Chapter 82- The four "Mandalorians"

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"BOBA! I'm so glad you're here!" Jack ran up towards us like a traumatized kid. "B-boba! S-she- k-kira s-she-" Jack couldn't even speak properly since he was panting. "Hey hey, take it easy kid, deep breaths and then talk, alright?". Jack nods and takes deep breaths. "What happened Jack?". Jack looks at me "Kira...she came here, just like I mentioned on that call with you, I was training when all of a sudden there were shouting, screaming and shooting" Jack rubs his arm a bit and continues "I didn't know what was going on until I saw Kira slashing other clones like crazy...n-not to mention that sinister laugh, that evil grin on her face...I-I don't know her that well but I can tell that...that wasn't her at all" Finishes.

"A sweet girl turned to a psycho" Mando commented. I growled as I turned to look at him "hey! That's my girl you're talking about!". Jack looks at mando "w-who is he?" I sigh "Just another Mandalorian...he snuck inside my ship" "correction, I was going to close the hatch but then you had to move the ship around" Mando responded in his usual calm tone. I clenched a fist not having much patience for him but then calmed down as I hear a ship fly above us. I glanced at Jack "You guys expecting someone else?". "N-not really, just you" we watched as the ship land next to mine. The ship looked so different from ones i've seen, I had no clue of who could the owner of that ship be.

The hatch of the ship opened, revealing 4 armored mandalorians. I got so confused and I can tell that Jack was also confused, so I looked over to Mando and nudge his arm "were you expecting them?" Mando shakes his head as a no "no" was all he said. All we knew was that the mandalorians were getting close to us, so Mando and I got in position ready to shoot them, but to our surprise, none of them had weapons on their hands and immediately lift their arms a bit showing surrender. "Who are you four and what do you want?" Mando asked while still aiming at them. "I'm LK19, this is LI, HS32 and that's AK" the green mandalorian introduced. "Codenames?" Jack wondered.

I didn't understood one thing and that was, why the two males had numbers on their codename but the two females didn't, not to mention that one of their codenames sounds pretty familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Mando saw that I was a little zoned out, so he had the audacity to flick my helmet just to get my attention "hey, Kamino to Boba, are you there? What do we do about them?" I glared at him under the helmet and spoke while gritting my teeth "I don't know Mando..." Just then, we heard one of the males speak "we just came here cause we heard something about a girl with a red saber coming here" I raise a brow "oh really? And where did you heard that from?" The mandalorians looked at eachother almost not knowing how to respond.

"We actually heard it from one of the mandalorians back at Mandalore, uh...they saw a female running away and stealing a ship, we got curious and came here to maybe retrieve the ship-" Mando cut the female off "and they needed four mandalorians to retrieve a ship? Sound like you people are weak..." " and since the ship isn't here anymore, you can go back to Mandalore and tell the owner that you had no success on retrieving it" I added. I noticed one of the females clenching a fist at those words, but once she noticed that I was looking at her, she stopped. "Wait boba?" Jack stepped in between us. "W-what two and these four mandalorians team up to take down Kira?"

"WHAT?!?" We all shouted at the same time. "Nu uh, no way Jack, I'm already teaming up with this guy and im already loosing my marbles" "right back at ya" mando said. "What makes you think that I am teaming up with them? Not to mention that i don't even know them to begin with" Jack placed a hand on my shoulder "Boba, think about it, Kira already has an army of our clones, she's clearly going to re-build an empire with them and who knows how strong this new empire will be...if you go alone with only him" points at mando "you guys will get taken down easily, but with a bigger team, you guys will be stronger and will be a lot more successful than with just two people" I looked at the four mandalorians while listening to Jack, then look over to Mando.

He spoke "Pains me to say it but...the kid's right...we need a bigger team if we- I mean, you want to take down Kira..." I nod a bit and looked at them again "so? What do you four say?" They back up a bit almost about to get back inside the ship so they can speak between themselves. After a couple of minutes they looked at us and nod "we're in, but we do need more information" There was a small sigh of relieve coming out of me when they basically said yes. "Yeah yeah, i'll fill you all in with information...lets just go already" I walk towards my ship with Mando when I heard a female's voice speak "you want us to go in your ship too?" I turned my head a bit to look back at her "no, i want you four to get inside the millenium falcon...yes i want you four to get in move it or loose it" I threw a little sarcasm.

"Tch!" //whats wrong with the millenium falcon?!\\ "come HS32, no time to loose now"

HS32 nods "right" gets inside the ship with the others"

As the ship's hatch closes, I could heard Jack scream "GOOD LUCK BOBA!" I held a small thumbs up from the window and then blasted off into the galaxy.


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