Chapter 54- The Drunk Hunter

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My thoughts wondered as I kept an eye on boba's behavior. All of his sadness and quietness from earlier were just all of a sudden gone, like nothing ever happened. Did he forget? Did he forgive me? Unless, he heard more than I thought of when I was talking to his helmet back at the ship. "Um boba?" Boba was taking his armor and boots off before he layed stomach first on his bed "yesss, beautiful?" His tone sounds cocky but I didn't think about that too much. "By any chance, did you listen to everything I said back at the ship, when I was talking to your um...helmet?" I grin sheepishly. The male looks to the side as he press his index against his chin, thinking while he hums. "Yes!" He exclaims, putting a lot of emphasis on the s. My eyes squint suspiciously at the hunters strange behavior "are you okay?" He frown his brows "yeah, why?"

"Sit on the bed" I cross my arms and wait for him to do what I told. "Kira, sweetheart, im tired" he complains. "Sit! On the bed boba fett" I command. The hunters looked intimidated by my commanding voice and sat on the bed like I told him to, I spot him wobble a few times 'hmm' I set the bag down on the bed and made my way to the hunter only to pick up a strong alcoholic scent "have you been drinking?!" Boba jump off the bed to press his index over my lips "shhhhh, you don't have to be so loud" my hand push his away from my lips "what do you mean don't be loud, you're drunk!" My hands shake him by the shoulders "why would you be drinking anyway? Is it because of what I said? Boba I said I was sor-" "nononono, sweetheart, I forgive you okay? His lips pouts while his large hands played with my hair.

I didn't know how to feel about him being drunk, but I definitely felt a weight off my shoulders now that he told me that he forgives me for the way I hurt him, at least, that's what he just said and not the alcohol kicking in hard on him. "You just said that because you're drunk huh? You don't really mean it" my face falls only to be immediately lift up by the hunters index "Kira I may be drunk, I may act like an idiot right now, but I know what I'm saying, I think..." he states "but I do! I forgive you" he finishes with a kiss on my cheek only for him to notice my eyes wide and my cheeks turn deep red "um, b-boba" I stutter. "Yes, sweetheart?" "Y-your hand" I continue to stutter. "Why are you blushing so deep red? And why do I feel something...really nice on my hand" he smirks. "YOU'RE HAND IS ON MY BUTT YOU DORK!!" Thinking the hunter would stop and back away embarrassed by what he was doing, he only whistled as he wiggles his brows. "BOBA!"

I pushed him away from me feeling my face burning up, knowing I was blushing like mad. I probably pushed him a little to hard cause the male did hit his back against the bad frame landing on his butt on the floor. "Shii- I'm so sorry boba!" Boba grunts closing his eyes shut as his hand tried to reach the are he got hurt. I help the bounty hunter up and layed him on the bed, earning few more grunts from him. "I-I'll be right back, Imma go get a bacta patch" I rushed out of the room in search for a med kit. Took like half minute when I finally found one. I rush back to the room just for the bacta patch fall from my hands. Boba was laying on his stomach...SHIRTLESS! "I-I-" I cover my eyes as I crouch down to pick up the patch to give it to him. "H-here's the patch boba" my voice was traumatized, its the first time I've seen him acting like this because he's drunk and lets not mention those muscles.

I extend my hand and start to walk forward to where I thought the hunter was, truth is that I don't know where I walk walking cause I kept my hand over my eyes to prevent them from staring at him. "Lost are we?~" he cooed against my ear. I was about to run away from his voice when his hands capture me by my hips and turned me around to face the now shirtless hunter who's looking down at me, his eyes staring deeply into mine. "You're so beautiful" he whispers "s-stop, you're just saying that because you're drunk" I pout. The hunter chuckles deeply "I told you, I may be drunk, but I know what im saying" he leans his face to mine but I stop him by lifting the patch infront of his face "here's the patch!" I exclaim nervously. He chuckles more "thank you, but I have a problem" he states as he takes the patch and release my hips. "W-what?" I stutter. The male smirks showing the corner of his teeths "I can't reach the area, I need your help"

I was ready to refuse but he quickly put on his puppy eyes and pout his lips innocently "pleasssee" I gave him an annoyed stare before speaking "just lay down" I pointed to the bed. As soon as the hunter layed stomach on the bed, I went and placed the bacta patch on his back, being careful not to press too hard to cause him more pain. I did had to press a little more on the corners just so that the sticky part of the patch was secure enough for it not to fall off. When I was done I grab his shirt and tossed it to his head. "There, now wear your shirt you dummy" the hunter pulled off the shirt off his head and placed it under his chin to use it as a pillow "nah, i'm gonna stay like this for now" he responds, his eyes looking for me. I grab the bag again about to head to the bathroom to try on whatever clothing he brought me "I'm going to try this on now, don't do anything stu-" I stop my own words as I caught boba flexing his arm muscles while he was laying down as his eyes stare at me, as his smirk grew wider "can I see how they look on you?" He asks.

My eyes grew wide "What?!" "I just wanna see how they look on you...please" he sorta begs. I walked out of the room over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I place my hand over my armored chest, not really feeling my heart beat but I knew it was fast "God...I love him" I said to myself "I know that right now he's drunk and out of control, but he's dumb actions make me fall more and more in love with him"

End of chapter 54

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