Chapter 84- Untrainable

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Siting on my throne I watch as how this clone, Cole, trained with one of my troopers since he never stopped whining about getting trained enough or being less than the others or even wanting to do challenging things, so what better way than to "hire" one of my highly trained trooper to train him. But just because he's being trained by a highly trained trooper doesn't mean that things are going smoothly for Cole...cause they aren't.

"Uff!" Cole was on the ground face to face with the troopers rifle. "Enough!" I stood up from my throne and slowly made my way to the boy who's now getting himself up while the trooper stood there like a soldier waiting for the next command. "L-lord Kira, p-please give me another change and I swear I'll proof my worth to being a trooper-" Cole was cut short. "Silence!" I shout. "I gave you three chances to proof yourself and on those three chances you've got thrown to the ground by the same move from my trooper" Cole's expression turn into disappointment that he felt for himself, that's when he nods a bit and grabbed his things "s-sorry for wasting your time" Cole made a turn and walked away.

I then approach the trooper "keep an eye on him, make sure he's not giving out information to anyone, I yet don't trust him"  The trooper looks at me and nods "yes Lord kira" with that he left to follow Cole, that's when I go back to my throne and sit down, soon spin a bit a stare at the dark starry void, it felt so quiet and...peaceful for once until my father's dead voice spoke to me every second i try to enjoy a bit of peace.

"Don't you loose focus on why i'm still here in your conscious, on why we built this new empire..." I rolled my eyes as I sighed "yes father...I know" I stood up again "so we can finally end the legacy of those jedis, to avenge you and so that I be the ruler of the galaxy were everyone will know my name, were everyone will respect me- hng!" Suddenly a slight stomach pain hit me, making me curl a bit with my arms pressing a bit to my stomach.

"This is the second time that sting hit you today, what's the matter daughter?" I whine a bit in pain "I don't know...maybe I ate something bad...?"


While the boys get us a ship to fly us to the coordinates Kira's empire is located, I was standing on a corner looking around when this sudden feeling made me stand there frozen //K-kira can't be...\\

"Hey leia! We got a ship! Come on, lets go!" Luke waved in the distance trying to get my attention, I snapped out a bit but still having that feeling in me and left with Luke and Han.


I came back from the medic feeling a bit better and got back to work. "Feeling better?" Vader asked "yes, I am. like I said, maybe it was just something I ate" soon the sound of Cole's voice shouted from down the hallway as he made his way running towards me "Lord kira!" "What is it now?" I stared annoyed at the boy. "S-sorry to come to you like this but I-I wanted to ask for another- last chance to be train-" "no..." I immediately respond. "But-" Cole tried to speak but I kept interrupting him. "You will not get another chance to train...not now, not never apologies but you are untrainable, you already wasted my time back there, I won't let you waste more time out of me, now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do"

I left, leaving Cole with his head down getting even more disappointed but I could also sense some anger coming out of him but I didn't let that anger bother me too much. Shortly the sound of the alarm go off making every on boar even the troopers to march down the halls getting themselves prepared. I saw a trooper coming my way and stopped him "what's going on?"

"Lord Kira, there's a ship that just entered the coordinates and is now closing in to the base" He informs, my eyes grew wide but then I react "put the shields up and get every trooper we have ready in case of battle, got it?" I ordered and the trooper nods "yes lord kira" I then let him march with the others. "Who do you think it is?" Vader asks. "I don't know, but one thing for sure is that I won't let anyone get in my way of my plans"

"No one"


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