Chapter 61- I'll never hurt you again (18+)

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Darkness filled the small sized room, the only source of light were from the bright moon of the planet, shining through a small barred window that was in the room so that fresh air can come inside. Beeping sounds from my armor and the beating of our heart beats filled our ears with noise. I was sitting on the floor, leaning my back against the wall, feeling a sting from the wound causing me to slightly arc my back while is sitting on my lap. I exhale a grunt while I fix my back, the jet pack was in the way from me being comfortable, so I took it off and set it next to my rifle. The female fidgeted with her fingers, moving around making the chains rattle. I grab her chained up wrists and held them still so that the noise stops, it was getting on my nerves. "S-sorry" she stutters. I release my grip off her and rest on hand on my side as the other wonders up to her cheek.

My anger from earlier still hasn't pass, so I at least expect the night to be quiet and chilled until we fall asleep. My fingers gently caress the female cheek until my eyes started to feel heavy, I was growing tired. My hand eventually got tired so I lowered it and rest it on my stomach. I was close by to say at least goodnight to Kira, however, she spoke first "what did you do to Aurra?" Her sudden question caught me off guard. Shooting a glance at the female, I fixed my body with her as my mind flushed with questions debating whether I should answer her question or not. Feeling a tap on the forehead of my helmet, I was brought back to reality. Kira stared at the T visor as if she knew where my eyes were and were staring at them. "Answer me" her voice had a hint of demand. I lift a brow for the way she spoke, she's a fiery one, but she was being fiery at the wrong time. "Don't talk to me like that, don't even think about it"

Kira knew what she was doing, but she didn't know what she was getting herself into as she pulls of my helmet even though her hands were chained together. "No, you don't talk to me like that! What the kriff has gotten into you for the past few hours? You think you can just yell at me the way you did back at the house?! Who do think you are?" Her tone raise which each question she asks. "Enough Kira" I warned. She didn't listen and continued with her  rant "just because you are well known and have a lot of kriffing bounty, doesn't mean you are allowed to be a jerk with women!" At this point her tone turned to yelling. My small fuse light up and quickly blew up, having enough of her yelling. I grab her cuffed wrists by the chain as my other hand goes behind her and wraps around the back of her neck causing her to let out a gasp of fear. I pulled her ear close to my lips as I let out growls "I said...enough" Kira's small body trembled against mine as I soon stop my growls and spot a mark on her neck. That was made by me when we had our little moment in the Slave 1, on our way here.

"Boba, please...don't hurt me" Kira's voice was now shaky as I kept my grip on her. Instead to getting hurt by what she was saying, I understood her. Maybe while Bossk was cover her ears, she could hear when Aurra was yelling after I broke/dislocated her arm. 'Dank farrik' I thought. Kira soon tries to back away but my grip didn't let her, that caused her to get scared and frustrated cause she didn't know why I was holding her still like that, until I gently lean in on her neck where the small fainting mark was and started to plant small kisses there. That did stopped her from moving around trying to get away but not her trembles. "Calm down" My voice said in a low-whisper full-husky tone. My lips began to leave kisses on the area, her neck was cold against my lips for being exposed in this cold night. I felt her hands slowly relax under the grip of the cuffs as I kept kissing her neck, the hand behind her neck found its way to her lower back. Her lips lets out a small groan in response to the kisses, my hand pulls her by her lower back, our chest half way from touching. I did the mistake by pulling her, cause when she scoot closer to me, she sat on top of the armor protecting my part, causing a small pressure to be formed.

My eyes grew wide as my cheeks grew deep red. "Kira..." I tried to warn her to not move, I was a little late cause she moved trying to get comfortable on my lap. My breathing got heavy and my heart rate built up "k-kira- ah~" My head leans back against the wall "what? Boba are you okay?" Her voice full of innocence asked, I moved my head to look at her again with a brow lifted "don't move, please" I continued to breath heavily, my eyes started to have a glimpse of excitement on them as my hands move down to her thighs. "Boba? Did I do something?" Her brows frown with innocent confusion. I chuckled while staring deeply into her eyes almost like a predator staring at his prey full with hunger. "Yes, you did and now, you'll pay for it" my lips crashed on hers barely with force as my finger gripped her thighs. I heard her let out a surprised gasp but she didn't pulled me away, instead, she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Moving my hands forward and backwards on her thighs, I get the small idea of taking my gloves off so that I could feel her beautiful skin withought the leather gloves being on their way.

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