Chapter 63- Anger leads to Hate

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The night went on with me and Boba sleeping together on the floor and in a hug as our body produced the warmth we needed to get through the cold night. Hours later, the night comes to an end. The sun rise up another day in Geonosis, local workers woke up to attend their jobs or to just hang at the bar or just stay lazy in their homes, while I woke up to be still chained up in this small room. I stretched my limbs and let out a yawn as I slowly open my eyes to realize that Boba wasn't in the room, guess he had to walk out of the room cause Aurra came back and he didn't want her to see him with me and get ourselves in trouble although I knew he didn't care about what Aurra thinks or says anymore. He just wanted to protect me at all costs.

The pain from last night let to turn into soreness, but nothing I can't handle, at least I could stand up with ought my legs be wobbly, I was fine now. I shift my legs to turn around and see out through the small barred window to at least see the outside, the sun, civilization...anything! Staring at the outside, the door of the room slowly opened and footsteps quickly approached me. I turned around with a cheeky smile thinking it was Boba and fades when I saw Bossk instead. "Bossk?" The trandoshan grab a hold of my wrist while the other one worked on opening the cuffs with the key he was holding. "We don't have much time, make sure to follow my lead and everything will be fine okay?" Cuffs soon were off and placed on the ground quietly. My hand rub my writs feeling relieved that the cuffs were off finally and probably forever but my face had a puzzled expression towards the Trandoshan.

"What's going on? Why did you take the cuffs off? And where's Boba?" I followed behind Bossk as he would shush me when we were at the door of the room im in. "Boba's is waiting for us, I'm helping you and Him get out of here before Aurra comes back" he whispers the answers to my questions. I was really thankful for his help and yet confused by this sudden teamwork they have right now, maybe they talked while I was asleep? Who knows, but right now it wasn't the time to think about it, it was the time to finally get out of here. "Make sure not to make any noise cause Khali is here and if she finds out that you're out, she'll warn Aurra and that's going to be a problem" I nod, ready to follow the plan he had. We head out to the hallway very sneakily, looking out where we step and where to go so that we don't end up crashing against something and make noise that can cause this opportunity of escape.

As we were getting close to the front door, my ears picked a distinct voice coming from the room in front of us. Bossk walked past it like he didn't hear anything but the voice got louder and familiar the more I got closer to the room 'Boba?' I stop and hid next to the door listening "why are you really here Boba? To tell me that you finally love me and not that girl you brought?"

"Leave her out of this Khali, i only came here to ask what happened to Aurra" Boba's voice was his usual serious stern tone.

"Ugh! Fine! She got amputated, replaced her arm for a prosthetic one"

As I was concentrated listening to the both of them, a whisper full voice with a hiss calls me from a distance "psst! Kira! Lets go!" Bossk swung his arm, motioning to get over to where he was, but I decided to stay and listen a little more.

"Is that all? Now can we get back to where we were?~" her voice cooed at the bounty hunter, causing me to frown my brows confused to why she was talking to him like that in the first place.

"No, Khali, I need to go somewhere else right now" he kept his voice stern towards the Twi'lek.

"Aww, C'mon Boba! Just stay a little longer" she begged.

"I said no!-"

Suddenly, the sound of something heavy fell to the ground making a loud sound that echoed through the hallway. My eyes wide as my head turn to see Bossk on the ground with boxes of robotic parts scattered around the area.

"What was that?" Khali's voice spoke.

Panic build inside of me as the sound of her footsteps began to step closer to the door by the second until the stopped. I open my eyes and shakily look if she was there but no, she wasn't. My heart raced as I took a quiet step to walk past the room and over to where Bossk was. Thats when my heart shattered to millions of pieces at what I was seeing in the room. Boba was cupping Khali's cheeks as he kissed her, my breathing got shaky feeling like I was about to faint the more I stared. I felt betrayed, lied to, after all that happened last night...didn't it mattered to him like said? A defeated sad sigh escaped my lips, making the Hunters eyes to open immediately and land on my betrayed ones. His eyes grew wide as he part his lips from hers, Boba looks at the Twi'lek then looks at me and shakes his head slowly to a no as his expressions were remorseful to what he just did, he knew he screwed up. I scoffed quietly with a disbelieve smile and walked away, eventually leaving the building with ought Bossk or him.

I got back to Boba's house pack my stuff and change into my armor so that I can leave this planet to never see him again, this was the last straw and he's done it again, he screwed up...AGAIN! Instead of tears going down my cheeks, I only feel hate build up inside of me, he's hurt me more than I could think of. I wasn't going to cry for someone like him, not anymore!

End of chapter 63

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