Chapter 36- It's not your fault, It's mine

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Obi-wan was resting on his arm, leaning against the wall next to us looking at us with a serious look on his eyes. That send shivers down my spine from how serious he was right now 'what should I tell him?' I thought. "Wesa just goen for a trip" jar jar spoke. Obi-wan stood up straight. He slowly began to approach us squinting his eyes "what kind of "trip"" he moved his fingers up and down, quoting the word trip. "Naboo" jar jar answers. I was looking at jar jar, then at Obi-wan 'do you think he'll believe that?' I was facepalming myself mentally. "And why are you two headed to Naboo?" Obi-wan kept interrogating us, but somehow jar jar kept his nerves calmed and gave him believable answers. "Mesa just wanna visit mesa home, its been a while since mesa visit and mesa asked akari if shesa could take mesa dalee (there) and shesa was cool with it"

Obi-wan nod before taking a few glance at us to see if we were lying or not before he takes a deep breath and fixed his posture "alright. but stay out of trouble, if you do, you wont be allowed out the base, got it?" He pointed a finger at both of us in a warning manner. We nod in unison before turning and hear him again "I mean it Akari" he warned once again "okay master Obi-wan!" I shout a bit, making it clear that I got it.


Rain poured hard, crashing against the window as the ocean of rain water splashed against the pillars that's keeping the building standing and preventing it from sinking into the depth of the ocean as loud and low thunder striked in a patter or at random times. I was sitting fetal position on the couch of the living room as my thoughts wondered, replaying the moment I was talking to the female alien.

Flash back

"WHAT?! I DID WHAT?!" My shout echoed in the room, the Kaminoan stayed still in her seat watching and analyzing my reaction before speaking "you stayed in that ship, injured, weak. Boba wanted you to stay with his friend Bossk in the escape pod while he worked on activating the pod. You on the other hand, you pushed him inside the pod and stayed out with the button that with one press, the pod is out into the galaxy" my breath was heavy, my mind was loopy from listening to all of this information "I-I" I stutter. "You pushed the button, staying inside the exploding ship and once the pod was out, the ship blew up with you inside. The cause of your memory loss, coma, and the jedis finding you in time to save you, was all because of that accident" she finish.

I got up from the chair staring at nothing, while I debated whether to believe this or not. I could feel my body go numb for a split second, I fell landing back in the chair cause the Kaminoan to stand up urgently and making her way to me "are you okay Kira? Do you want any water?" Her voice full of worry asked as she pressed her alien like hand against my neck and forehead checking for any sort of fever. "Y-yeah" I respond emotionless, numb. The Kaminoan rushed to the fridge and brought me a glass of iced water. "Here you go" I carefully grabbed the glass of ice water and drank a mouthful of water. I swallowed the cold water, feeling it refresh my throat as I went down.

The Kaminoan rubbed my back gently to help calm me down a bit "do you want me to bring Boba?" She suddenly asks. I took another sip of water before nodding slowly as I set the glass down onto the table. "I'll go get him" The Kaminoan walked quickly out of the room, leaving me alone in the bright white room. 'I saved Boba? I almost died in that explosion? Boba used to be my bestfriend?' My hands pressed against my head as I let out a loud grunt of frustration. So many questions drive me crazy, I feel like I am going crazy.

End of flash back

As I stared out lifeless out the window, the sound of someone running towards the room and shouts made me flinch a little bit. "KIRA!" The door opens followed with more running sounds "KIRA!" A male shout my name desperate as he entered room to room looking for me. "I'm in the living room..." I mumbled. The hunter miraculously heard my voice coming from the living room and ran towards me, he almost fell down but he had time to catch himself "kira! Kira are you okay? What's wrong?" His hands checked my neck and forehead for my body temperature, seeing that my temperature was normal, he sat next to me. Using his hand he moves my head to look at him.

Worry and fear was written all over his face, I felt bad for making him run like that because of me. "I'm sorry for making you run and worry like this, its not like you had to anyway" I apologize. Boba shakes his head "bullshit" he immediately brings me to a tight hug. A hug that I didn't know that I needed for a while, I felt safe, protected. I never want it to end, My eyes start to tear up as I return the hug to him. I let my tears form and run down my cheeks as I soon start to sob on his arms "i'm sorry I can't remember you, i'm so sorry!" I cried. boba gently rub my head in a comforting way "shhh, its okay" he whispers against my ear as he close his eyes keeping me tight in his arms.

"No! Its not okay! The Kaminoan told me everything! You were my childhood bestfriend before everything that has happened! And because of that, I've been taken away, lied to, kept hidden from my father and from you!" I didn't notice that I was hitting him on his chest from the anger building inside of me until I felt his large hand grab mine "it's not your fault Kira, nothing was your fault. You saved me from that explosion which im very grateful for you to save me, you protected me when I was supposed to protect you, all in all, its my fault." He sighs sharply still holding my hand formed to a fist. "Its my fault you lost all your memory,its my fault you almost die, its my fault you're having such a shit time- its my fault for everything!" His voice cracked at the end. Boba's hand goes down along with mine and land together on the couch.

"I should be the one to say that I'm sorry Kira...i'm sorry for everything"

End of chapter 36

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