why did he wanted to know about my eye? Why was he talking calmly to me instead of trying to kill me or something? Why? This was all so confusing to me, but since I don't want any part of that whatsoever, I shrugged them off and closed my eyes.

Time skip

I was sleeping sitting on the ground, my legs where a bit numb as blood was unable to flow through my bended leg. Having this dream unlike any other I've have had, it was about my father. I was in a room, my room, swinging around a red saber and I was wearing a dark cloak like my father. My father had a mask, hiding his facial features, his breathing was heavy, tall and intimidating. " must remember who you really are..." his voice echoed in the room "I-I don't understand...what do you mean by that?" His presence disappeared, leaving me alone in the room. "Hey! Wait! I need to know!" I look around, hoping he would reappear but didn't "" I was going to ask something when the sounds of keys and a cell open woke me up.

I almost opened my mouth to speak, thinking it was that stubborn bounty hunter, but who it really was, was just one of those droid assistant of Jabba's "Alright, get up" I smirk almost a grin "come for another beat up?" The droid held out another chain and some cuffs out "stay quiet and extend your wrists out" He orders, but I hesitate. "Don't make me shock you again" his robot eyes glow red like a warning, intimidated, I followed orders so the droid proceeds to cuff my wrists and then he grabs the chain with a single cuff on my neck. "What's all of this?" I was bewildered with all of this chains and cuffs but the droid didn't respond he just pulled onto the neck chain gently, indicating me to start walking.

We walked out of the cell room followed by the sounds of the chains hitting each other until the sound was no longer heard as it was cut out by the loud music from the palace. I look down as we walked passed the crowd and inside a room filled with female looking dresses, like the ones that twi'lek was wearing. I raise a brow and turn to look at the droid who surprised me by giving me a really revealing bikini looking like dress, the only thing I liked about it was the colors, the cloth was mint green and the top was pearl white. But even if I liked the colors, doesn't mean that I'm going to wear this. "What are you waiting for? Go get changed" the droid slightly pushed me to get inside the changing room, I resist for a bit till I hear the static of the shock behind me. "Alright alright!"

I turn around and extend my wrist clearly annoyed while the droid carefully uncuffed my wrists and then pointed towards the dresser, indicating me to get ready. I huffed as I roll my eyes and went inside the dresser. Started by taking off my black tank top and putting on the top of the bikini dress as I then proceed to take off my pants, leaving my panties on, and put on the bottom part. The cloth was long enough to touch my feet and talon. I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed some parts here and there, hating the fact it was so revealing almost felt naked when I was wearing something. "Why do I have to wear this?" I asked, clearly uncomfortable. "Jabba, wants you and another woman to be his dancers" that made me stop for a couple of seconds to process what I just heard form the droid.

Blinking multiple times as I fixed the black cloth hood on my head, the only thing that was keeping my identity save from anyone here. I walk out of the dresser and spoke "come again? The slug wants me to be his what now?" Squinting my eyes at the droid but the droid shook his head and grabbed the chain that was still cuffed to my neck and pulled me gently "move, jabba must be waiting with the other girl" he comments, avoiding my question. My shoulders drop, giving up once again and followed the droid out to where the crowd of drunk smugglers and bounty hunters were. As soon as I stepped out, whistles were heard by them as comments were thrown "wow! You're so hot!" "So tonight we are going to see two dancers huh?" Wish you were mine!" 'Yeah? And I wish you fall to your face you drunk bastard' I thought of a comment.

I stop my tracks when the droid did and saw jabba looking at both of us "ahh, finally! My second dancer" he laughs proudly, I was disgusted by him "ugh, yuck-" I was suddenly pulled by the slimy slug and crashed next to someone "Kira" a whisper of a familiar voice got my attention, I look over to see


End of chapter 19

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