Chapter 67- Cuddle me

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Its been an hour since we left Geonosis, I felt tired so I decided to take a nap in Boba's room now that we're- well, he hasn't popped the question but after all that happened between us then I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend. I shift around the bed till I got myself comfortable, my hair falls over my eyes but I pushed them to the side or blew them away. The lids of my eyes felt heavy, forcing me to close my eyes already, I wasn't going to fight the fatigue so I let them close my eyes. I took a deep breath then exhale it slowly feeling my muscles finally relax after a hectic day, I could almost smile when the sound of Boba's heavy boots approach my relaxed body. Was he watching the entire time? All I know is that I wasn't going to open my eyes again, so I kept them close. I hear him shake a sheet and then placing it gently over me up to my shoulders. His large gloved hand caress my cheek before his fingers found their way to my hair.

He brush my hair, pushing it away from my facial features and whispers "Are you still awake?"  He adds "because if you are...can I ask you something?" The way he asked those two questions lead me to believe that whatever he wanted to ask me is important. Luckily, I was still awake, I hum a yes feeling him remove his hand off my hair and step back. I open my eyes a tiny bit to see the hunter take off his jet pack and boots as he then makes his way to the other side of the bed. The bed moved gently from his movements till they come to a stop, Boba was behind me, his warm breath hit the back of my neck whenever he exhales. "Sweetheart, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He didn't hesitate on asking yet his voice sounded nervous and somehow innocent.

I attempt to shift around to face him but his arm wraps around my waist, holding me tightly and close to him. A warm tired smile appeared on my face, finding this adorable specially the way his voice sounded. I giggled lightly before I respond "you're so adorable when you're nervous Boba and...yes, i'd love to be your girlfriend" I didn't realize Boba holding his breath until I gave him my answer, thats when he exhaled sharply like a relieved sigh. The hunter rest his head onto my shoulder and spoke "Adorable? I was nervous, I-I thought you would say no...cause everything I-" I placed my index over his lips, stopping him from saying something thats already in the past "I still love you no matter what" was all I said before I remove my index from his lips to let him speak if he wanted to say anything else or not.

I close my eyes again, not hearing him speak again but feeling his arms tightening around my waist as if he was hugging me tightly "I love you more sweetheart" he press his cheek agains mine while his legs intertwine with mine. This I what I love about him, apart from being hella hot, he shows affection the way I like, holds me the way I love, the one that I know he's not going to let go, his kisses that I feel like Im about to fly away...that's what I love about him. Other than that, I felt special aswell cause he does all of this when we are alone and he only shows this side of him to me and only me, not anyone else.

His head slowly moves away from my shoulder only to be resting on the top of my head. 'He's getting sleepy' I thought eventually feeling his gloved thumb caress my stomach gently while I try to take my nap. Minutes after I was in my nap, I feel asleep and then I was in a sudden dream with my father and a older guy named palpatine.

"Child, what are you doing falling for this hunter when you should be focusing on training yourself to carry your father's legacy as a sith?!" With ought a warning, palpatin used his powers one me to electrocute me, I couldn't escape or move, I was being restrained on a chair. My body burned and stung badly but my father didn't budge to help me at all, he was just staring at me, letting palpatine torture me with his power.

When he was done, my father spoke "im very disappointed in you Kira"

"But father, I don't want to be a sith! I wanna be a hunter...I want to be with Boba!" I cried in pain.

Vader and Palpatine glance at each other then turning back to me "then you die!" Palpatine shouts, letting more electricity to come out his finger tips to my now weakened body

I shout in pain, begging Vader to help me, to make it stop, but he just leaves disappointed that his only daughter that was with him the entire time since child denied to follow in his footsteps all because she's in love, in love with a bounty hunter.

"Palpatine..." Vader called near the door about to exit the dark room. Palpatine stops using his powers for a brief moment "Yes lord vader?" Vader looks at me. "Get rid of her...kill her" my eyes wide as tears streamed down my cheeks and my heart shatters. My own father just said that. "F-father.."

"With due pleasure, lord vader" Palpatine turns back to me and shocks me again "NOOO!"

End of chapter 67

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