Chapter 57- Head back home

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Feeling I had enough of confusions, lies and yelling, I left Boba's house. I had no shoes on and the only thing I was wearing was the dress, I was weaponless and unsafe out here, specially when it was dark and I was alone. My body was cold from the breeze of the night, my heart was broken and numb, my eyes were puffed up from crying. I was a total mess. I thought about going back to grab my belongings but I seriously didn't want to see Boba's face again, instead of feeling love for him, I felt anger, he hurt me, yelled at me...lied to me, and the thing is that I trusted him! More than anyone in the galaxy and he lied! "Why you? Why me?" I sniffle as I stared down to the ground. A hand suddenly covers my mouth and nose with some kind of cloth. Everything happened too quickly for me to react, I was desperately searching for oxygen when everything went black. As my eyes closed, I could hear a speeder nearby 'h-help'


It was night time, we finally arrived Kamino. Han, Obi-wan and I walked out of the ship while Jar jar stayed in guard of the ship. I almost forgot to put on my helmet as we start to walk, luckily no one was outside other than us, so it gave me time to slip on the helmet "geez, you weren't lying that this planet is always raining like mad" I finish. Thunder strikes but I didn't flinch by it cause I wasn't scared of them. "Yeah" Han mumbled as he hang onto his rain covers now that the wind is starting to pick up with more intensity. We reached the front door of the building where Obi-wan knocked on the door loud enough for whoever was inside could hear, eventually, the door opens with a male with curly hair and three other males behind him "what can I do for you? Jedi" The curly haired male asked 'he knows Obi-wan is a jedi? Wait! I think he mentioned he did came here years ago'

"Boba fett?" Obi-wan asked the male, who stared back at Obi-wan with a brow lift up and eyes squinted. 'Boba fett?!' The name crossed my mind as I instantly rush past the jedi towards the curly haired male, grab him by his shirt neck collar tightly and bring him close to my T shape visor "You!" I growl "where is she?!" The male grab my hands trying to pull my grip off him and couldn't until he got help from the others to pull him away. "Calm down woman! I'm not Boba fett!" He exclaims while he fixes his clothing "but you- the hairstyle-um" Han couldn't find a way to better explain things. "Yeah yeah, we all know, he kinda likes to impersonate Boba fett for some strange reason" Max explains as he looks at the male on the corner of his eyes. "I told you I like to annoy him" Obi-wan clears his throat catching the boys attention in time before they change subject further. "Oh! Sorry. Anyway, the names Jack and these guys are cole, kye and max" he point at each individual

"Yeah okay, hello there" Obi-wan waved rather sarcastically towards them as his face remained serious while his hair continues to get wet from the rain. "Lets make this quick, is there any chance a girl name Kira Skywalker staying here?" I glance towards the boys who exchanged glance at each other "she was" Jack responds. "What do you mean, she did?" I quote on quoted. The male named Jack backs away incase I try to grab him again "what I mean is that she's no longer here, she left with Boba early this morning" he informs. Han crosses his arms "do you know where they went?" Jack looks at Han and shakes his head to a no "Boba and I talk but he never tells me about where he goes or what he is going to do" the males voice sounded honest. 'Dang it! Where could he have gone with her?' "He's a quiet guy but the way he acts around Kira is something I've never seen before" Jack adds. "What do you mean by that?" Obi-wan sounded intrigued by Jacks comment.

"Oh! Well uh, ever since he came with Kira here-" the male stops for a brief second as he thinks of something before he continues. "Lets just say he likes Kira" "more like, loves her" cole corrected Jack. "Yeah" Jack agrees. 'What?...' I felt my heart sink at the thought of Kira liking that hunter back 'no...' "I see, well, thank you for your time Jack" Obi-wan said. He was about to turn to leave and stops "do you have any knowledge of when he might come back?" The boys shake their heads to a no in unison, responding to the jedi's last question before he leaves. Han and I follow behind. I was zoned out in my thoughts thinking of things that only made my heart sink even more 'he loves Kira, guess he and her have...kissed? Are they dating now?' I was now inside the ship but I didn't noticed until I heard the hatch close and the engine of the ship being powered on. "Guess that leaves us to head back home" Han spoke.

I snap out of my thoughts by shaking my head "wait what?! But Kira-" "face it Akari, you searched every planet on the map but there was no trace of her and she's with Boba fett, I highly doubt it'd be easy now that he apparently loves her, hunters like him tend to be overprotective" I notice han nod in agreement "Akari, I'm so sorry but, you just have to let her go" with that, my heart shatters "but-" "trust me, it'll be better for you if you do" Han calmly states. Obi-wan turns in his seat to look at me "if she wants to come back then fine, if she doesn't sorry" "obi-wan is right Akari, just let time take its course, we'll see what happens" Obi-wan exhale sharply, turning back in his seat to fly the ship "I just hope she's not doing anything stupid like...empire related, right now"

End of chapter 57

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