Chapter 87- The more, the merrier

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The room I was in was filled with yelling and shouting as I try to fight my own father in my conscience, he was stronger but still, I fought him. At this moment I wanted nothing more than to be back as my old self again, I wanted to be out of this base, I wanted to be with Boba again...why did I took the saber? Why didn't I listened to Boba in the first place? Why?


"It's no use, she won't calm down" the trooper informed to the other holding a tranquilizer "alright, i'm sorry for this lord Kira" the trooper injected me with the tranquilizer, I was still kicking and moving aggressively but then a couple of minutes pass and my body was feeling at ease. "L-lord Kira? Are you alright? Cole asked worriedly. The only thing I could do was nod at him before I closed my eyes and fell to a brief nap.

"Let's leave her take a nap, come kid" the trooper called. Cole looked at my sleeping body and then leaves with the troopers.


"So, how are we going to take down every trooper if we are only three?" Akari asked as she picks the cell Mando was in. "I know how to fight, I know how to defend myself even in tough situations" Mando replies "that's a bit cocky" Akari commented. Mando sighs and adds "but she's right, we are only three against- who knows how many troopers and guards, even Kira" I began to think but nothing really came to mind, I got no one else I could count on except- I grabbed my holocall and called someone.

"Huh?" Akari looked at my direction confused as I spoke to someone. Once I ended the call I turned to them "we have another one on board" "that makes us four...its still isn't enough to take the army of troopers down..." Mando scratched his head a bit frustrated. I glanced at him "well, don't you have people we could could on for help?" Mando looks at me and then shakes his head "I work solo" he responds. "Solo...solo! Thats it!" Akari opens the cell and looks at me. Knowing what she was probably thinking I shake my head "no no, I know who you're probably thinking about and I don't want to work together with them"

"Who? Han solo guy?" Mando picked up his armor and puts it on. "Yes, that guy..." I bit my lip out of annoyance. Akari get close to me and spoke "look, I know you hate all of us related to the rebellion but this is our only option we have Boba fett, they have experience with-" she cuts herself short as I tilt my head slightly knowing what she was going to say. She chuckles nervously "I mean, they know how to- u-um..." "take down the bad guy..." My voice came out a bit grouchy. She smiles a bit as she takes a few steps away from me "e-exactly...a-and they are also more people we can count on to help us" she finishes.

"She may have a point there" Mando commented as he puts on his helmet. Looking at Akari and Mando, I had no other choice but to accept this offer, even if it pains me to ask for help from the rebellion, we truly need it at this moment. "Call them...before I change my mind" was all I said and left to check if there was any guard outside so we could start what we have to do.


An hour has passed when I finally woke up from my nap, For a moment I was finally in peace when the sound of the alarm went off again and thats when I also heard the sound of blasters, crashing and explosions going on outside. "What the?" I looked out the window and my eyes grew wide as I see TIE fighters and X wings flying around blasting eachothers. "What is going on?! Where did they come from?!" Immediately got up and left the room I was in only to find myself located far from where the control panels are "dank farrik" I cursed under my breath and took a long walk down the hallways as a two line march of troopers passed by me every second.

I was aggravated, furious to see those X wings out, I yet couldn't understand why and how they found the base, so I went ahead and got in my thoughts //Boba couldn't have called them cause he despise the rebellion, Mando I met before but he looks like the type to get things done on his own, the other one is Cole but since the beginning he looked like he really wanted to turn his back on the "good" side and join this empire...the last person on board is\\ "Akari..." I growled. //that sneaky bantha I know it was her, there's no other one in this damned base thats could've called the rebellion and gave them the codes!\\

I stump my way across a bridge as I clenched my saber, there was nothing under me, so if I fall down this bridge, it would mean the end of me. Half way across it, I heard my name being shout out from behind "ugh! What now-" I turn, only to see four figures standing in different areas.


"Boba fett..."


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