Chapter 6- Sacrificed to save two lives

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I was holding onto bossk as he blasts the clones and hid behind some crates, not noticing Boba wasn't with us until bossk spoke "boba, hand me the bombs" he extended his hand out waiting for the bombs, he then spoke again "c'mon boba, we dont have ti- where is he?" I look behind us and saw that he was gone "I thought he was following us" I thought out loud. Bossk then grabs a bomb, activated it and threw it to the troopers, eventually exploding the troopers to different directions. "Guys!" "What took so long?" Bossk gets up, still holding my injured leg around his waist.

Boba pant as he looks up at bossk "had to take care of something" he pant the words out. "You okay K?" He looks at me "yeah" I nod. "C'mon, we are going that ship over there" he points at a ship that has a escape pod just in case. "Alright, lets move" boba runs towards the ship and immediately opens the hatch. As Bossk ran to get to the ship, a blast flew right next to us, I turn my head to see a group of troopers and the jedis obi-wan kenobi, Mace Windu and two others who I never seen before. "Bossk!" I called, bossk looks over his shoulders and saw what I was seeing "great. Boba, power up the ship!"

Bossk goes up the hatch and closes the hatch as boba was on the control panel of the ship to fly. A few minutes later the ship shook and then we were off the ground. We did hear a few blast crash against the ship but they faded once we were away from the base. Bossk, walked over to a chair and crouch down as I would let go and bounce a bit on the chair "t-thanks bossk" I thanked the trandoshan, he gets up and turns "no problem" he left to stir the ship as for boba, he is rummaging the drawers of the ship until he finds a medic kit and walks over to me.

Boba gets to his knees and place the kit on the ground next to him, he grabs and lifts my leg to get a better view of the wound as he then proceeds to take the cloth off. "Ah!" I made a sound of pain. Boba rubs around my wound to try and take some pain away as he uses his other hand to open and rummage through the kit. "Hey bossk!" He shout "What?" Bossk reply "aren't there supposed to be needle and thread in a medical kit?" He asks while examining the kit. "I think so, I mean I'm not a medic so im not sure" he responds.

I suddenly flinch when boba's thumb accidentally touched the wound, he notices and looks up "sorry" he apologize and goes back to rummaging through the kit. "Aren't bacta patches enough?" I had a fearful tone, I hated needles, I hated the thought of them going through your skin. But I guess if this was the only way to help my wound get cured, then I don't have a choice. Boba soon takes a needle and some thread. "Found them" he says and carefully lets go of my leg as he proceeds to get the thread on the needle.

I was watching Boba prepare the needle and then glance at his hair, I tilt my head a bit "that's not a-" "good look on me, I know" he finish the sentence and I giggle, he chuckles and looks at me "shut up, I can't focus when im laughing or chuckling" his chuckle turns to a small laugh. It was hard for him since bossk had to turn the ship at times but when he felt like the ship was moving smoothly he continues to work on the needle. I squint my eyes trying to look away from the needle on his hands but I couldn't "boba" "hm?" He hums a what with his tongue stuck out as he focuses. "I think that the bacta patches are better haha" I laugh nervously as I rub the back of my head.

"Don't be scared, I'll be gentle" he ties a not on the thread after he grabs a bacta patch to put it on the wound when its all stitched up. I bit my lower lip, knowing that I would probably yell or scream from the pain of the needle. "The problem is not the fact that you would be gentle" I look away as I add "the problem is the fact that we don't have anesthetic to use it on the wound, so i'll probably-maybe..." I didn't really wanted to confess that I would scream or yell as it was pretty embarrassing. I decided not to tell him.

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