Chapter 59- Two girls vs The bounty hunter

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My day couldn't get worse, I screwed everything up with Kira, she ran away, luckily I managed to find her but in the wrong place and now the one who betrayed me when I was young, the one I trusted, is standing right in front of me. I'm kind of surprised she's still alive, there are many people trying to kill her and bounty hunters trying to claim bounty. Though, I am confused, what does this crazy-obsessed Twi'lek here? Does she work for Aurra?
Has she been spying on us since we got here? So many questions popped in my head, I want them answered and now. I grip hard onto my rifle with my index ready to shoot if I sense someone make a wrong move. "So she's a little spy of your's?" i ask serious my brows frowning under my helmet. Aurra chuckles with a mean face "who? your little girlfriend Khali?" She points with her index at the Twi'lek standing near her. "She's NOT my girlfriend and yes Khali!" I snarled.

Aurra lifts her brows faking the surprised expression for my attitude. "Temper temper" she chuckles as she starts to walk around me in a circle "well you see Boba, after you abandoned me back at that prison in the jedi base-all alone, betrayed" I scoff "been there" I roll my eyes. Aurra hit me on the shoulder "pay attention!" She clears her throat and continues "that day I felt this anger towards you, the anger that made me want to have revenge on you" she pushes my helmet with her index, I react by grabbing her hand and roughly push it away. "Anyway, the day I escaped from that dumb prison, I went to search for people that, like Khali, know you well-" "how did you knew where to find her anyway?" I interrupt. Aurra glance at the Twi'lek before she motions her head, calling her over "w-well um, that day Jabba had those two new dancers and you not giving me more attention" I growled anger starting to boil "I noticed that it was because of her" she points at Kira and continue "so, before the ship exploded, I managed to escape and take a nearby ship to fly away from Tatooine, unfortunately, the ship I took was damaged and the only planet near was this one, Geonosis"

"Long story short, she came to me and I accepted to help her" Aurra intervenes. "So thats all, because you two want revenge on me? Because I didn't give you any attention when you know pretty damned well that we were nothing to begin with and you because I abandoned you instead of helping you out? Can I remind you the day YOU did the same to me? You got me caught by jedi's, I was in prison as well!" I shout in Aurra's face. Remembering Kira was here made me calm down a little bit cause I didn't want to scare her anymore with my anger issues, although she probably hates me by now because of what I did to her. "Hmm? Calmed are we?" Aurra mocked. "Shut up" I said sternly. Aurra wanted to say something but I beat her to it "and even IF we were something, what does she has to do with all of this? And what does she has to do with the fact that I betrayed you?" I ask both females. "Oh Boba, you think this is because of that?" Khali asks in a evil tone.

"No no, this has nothing to do with that at all, this is more than that" she chuckles darkly. My eyes follow the Twi'lek getting close to Kira "the kriff do you mean by that?" I watch as the Twi'lek forcefully grabbed Kira's chin making Kira look at her, a grin appears on Khali's face the more she stares at Kira. That overprotective feeling kicked in along with my anger, so I aimed at the Twi'lek with my rifle "leave her alon-" I got cut off by the feeling of someone pointing with a blaster at the back of my neck since my head was protected by the helmet. "Put the rifle down or I'll shoot you, there's no need for that" Aurra commands but I refused to do what she told me, she's not my boss, she's nothing to me, just another sorry idiot added to my killing list. "I said put the rifle down Boba fett!" She exclaims. I was ready to shoot when I hear that one voice I never thought my ears could hear again this night "Put the rifle down Boba! Just do what she says please!" Kira begged.

My head turns slowly as I could feel my heart pound hard against my chest, as look at Kira, she was hurt, she looked like she wanted to tear up but fear didn't let her. I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was okay, tell her that I was sorry for everything, but at the same time, I knew it wasn't posible, not right now. "Kira..." I spoke lowly as I soon lower my rifle to the point of it falling off my hands. The rifle hits the ground hard, not caring if it got jammed or scratched, I only cared about that one female who I love to be safe and okay. Aurra lowers her blaster in awe "Aww, how cute" she spoke "looks like someone has gone soft" Khali giggles at Aurra's comment. My fists clenched "I'm not soft" I blankly stated, only to hear Aurra speak again "no? I told you to drop your rifle and you refused, yet, she tells you to do it and voila, you did" she stops next to me, I can sense her staring at me but I refuse to look back at her. My eyes were fixed on Kira's fearful ones until mine close, I was now only seeing darkness.

I continued to take deep breaths, feeling like my heart wanted to explode, my legs were a little shaky...I was scared, scared of what these crazy females wanted to do to Kira, scared if the wanted me to do harm to her 'no! Don't think about that Boba, you know you would never harm her' I thought. I open my eyes again, now seeing the female called Aurra standing in front of me. "J-just tell me why you want Kira? Kill her? Hurt her?" I didn't realize my voice was also shaky, even if it was, I didn't care anymore, I didn't care if I showed weakness to these people, I can just easily get rid of them for good. "Kill her? what? No no no!" She fakes a laugh. "I mean, the job we got, the man told us to bring her either dead or alive so, yeah I guess it wouldn't matter, we will still get payed" Aurra shrugs.

I shoot a glance at Aurra "what job?" My voice sound scared yet demanding for answers. Auraa lifts a brow as she places her hand over her chest dramatically "didn't you knew? After the day Darth Vader died everyone wanted to know what happened to his daughter, no one knew where to look first until I remembered that you had a connection with her" she begins to walk around me in a circle, trying to intimidate me with words. "I went looking around for you but it was a pain until I met Khali and well, she knows every place you go to and live, giving me a reason to make her my assistant" with everything she has said so far, I used every word to put this messy puzzle together until I finally figured this out. It all makes sense, the clingyness of the Twi'lek, Boosk disappearing and Aurra being here in this planet, but wait, Bossk introduced me to Khali after Kira's death meaning that at that time Khali never knew about Aurra...unless, I glance over to Khali and examined her carefully until my eyes caught something on her wrist.

I walk over to her and grab her wrist revealing numbers and the rebellion symbol next to those numbers 'she's a prisoner from the rebellion prison I was in when I was young!' The twi'lek snatches her wrist away from my grip earning a scoff from me "you're a prisoner from the same rebellion prison I was in when I was young...the same one Aurra was in as well" I back away from them again "you helped Aurra escape! Din't you?!" I raise my tone. The twi'lek flinch from my voice with a amazed expression plastered on her face, telling me that it was true. "That's right, I did" She responds. "Why the hell would you do that?!" I kept my tone raised. "Hey, calm down!" Aurra points her blaster towards me. "Give me answers then" I spat. Aurra chuckles "alright, I will" she kept her blaster pointed towards me "the event you pulled with Kira and Bossk, Khali was there and witnessed it, meaning that after you left me behind when I asked for help, Khali stayed and helped me escape, she told me she had no home or a place to stay I did the best thing I could do by taking her with me"

I cross my arms as she continues "I eventually found out that she could be good use for me so I trained her, trained her until she was ready for the first mission on Tatooine" "let me guess, force Bossk into talking to me so that we meet?" I said in a sarcastic voice, Aurra smirks and nods "thats right, and guess what? It worked cause while you two were talking, Khali snuck a small tracking device on you" my eyes wide as my arms unfolds "what?" "Boba...y-your cape, its glowing" Kira spoke. I glance at her and then look down at the piece of cloth hanging from my left side and there it was, a small tracking device hanging from it. "Damn you!" I took the device off my cape and threw it away landing in another room. "Aaanyway, im gonna finish now" Aurra laughs, my eyes follow her. "Once that was done she's been doing nothing but chasing you around the galaxy until hey! You're here" she finishes with a smirk. I began to think again, that explains why she snuck in my ship, but wait! what happened to Bossk? "Where's Bossk?"

"I'm here"

End of chapter 59

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