Childhood memories part 5- Death of a Bounty Hunter

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The next day...It was morning, the two suns slowly making their way up in the sky. I was still fast asleep in bed, not caring if the rays of the suns shone through the window and onto my face, I simply turned around and faced the door as I exhaled softly through my nose, soon inhaling again. Eventually my relaxation comes to an end when I hear the door of my room open, but I dint even bother on opening my eyes to see who it was.

"Kira?" An adult voice called my name, thats when I realized who it was, opened my eyes and bolted to a sitting position "I'm awake!" I shout a bit. Jango laughed at my sudden action, it really was dumb to wake up like that. Jango's laugh fades, containing himself and spoke "you know you don't have to wake up like that just because I sometimes say that we have to get up early or at a different time" A chuckle escaped from his mouth. Looking away as I rub the back of my head, clearly embarrassed, respond "I know, sorry" I chuckled in embarrassment. As the bounty hunter smiles "its okay" he adds "anyway, go eat breakfast and get ready, we leave in 50 minutes" he informs as he makes his way out of the room.


"Woah, were are we?" I asked in awe as look at my surroundings and walked. "This is Geonosis arena, this is where Dooku told father to meet up" Boba responds as he walks past me but makes a brief stop and turns around, waiting for me to catch up with them. I didn't notice boba was waiting till I stopped looking around, eyes now landing on him. He makes a c'mon motion with his head, I grinned innocently before I ran towards him. He chuckles, suddenly grabbing my hand to start walking again. I blushed a bit as walked next to him. "Just so that when you get distracted by something you try to keep up" he turns his head and looks at me before adding "and not stopping to look" he smirks.

I puff my cheeks at what he said "I don't stop to look at whatever distracts me- oh hey look a bone" I cut my own words as I look down at a bone in front of me. Boba quietly approaches me and spoke in my ear "you stopped" he whispered with a hint of a tease as he makes his way up the stadium. I shake my head to focus and made a "hm" sound and start to run behind and past him making my way to where Jango and Dooku are. I looked behind to see boba laughing a bit then slowly stop to look at me but instead of saying something, he lifts his hands, placed them over my shoulder and turned me around, I was now facing towards the arena, he then lets go and stops next to me.

We were standing next to Jango doing nothing but listen to his and Dooku's conversation. Thats when I hear the word jedi, catching my attention I tried to listen further into the conversation when I felt something lightly hit my shoulder. I turn and look down to see a pebble, soon lift my head and saw boba covertly pointing down at the arena, I walk away from Jango and closer to the edge, seeing a unconscious jedi. I try to focus and make out who it was as the people from Geonosis start showing up and taking a seat around the arena. I sighed a bit and look over at boba who was staring down at the jedi with brows slightly frowned.

I make my way to him and spoke "who is it? I can't see well" I said in slight frustration, he looks at me and extended his hand to grab my wrist, gently pulling me close to where he was standing. He turns my head to the direction of the jedi and then points with ought saying a word, I focus my vision again and thats when I clearly saw who it was, my eyes widen 'h-how? How is he still alive?!' I though a yell, my hand automatically moved to where my saber was hanging but I felt a hand grab my wrist a bit tight. "Don't" boba whispered "but-" boba cut me off "I know, but right now, there's nothing you can do and even if you were planning on heading down there, I wouldn't let you, its dangerous right now with those beasts"

He was right, there's nothing I could do but hope that those beast finally finish that jedi once and for all. Boba let go of my wrist once he felt I was calm and being reasonable before patting my shoulder gently "let me ask dad something, i'll be right back" he left, leaving me standing near the edge, watching the jedi getting attacked by the beast and sometimes dodging them. I hear boba speak to his father when the sound of a lightsaber cut him off, I shoot my gaze and saw another jedi, but this one had a purple saber and had it near Jango fett's neck.

Jango pushed boba back to protect him, I step closer to boba and hid behind him as I also grab a hold of his shirt, he notices it as he would move one arm back almost shielding me when I noticed a bunch of lightsabers being activated around the arena, I hummed a nervous sound, boba hears it, soon moving and pulling me closer to him, then hears Jango "Boba, go hide" boba wasted no time in asking any questions. We hid in a hallway, boba was still shielding me as he watched his father use the flamethrower at the jedi, making him jump away.

I move next to boba also watching the bounty hunter shoot a jedi who was about to attack Dooku before he used the jetpack to go down to the arena, thats when Boba raise himself using his knees to see where he father was "what's going on boba? Where's Mr. Fett?" My tone showed worry and fear "he's killing the horned creature that got in his way" he replies, I nod slowly. "Now he's shooting the jedi with the purple saber thats running towards..." boba stops. I look up at him, eager and confused at why he stopped. "What? Why did you stop talking? What happened?" Boba suddenly collapse to his knees. I move till i was in front of him before placing both of my hands on his shoulder trying to snap him out.

"Boba? Boba!" I shake him "boba what's wrong?!" I stop shaking him when he moved his eyes to look at mine, his eyes showed only shock "he killed him" "who? Who killed who?" I asked hysterically "the jedi...he killed my father..."

End of chapter 5

Holy guys!! i started to release the chapters yesterday and this book is already ranking position 5?!?! Omg thank you!!!😭💜💜

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