Chapter 88- I'm Sorry...

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(Ps: I know the song is from cobra kai but I was listening to it while writing this chap and I felt like it sort of fits)
Boba used his jetpack to get down from a balcony he was standing on and slowly makes his way to where I was standing while the Mando, Akari, Bossk and Cole all stood there watching on their guards In case something bad happens. Taking a step back I warned "stay back!" Boba stops but then walks again, this time not caring if I warned him again or not "dank farrik I said stay back!"

"Come know this isn't you Kira, we both know that, just snap out of it and come's all I want" was all he said. Now, standing only an inch or two away from me, he move his hands up making me get on guard and grip my saber, he noticed my movement and stops for a brief moment "i'm not going to hurt you" he holds his helmet and takes it off revealing the tanned, curly hair and brown eyes male I fell for. I never thought I would see his facial features twice today but...I guess i was lucky to see his face again. My tensed up body calmed but I still held the saver on my right hand.

"Why are you here? Why are they here? Why is the rebellion here?" My voice was rough almost intimidating. Boba holds his hand mid air "calm down Kira, please" he clears his throat "I'm here to get you out of here, take you back with me, they are here to help me achieve that and the rebellion is destroy this empire-" He coughs and chokes the moment I used the force on him. "K-kira- d-don't-" he struggles to speak. My expressions darken as I death stare Boba "I won't let you take me out of this base and I won't let you or anyone else to destroy my empire! You hear me!" I activate my saber ready to do the unthinkable.

Boba's eyes showed fear while struggling to breath, watching him struggle and listing to his breathing get complicated amused me. As soon as I was about to stab him with the saber a Amban phase-pulse blaster went off near where I was standing. My gaze went to each and everyone who was standing behind Boba until my eyes land on Mando aiming his Amban phase-pulse blaster at me "let him go Kira, we're just trying to help you" his voice was deep and stern, it almost felt like an order. "I don't need help! Now get out of here and tell those stupid rebellion to leave!"

"We made a promise to Boba fett not to leave withought you" Mando stated. Bossk tries to approach me "Kira, I may not know much of what's going on with your behavior but We just want to know how we could help you get those voices you hear everyday, those voices that won't let you to reason or even let you have peace, thats all we want" My eyes tear up when I listen to Bossk say those things, they made me fell vulnerable. I wanted their help, I really do but I know that something bad will happen to one of them if they try to help me.

I didn't realize I lost my grip on Boba's neck while I was tearing up when I felt someone hug me from behind. "Kira,sweetheart...please...come back to me, I-I need you..." My body got shaky as if it wanted to break the hug or even push him away, I yet knew what was going to happen "B-boba...s-stay back" fear came through my voice. "No...I won't, I will never let you go-" his words were cut short and only the sounds of grunt of pain coming from Boba, the screaming and shouting coming from Akari, Bossk, Cole and Mando filled my ears.

I turn my head to look a Boba over my shoulder as I sob "I...I'm sorry..." my voice breaks and then the saber was pulled out of him, I didn't see where the saber stabbed him, all I could feel was Boba's body get on his knees and fall off the bridge into nothingness, Mando react quickly to use his jetpack and follow Boba's falling body to catch him. I glanced at the others looking traumatized, betrayed and scared. I spoke "Now all off you...LEAVE! Before I kill you too..." I then turn and left them with that. I was still sobbing but thank's to my father's control, I wasn't too bothered at the fact if I loose Boba or not.


I fell off the bridge, keeping my hand over my wound and watching as how Kira just left like nothing happened. Then I hear a jetpack closing in, It was Mando, He managed to catch me before it was too late and took me back to the bridge. "Boba? Boba are you alright?!" Mando gently shake me whenever I closed my eyes and open them over and over. "Boba!" Akari shout my name as Bossk checked my wound "he's loosing too much blood, we should take care of it before its too late for him. "I could take him to a medic faster if I knew the way" Mando commented. Cole steps in and respond "you don't...but I do"

Mando looks at him "will you take me there? Please" Cole nods and takes Boba's helmet "come on! Lets not waste more time!" He starts to run to a direction and Mando uses his jetpack to follow behind him as I leave a trail of blood behind.


Akari and Bossk both stay at the bridge watching the three boys take Boba away. "Bossk?" Akari spoke. Bossk turns and nods "lets take this place down" "and get rid of that saber" we run to the opposite direction Mando and Cole left. "Akari!" A familiar voice called to my right.



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