Chapter 78- Loosing it

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"Kira, Will you marry me?"

I was mind blown by this sudden question that also seems to good to be true! I thought I was dreaming, am I?

Sadly. yes, I was dreaming. I woke up randomly at night and looked around seeing Boba sleeping peacefully next to me with his hands wrapped around my hips. Of course I felt sad that the dream wasn't reality, I would be more than happy for that dream to come true, but unfortunately, we both have to wait. Boba still doesn't have his cut of his bounty which is something he has to work harder and it takes time. Not to mention that I yet don't know what I really want except to be next to Boba, the only thing that makes me happy and I can be myself around.

It was 2:00 am in the morning when I woke up and decided to head to the kitchen for some water since I felt a little parched for some random reason. All I can say is that I wished I never woke up and stayed sleeping where I was at peace. A huge headache hit me, causing me to drop my water and press my head with both hands "agh!"

"Stop know you want to have your own empire, rule the galaxy and destroy those rebels once and for all"

"F-father?" I struggled to ignore his voice. My body felt heavy, I felt like I was loosing control of my body, as if someone was possessing it. "L-Leave me alone father...p-please" I wanted to call Boba for help but when I open my mouth, nothing came out.

My body became heavier, I started to tremble until I was finally brought down to my knees as the words join the dark replayed over and over until, I lost myself. My hands, that were still on my head, finally moved by themselves and rest on the floor as I did nothing but hear my fathers deep robotic voice "finish what I started and don't you dare hold back"

"Yes father" I felt a strong force making me stand up, controlling my movements, almost making me feel like a puppet. I walked towards the bed room and checked if boba was still asleep, he was, and then head to a closet where we kept our armor and weapons. I rummaged through some crates until I found my saber and my father's saber, and hanged them on my belt. "Good job, now flee the the planet, we have a lot to work on" I nod at nothing but the voice in my head and flee the hotel room.

The sun was starting to rise on the horizon which meant that I had to act quick on finding a ship so I can leave the planet before anyone sees me. I ran around until I found a small ship, wasting no time, I got inside and powered the ship soon noticing a mandalorian waving like crazy at me, telling me to get off his ship but I ignored him and started to navigate. "Where to father?" I spoke emotionless, kinda like a zombie. "First, we need to get you some...loyal troopers"

Darth vader chuckles darkly "and I think you know where to get them, right daughter?" A mischievous smirk creeped out on my lips as I set course to my destination "in fact I do...father"


Around 2:58am, I woke up and the first thing I noticed was that Kira wasn't on the bed 'when did she woke up? And how did I not feel her movement?' "I scratched the back of my head shrugging those questions off and got up. I did my mourning routine and head to the kitchen where I saw water spilled on the floor and a cup inches away from the spilled water. "Kira?" I called her as I picked the cup up and placed it on the sink to clean it and then grabbed tissues to clean the water off the floor.

Realizing I wasn't getting any answers from Kira, I decided to look around the room and see if she just fell asleep somewhere, so far, no sign of her. That's when I looked to my right and noticed the closet where we keep our armor open "her armor is still here but-" my eyes grew wide as they stare at the empty small crates that hid the sabers opened and empty. My heart beat pounded hard as panic rushed through my body "no no no" I ran back to my room and called her using the hollow caller. I did it three times, each time worrying more and more. "C'mon! Answer me!" I yelled at the device as if she could hear me, On the edge of giving up, she answers.

"Kira! Where are you? Do you have the sabers? And-" I examined her surroundings and frowned confused. "Are you on a ship? Where are you going?" Kira's head turned around slowly in a creepy possessed way until she was looking at me and cackles. 'What's wrong with her?' I was about to ask her when her eyes caught my attention "kira your eyes! They're sith like! What are you doing!?"

"Pfft! Oh boba calm down, im just on a task to-" she stops herself to think and then continues "finish something" "finish what? And what's wrong with your voice? You don't sound like yourself" her expressions darkens "what im gonna do is none of your concern, so I would appreciate if you stop asking me questions!" "Kira! Wait!" She hangs up. I take a moment to at least analyze some things before I ran towards my armor and put it on that wasn't kira at all, she's being controlled by-' then it hit me, the voices she told me she had been hearing for a while.


End of chapter 78

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