Chapter 16- Han Solo

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The galaxy has kind of always been my relaxing thing to see whenever I had a mission or have to got to different planets and explore places I've never went to. Watching billions of stars shining, comets flying across my ship, the shower of shooting stars were just, incredible. But this time, I can't admire them like how I used to when I was a kid, I had missions, a job that makes me wealthy and if I wanted to stay wealthy and not go poor, I had to focus.

I set the coordinations to the planet the rebels base was, when I get a holo-call from none other than the powerful crime lord, Jabba the hut. Pressing the button to accept the call, Jabba's hologram appears. "Ahh, Boba how have you been?" He proudly greeted me, but I reply with my usual dry and calm tone "jabba" Not bothered to answer his question. "Listen, I have a job for you" he said as he grabs his frog snack and in a instant swallows it, it grossed me out but hey, this guy is paying me so I tried not to let that bother me. "What is it?" I ask, keeping my hands on the panel to prevent the Slave 1 from crashing onto a meteor. Jabba laughs for a bit as I roll my eyes, I like it when people get to the point not keeping me waiting, but once Jabba finished laughing he spoke "I need you to find the man who owes me, i've given him time to pay up, but he disappointed me" he explains.

"And who is that?" Everything went silent for a couple of seconds, the only thing I could hear was the sound of music in the background and the laughter from drunk bounty hunters or people "Han solo" as soon as that name came out of his mouth, a mischievous smirk appears on my face "well, you're in luck, I was just setting course to the jedi base to look for someone, guess I'll be leaving that planet with two guests" A dark chuckle escaped my mouth, "don't worry Jabba, you can count on me" Jabba laughs, liking the sound of that and then spoke "I'll be waiting" I ended the holo-call and put my hands to push a lever to jump into hyperspace.


"Here you go master yoda" I handed him the purple saber that once belonged to Mace Windu, found by a fellow pilot who attended the war on Hoth. Yoda closed his eyes, paying respects to Windu as he then puts the saber away in a small black box. "Hey, its been a while since I've seen Kira and Akari" Luke suddenly pointed out, catching Obi-wan's attention and mine "they are probably training at the academy" I reply as I helped Yoda hide the black box containing Windu's saber somewhere. Luke sighs as he press the bridge of his nose "do you think she's capable of going alone to search for him?" Obi-wan push himself off the wall and joined the conversation "as much as I hate to admit, she would" Obi-wan claimed before adding "not to mention that she's got the highest rank at the academy, which means she can easily access to the expensive armor and weapon she could ever find and then go track him down for revenge"

Holding the box on my hands as I hear Obi-wan, he actually had a point but that doesn't mean she can't get hurt out there 'oh Kira...' I put the box away as I hear the door open followed by footsteps. "Kira left..."Akari's voice echoed inside the big room we were in, causing me to turn fast "she what?!" I shout in a panicking way. "Where did she go?" Luke's voice deepened as if he was a father about to scold his child. "T-tatooine" The girl stutters as the gungan called jar jar binks hid behind her "tat- that's it" luke picked his saber up with ought finishing the sentence "where are you going master luke?" Yoda asks "to tatooine and bring Kira back" he squints his brows frown in confusion about yoda's question.

Yoda had a small smile on his face as he stands up and uses his walking stick for support. "There's nothing we can do" his old shaky voice said. "What do you mean by that?" Curiosity got me and I needed to know "You two don't want your younger sister to know the truth, her father, her childhood friend, her being...chipped when she was in the coma" yoda walks past us and continues "but the truth, eventually she'll know. Come back, her memories will" he turns around to face everyone and finish "but the path, it's up to her to choose. Bounty hunter, jedi or sith" "at least I don't have to worry about that part" Luke sighs relieved. Obi-wan Raise his brows at him "what do you mean by that?"

"You guys know that Kira has been struggling on which path to choose even before the incident" he informs "yeah Luke, but that doesn't make up the fact that there's a 50/50 percent change that she takes the dark path, or the jedi path" I claimed, noticing Obi-wan agreeing with me, Luke moves his hand cupping his jaw, as he's got no words to respond to that. The room fell into an awkward silence until it was suddenly broken by the sound of the alarm going off. "What now?" Obi-wan's annoyed tone spoke as he makes his way out of the room, we followed behind him, once we were outside, we saw people shooting and aiming at something, while others screamed and shouted commands and orders.

"What's going on?" Akari looked at the people shooting as if there were in a war, but there was nothing, at least for what I can see. We hear a random person who was shooting shout "THEY GOT HAN SOLO!" The shout was so far away but the people helped to get the message to us. I gasp, my hands over my lips worry filled my eyes "Han..."

End of chapter 16

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