Chapter 52- That's Enough

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It's around 1:49pm, we finally arrive Geonosis, I was in Boba's room having a hard time after what happened earlier and the stupid jetpack wasn't helping at all. When I finally put on the jetpack, I braid my hair and pinned it on the back of my head before I walked out of the room to the counter where I left my helmet, spotting Boba's helmet was still next to mine. Letting a small exhale through my nostrils, I extend my hand towards it, landing it on the top of the helmet and glanced at the T visor as if I was looking at Boba's eyes. My lips curl to a forced smile but my eyes remained sad. "I'm sorry Boba...I'm sorry to be stupid enough to say that to you" My other hand was placed on my armored chest as I continue "I really didn't mean to say that, I guess I was worried you'd someday stop liking me just because I can't remember you...or because I might be not good enough for you" my words became low.

I chuckled weak "if you only knew that im trying so hard to remember but is so fucking hard when the only clues I had are gone like-like" I grunt frustrated as I clench my teeth and close my eyes. "Your father Jango fett!" The hand that was once on my chest, is now covering my eyes, sensing them tearing up. "I knew him! I knew him well! He was like an uncle to me and now he is gone forever!" At this point I didn't know what I was saying or where are this things coming from. All I know is that I kept saying and letting out things out of my chest. "I don't know how I know all of this but all I can say that I miss you Mr. Fett and that im doing everything I can to remember your son but I just don't know how!" I cried. "I don't know how I can remember my father and Jango but I can't remember Boba! I need help! Guidance! Just anyth-" I gasped at the end. Two large and strong arms capture me from behind bringing me to a tight hug "that's enough!"

My eyes wide at the sound of his voice next to me "boba..." I whispered with a sob as I feel Boba lean his head to rest on my shoulder while his thumb rubbed my stomach "that's enough..." he repeated in a whisper. I relax a bit on his arms, my mouth was opened by the gasp, my breathing was heavy it was hard to breath were I lost my balance and almost fell but luckily Boba was there and caught me. "Woah hey! Easy!" I held out my hand "i-i'm fine, im fine" I lie, I wasn't. I felt dizzy, my head was starting to hurt and my legs were extremely wobbly. Obviously Boba wasn't a fool to fall for that lie, so he took things to his matter, he leaned in close to the counter, grab my helmet and slip it on my head and then picked me up bridal style. "Can you grab my helmet?" He asked. I was speechless at the fact that I was picked bridal style right now, thinking that he was still mad at me and yet...he's doing all of this.

I did what he asked and with ought telling me anything else, I slip him his helmet on, hiding away his beautiful brown eyes and curly hair. I stared at the T visor of his helmet, remembering about the ship "Boba, who's going to land the-" Boba positioned his legs so he wouldn't fall with me on his arms at the feeling of a strong vibration coming from the ship as if it was landing. "This can land itself?" I glanced at him confused as my ears picked up the sound of his chuckle "surprised? This baby can land on itself, I just prefer to land it on my own" with that boba walks over to the hatch, he needed help to open the door so I helped by pushing the button. Took a few seconds but once the hatch was fully opened, boba steps out of the ship and the first thing I noticed was that the ship landed in a hole with a door above to hide the ship from anyone. The bounty hunter carried me up the ladders with no trouble.

We soon come up to a small house with its kitchen, bathroom and 'ONE ROOM?!' The hunter gently puts me down on the bed and takes off my helmet to set it on the table next to the bed. I looked around the room as I hear the hunter walked out of the room and came back with a bottled water to give it to me. I take a mouth full of water and swallowed as I hear the hunter speak "you may not remember this house because were not in the same house where we stayed with my father when kids, I moved away from that one and now I'm staying here and Kamino, where I originally lived with him" I turn to meet the T visor and analyze what he just said. "Smart" I comment. He tilts his head "smart? Why?" He asks curiously. "Well, you kept the house where you lived with your father in Kamino and you moved from the other one to a smaller one where you call your home now here in Geonosis" I explained.

That earned a scoff followed by a light chuckle by him. "I honestly didn't think about that" I smiled lightly at him. "Well, i'll be right back, stay here okay?" He quickly turn in his heels to walk away but I managed to stop him "where are you going?" I asked. The bounty hunter turned his head and spoke "i'm going to get you the clothes while you rest" he states. "But I-" "no buts, no arguments, stay here, I'll take care of it" I exhaled defeated by him and nod "okay..." I pout. "Good, I'll be back hopefully in 20minutes or so" With that, the hunter left the room but not the house, giving me the time to shout something "BE CAREFUL OKAY?!" The hunters head pops out of a corner looking straight at me "I'm still here? But" he lets out a small laugh but his voice was still hurt "I will" I hid my face embarrassed "okay" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

End of chapter 52

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