Chapter 39- Letting it all out

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The training room was turned upside down as if there was a huge fight between four people in here, but instead of finding four people like I thought, my eyes land on a exhausted body sitting on a corner of the room with his back leaned against the wall. It was Boba. His body had deep breaths searching for oxygen, his arms were glistening of sweat as if he ran a marathon, his hair was all messy and stuck on his face from the sweat and his tongue was half out of his mouth looking like some animal looking for water. Boba blinks once and as soon as his eyes open again, he was looking at me. I knew he needed help so I react quickly by running towards the water dispenser, grabbed a cup and filled it with water 'thank god this was still standing'

Once the cup was filled I rushed to him and crouched down in front of him "here, drink some water" I extend my hand to him so that he can grab the cup but he rolled his eyes and looked away. "Boba please, drink it, you need it" he didn't respond. I set the cup down and used both of my hands to make him look at me, he tried to stop me by grabbing my wrist, something caught my eye when he did. "What on earth happened to your knuckles?!" My eyes wide at the sight of bloody knuckles. 'Did he punch someone? Did he try to hurt himself? No, he wouldn't do that' Boba clicked his tongue as he lets go of my wrist and closing his eyes, knowing he got busted.

"Nothing..." he reply dryly. "Nothing? Boba are you seeing your knuckles? They're bleedin-" "I know!" He responds loudly, finally looking at me. He notices my sad expression towards him and immediately calms down "I know..." he repeated now sounding calmed. I let go of his face and held his hand with bloody knuckles and examined it "i'll go get a med kit" I stood up ready to leave the room when boba stops me "there's one over there" I turn around and glance at him, seeing him pointing to a fire-extinguisher with a med kit next to it. "Oh" I approach the med kit and took it of the hook it was hanging from. I got back to Boba and took out a bandage and some disinfectant spray.

I extend my hand ready to fix his knuckles "gimme your hand" He lifts a brow at my order and spoke "you know I can do it myself, right?" My hand drops and crash against my thigh as I gave Boba a serious look "do I look like I care? No, now give me your hand now" I extend my hand once again, this time he finally give in and gave me his hand, I started by cleaning the dried off blood with a cloth and then spraying the area with disinfectant to kill any bacteria that might be in the cuts earning a grunt of pain/sting from him, next I grab the bandage and wrap his hand with it covering his knuckles. Once I was happy with how it was wrapped, I went ahead at let him know. "Okay, you can let go of my hand now"

He didn't notice how tightly he was holding my hand, but once he did, he immediately released his grip and pulled away having a hint of blush on his face. "Thanks" he mumbles loud enough for me to hear him. "Boba" I set the kit to the side and sat next to him. "Hm?" He stared at his wrapped hand waiting for me to say what I wanted to say. "I know you got pissed off earlier because of with I said but, why? Why did that triggered you to act like that? And this?" I referred to the training room. He inhales a deep breath through his mouth as he fix himself to sit correctly on the floor and grabbed the cup of water, he took a sip of the refreshing water before speaking. "I'm angry cause I can't let go of the past, I'm frustrated cause of what you're going through and I have grief cause father"

I look over to him feeling curiosity kick inside of me, wanting to know more about why feel those things. "What do you can't let go of the past?" He took another sip of water, emptying the cup and then turn his head to look at me in the eyes. "Those three connect with each other Kira, I still feel grief for my father who was murdered years ago and that makes me angry cause I can't move on from that, meaning I can't focus straight to become the bounty hunter I want to be and it frustrates me because I don't want you or other people to think that im weak!" He crushes the empty cup in his hand and throws it far away from him. I watch the cup land near the shattered glass feeling bad for the male. I wanted to calm him down and help him but I didn't know how so I improvised, my hand reached out for his and held it feeling his tense up.

"Kira, i'm not in the mood, please let go" he said sternly but with a warning that he was still pissed.

Flash back

"C'mon Boba get up"

"Not in the mood kira"

I grabbed and pulled him up and got in position to attack him "I know you're not, but I also know that training helps you calm down, so get into positions"

He sighs "fine"

End of flash back

'Training huh?' That small memory gave me an idea, I got up almost jumping and grabbed a broom to clean the floor mat so that there wont be any shatter glass that could cut us when training. Took me awhile since I was making sure there wont be any small pieces left before I was fully finished. I then walk towards him noticing him looking at me weird "what are you doing?" He was confused. I grin and extend both my hands down to him "c'mon, I think I know how to cheer you up"

'God I hope this works'

End of chapter 39

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