Chapter 90- Finally free

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Looking over my shoulder, I see Boba standing with his rifle aiming to my hand holding Vader's saber. Before I could react and turn or even move my hand or get away from his aim, he was still quicker and shot the saber almost my hand, yet that didn't mean that my hand didn't suffer any burns, cause it did. I shout in pain as the saber, no longer in my possession, falls into nothingness, I tried to retrieve it but it only made  myself get held back by Luke. "Oh no you don't! Now that she doesn't hold your saber, means you can now leave Kira in peace!"

"Never! I'll never leave!" Vader spoke as Kira's body shakes, her head twitches at times. Boba wanted to say something but Kira spoke first "p-please! Get me out of here!" Mando looks at everyone "it's time to leave" everyone nods. Vader spoke "no! Don't listen to her! Leave me here!" He demands but everyone ignored. Luke picks me up bridal style "If its okay with you Boba fett...Can I take her to our ship and give her some medical treatment if she needs it?" Boba listens and nods as long as she can then be with fine with it"

With that we all left the base; Mando, Bossk and Cole left with Boba in his ship while Luke, Akari And I were taken to the alliance fleet, thats when Han gave the others the signal to blow the base once again. Everybody in the ship where cheering, hugging eachother for a job well done while I was in a cell hearing Vader's voice get angrier until they eventually vanish, it was over. I sighed relieved, feeling free at last, I smiled and chuckled knowing that now, I can do and decided whatever I want withought being in control from someone else.

I was alone in that cell for a good few minutes when the doors opened and a couple of footsteps approach me "huh?" i turn around to see Leia, Han, Luke and Akari. "So? How are you feeling?" Leia smiles a bit nervous. I smiled "a lot better, I don't have his voice in my head anymore" I reply truthfully. "Thats a relieve" Han chuckles. I looked over to Luke noticing him staring back at my eyes "is there something wrong Luke?" I asked curious. "Your eyes are still sith but it looks like they're getting back to normal by the second"

Akari touched the bars of the cell "Kira? H-how's your tummy?" Akari's question got me confused. "What do you mean?" My question made them exchange glances till their gaze went back to me "maybe its best if you hear the answer from him" Leia responds. Then they all smiled warmly, turned and left. //what do they mean? Im so confused\\ The doors open again thinking it was them again but to my surprise, It was him...Boba Fett. I backed away thinking he doesn't want me to be near him or maybe he's pissed off?

I didn't know for sure until he took off his helmet and the curly haired male smiles. "Hey Kira" he said. "W-what's with the smile?" I was a little scared not going to lie, he's not the type to smile a lot either. Setting his helmet on the floor, he reached a hand for me through the bars "come" I looked at his gloved hand, then back at him and slowly walked over to him. I hold his hand. "W-what's going on?" Rubbing the back of my hand gently he responds "you really don't know, do you?" I shake my head to a no. He then slowly pulls me closer to him till our faces were two inches away because of the bars.

"There's a bun in your oven" he whispers. I raised my brow completely clueless and he obviously notices, so he explains "Means that you are pregnant" I blush and back up "w-what? N-no, i-im not!" Boba chuckles as he opens the cell "s-stop joking around Boba" he gets close to me again and hugs me "I'm not joking sweetheart" this time his voice was serious yet happy about what he said. "S-so that means" I smile then while having blush on my cheeks "y-you a-and I-""are going to be parents" he finishes my sentence as he strokes my hair and kisses my cheek.

I was so happy I couldn't even imagine being pregnant all this time and what's best is that the baby is from him, Boba fett, yet my worries about the baby's state hit me since I was controlled by Vader, that fight with Luke and even those pain in my stomach. "B-boba, i-is the baby going to be okay?" Boba breaks the hug and looked at me in the eyes. "I can go call for someone to do a check up, but I also really do hope he/she will be okay" he caress my cheek. "I love you Kira" I was going to reply and say I love you back but his lips couldn't wait any longer and crashed against mine.

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