Chapter 40- Little One vs One

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Boba and I were standing on oposite ends of the mat that covers the whole training room so that when there were two people training with each other and someone falls on their back, their landing could be soft under them. I gave Boba a determined look while he gave me a frowned and confused look. "Ready boba?" I walk to the center. Boba approaches the center carefully "Kira, are you sure about this? I don't wanna hurt- WOAH!" He got cut short when I suddenly grabbed his wrist, turned myself around as I pulled his wrist over my shoulder until I felt his forearm on my shoulder, thats when Boba's body flew over me and land facing upwards on the mat. "What the?! How did you?" Astonishment rushed through him as his eyes were as wide as a tennis ball.

I only grinned and giggled innocently at him, as I felt movement on the mat telling me he was getting up.

——-Boba's P.O.V——

I got up from the mat right after I saw her innocent grin and heard her giggle. I watch her for a few seconds before a slight smirk appear on my face, grabbing her by both wrists and pinning her on the wall with both of her hands above her head "think that was funny huh? How are you planning on getting out of this one?" My smirk grew with each word that came out my mouth as my eyes notice her cheeks get a light pink tint on them 'god she's so cute' "like this" her voice caught me off guard, before I knew it, she used the advantage of having her wrists held tight above her head to lift her legs and used them to push me away, not giving me the time to react and stop them. I loose a bit of balance but I didn't fell...on my butt.

"Impressive" my smirk turned to a small grin. Kira walks towards me keeping her determined look on her face "yeah but, that's not all I can do" I lift a brow "oh really?" She attempts to throw a punch but my reflexes were fast to stop her fist from hitting me. I look at her fist captured in my hand then glance at her and giggle my brow involuntarily. Her blush turns a more red tone, attempting to throw another punch with her other hand, only to get caught by my free hand. I flinch from the pain in that hand since that was the one I used to punch hard on the mirror, not to mention the pain from my knuckles. "Are you okay?" Kira's sudden worried tone caught my attention, I appreciate that she worries about me but, I never liked the idea of worrying her, so I just put on a smile and nod.

We battled each other for a good three to four minutes when I was thrown to the floor facing up at the ceiling again. I hear Kira's giggle turn to a laugh as I noticed her above me, once again I had a smirk on my lips again. I got to a sitting position, extend my arms at her and grabbed her by her wrists pulling her down with me. I was too quick for her to react, I turn both of us around till I was pinning her on the ground. "Laughing now?" I lift a brow cockily with a smirk, as I watch her shake her head to a no as a red tint appear on her cheeks. "Blushing huh?" I chuckle at the sigh. She covers her face with both her hands embarrassed by it, but I used my hand to stop her from covering her adorable face. At this time my heart started to race, our faces were inches apart from each other. 'S-should I...kiss her? What if she hates me for that? What if she doesn't want to ugh!'

I was rambling in my thoughts not even realizing her soft and small hand cup my cheek, my eyes move to meet hers "are you okay?" She was slightly concern of my behavior. I let out a sigh "yeah, just thinking about something" I look away only to hear her ask again "about what?" Her beautiful voice, even though she was concerned, I always love to hear it. Fills my heart with happiness, love and live. Things I never thought I'd feel again, not in a million years. The thing she making me soft? Are my feelings for her making me change to the point that my job as most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy will no longer be like that? 'DANK FARRIK!' I shut my eyes as I clench my jaw tight. "Boba? What's wrong? Please tell m-" her sentence was cut short with a deep gasp/breath from her nose.

My lips...crashed...on hers.

Her lips were so soft and smooth under mine as I kissed her, it did took her a bit to respond which worried me and wanted to stop, but once I felt her respond to the kiss, a sigh of relieve escape my nostrils. The kiss was slow and passionate, I can say, she was really good. Both of her hands were now cupping my cheeks as mine were holding me above her so that I don't fall on her and possibly crush her small body. "Boba..." she calls in between the kiss. "Hm?" I hummed a what, keeping my eyes closed. "Someone's...coming" she said. I slowly open my eyes and sadly break the kiss. I turn my head to look behind me at the door as I could hear footsteps approaching "dammit" I curse under my breath. I quickly got off her hand stood up before I extend a hand for her.

The footsteps com to a stop and a male voice spoke behind us "you just HAD to destroy this room AGAIN! didn't you, Boba" My face expression quickly changed to my serious, mad one since I don't like to show my other side to anyone.

"Same as always..." I roll my eyes, feeling the moment just got ruined by this guy, or should I say "clone"

End of chapter 40

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