Chapter 4- The Prisoner

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Its been more than an hour since those troopers took me to prison, they obviously had to follow me incase if I ever dare to run off and escape. They told me I had to change my clothes into the prison uniform with a number on the back. Obviously, I looked super ridiculous in this, but I couldn't do anything about it. "Alright kid, time to get you a haircut" the trooper pokes me on the back with his blaster. My eyes frown in a angry way and I turn around to look at the clone "and why would I want you to get me a haircut?" My tone showed slight anger.

The clone shared glance with the other one and soon grabbed me by my arms, practically dragging me to where the chair was, they forced sat me on the chair and held me there. The barber examined and ruffled my hair immediately triggering a memory from when my father used to ruffle my hair whenever I was sad or he was proud of me. "Dad..." I whispered, not noticing that the barber had already started to cut my hair  into what it looks like a undercut or a pompadour. I didn't look at myself in the mirror, I looked down at what it used to be my curls, all gone, I sigh at the thought that Kira used to like to play with my hair randomly when I was busy or sleeping back at Kamino.

'Ni will get mhi bintar dayn be olar, even meh bic kills ni ' (I will get us both out of here, even if it kills me) I thought as I get up of the chair once the troopers released their grips on me and start to walk to the cell where they are going to keep me in. They took the cuffs off of me and as the clone closed the cell I spoke "you two are going to pay once I get out of here" I glared at them, they laughed rather than feel threatened "sure kid, whatever you say" the other clone adds "IF you get out" they walk away laughing.

—-time skip to night time—-

I wasn't tired so I decided to just sit down on this uncomfortable bed and just think, think of a way to get out of here and help Kira get out, the only thing was how? 'Hang on Kira...I will get us out, I promise' I raise my left hand and run it through my short hair until the cell door suddenly opens again "what now?" I roll my eyes and get up only to hear a trooper speak "you all have a few minutes to eat, you then get back to your corresponding cell and call it a night" with that being said, the prisoners all go to eat. I was hesitating a bit but I walk out and followed the prisoners, soon spotting a familiar face on the other side.

"Hey hagin" I make my way towards the prisoner with his tray of food "you owe me something" I pointed at him, hagin raise a brow "oh, do I?" "You don't even remember me? Thats very insulting" I stopped close to him. "Look kid, I don't want any trouble" he calmly stated but I raised my hand and swung it down, making him drop his tray to the floor. "You stole a bounty from me, I want an apology" I raised my tone. We then hear the other prisoners cheer  towards hagin "kill  him hagin!" "Just like the jedi!!"

Hagin notices and then looks at me again "you don't want to do this" he said. "Oh yes I do!" With ought a warning, I ran and wrapped my arms around him and made us both crash on a table, I then attempt to throw punches but he dodged them and punched me in the face making me grunt and fall to the ground. I wiped some of the blood coming out of the corner of my lips and tried to punch or kick him, that's when the clones came and held me tight before speaking "alright, fun time is over, back to your cells, MOVE!" He ordered. While the prisoners and hagin went back to their cells the second clone grabbed the cuffs and put them on me and proceeded to take me to my cell and closed it by pushing a button, one left the prison while the other kept guard of the inside.

I growled under my breath at what just happened, I felt rather embarrassed that I couldn't even throw him the punch he deserved for stealing from me. It was around 8:00pm when I was laying down on the bed with my chained wrists hanging off of the bed, a little while later, I could hear someone being choked in the distance, At first, I thought it was a random prisoner chocking the other but I then remembered this prison only accepts one person per cell, so It couldn't be that. I slowly get up to a sitting position on the bed and looked around, but there was nothing, thats when I see the trooper on the floor dead.

"What in the?" I was honestly confused and started to ask questions in my mind, how did he choke and die if there was no one around him to have done that, and if someone did caused that, who? And how? "Hm" I hum and turn to go back to my bed, soon hearing a whisper call my name, I turn my head to look out my cell and saw a figure looking around. I didn't know who it was or why were they calling me, so I didn't say anything and just sat on the bed, looking down at the cuffs as the blood kept coming out of the corner of my lip till a drop of it fell on my hand.

A tap on the bar was heard next to me, I almost quickly look at the bars of my cell to see who it was and my mouth almost drop of shock to see Kira standing on the other side of the cell looking directly at me as she pants. I get up of my bed and rush to her "kira? What are you doing here? Its dangerous" I ask in a whisper, soon noticing the scar running from her left brow to her cheek. I was still angry at the padawan for doing that to Kira and wanted tu hurt her back. I'm also worried that the jedi or trooper catch her here. Kira soon manages to get her breath back and then respond "I came to get you out" she had a shaky/panicky tone were I tilt my head a bit confused by the way she spoke.

"What's wrong? Why are you shaking-" she cut me off "they are going to take you to another prison boba!" She shout a whisper "what? Take me away? Why?" Kira grabs her hair out of frustration, but I stopped her from doing that by extending my cuffed hands and grab her wrist "calm down K" I calmly whispered, making her let go of her hair and try to calm herself down, she inhaled and exhaled. "That's it" I nod as I watched her.

Kira looked at me in the eyes as she grabs my hand for the first time "Boba, the clones are going to send you to another prison, far away from here" her voice cracked as tears would start to form in her eyes, I didn't noticed them as I was focused on her hands grabbing mine. I didn't know how to feel about it since she never ever grabbed my hands before, it was new to me, all I can say is that I did feel my face heat up a bit from her touch. "Boba?" I snapped out from her call and finally look up at her, seeing the tears run down her cheeks. "No Kira, don't cry, its fine" I kept my calm whisper, wanting to wipe those tears away but couldn't because of the cuffs.

"How can you say its fine when its not? Didn't you hear me? They are going to send you far away! All because of what happened when you arrived!" She raised her tone a bit, I shook her hands off of mine and placed my index over her lips "shhh" I made a sound before I removed my index and was able to place my hands on her cheeks "I say its going to be fine cause im planning on a way to get out of here before that happens, if not and I get taken away" I gently bring her close to me so that the only thing we were staring was our eyes and add "you know I'll come back to find you" I smile warmly.

She sniffles and nods "okay" she smiles with her brows still frowned in a sad way. "KIRA! KIRA WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Oh no" Kira's eyes get wide.

End of chapter 4

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