Chapter 49- Dangerous feeling (18+)

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The slave 1 cruised smoothly through the galaxy, making its way to our next destination, Geonosis.I didn't want to go back to that planet ever again cause it gives me PTSD of what happened to my father, I hated every time my mind gave me that flashback I've been trying to forget for years, but it only comes back. Over in my room, things were um, a bit heated. Well, starting to feel like that. The kiss started off soft and passionate like the one we had at Kamino, it felt good but something made me to...what more of it. So I slowly get to a sitting position, being careful not to break the kiss, grab her by her hips and sit her on my lap. I move my hands one on her neck and the other resting on her hip. I started  to deepen the kiss. Feeling like this feeling of wanting more could be dangerous, I wanted to stop but...I couldn't. "Kira...I" the hand on her hip begins to squeeze her hip gently so I don't harm her as the one on her neck moves away, giving me access to her neck.

I slowly pull away from her lips, panting as I stare at her neck half lidded. 'I need to stop myself, why can't I stop?' I think when the sound of Kira's low soft voice calls my name with a small moan escaping her lips. I lift my head looking at her in shock with my cheeks heating up and turning red. I was confused by her moan at first but once I look around of what might caused it, it was my hand that once was on her hip, it was now squeezing her thigh. 'S-she likes this?' My cheeks were burning at the sound of another moan escaping her lips. 'I-I can't handle this' I was starting to loose it, loose my mind because of her, because of this. 'I should stop' I was beginning to come to a decision until she calls my name as her small soft hands were on my neck, rubbing the sides with her thumbs. My heart pounds hard against my chest, her touch always sent shivers down my spine.

She makes me go insane, her beauty, her piercing eyes, soft lips and cute nose, I admit I got jealous whenever Jack was near her, Im crazy for this girl, she's mine and only mine! A sharp exhale escape my mouth as my eyes look up at hers, giving her a serious yet full of love gaze as I lean in towards her neck, I was going slow incase she wanted to stop me, but she didn't. Once I was lip touching her neck I bit my lower lip and spoke "tell me when you want to stop" I spoke in a husky voice. "Wha-" i didn't even gave her the chance to speak, my lips crashed on her neck, leaving small pecks, licking around, bitting and sometimes sucking small areas. I didn't want to leave her a huge mark that can be seen by anyone, so I stuck with small ones. "Boba~" her soft moan cause a smirk to creep under a peck. "If you only knew what your voice is doing to me right now..." I back away from her neck and looked straight in her eyes.

My hand moved from her thigh to the back of her neck. "It drives me insane" I growled, my smirk turning to a corner grin as my eyes stared at her with hunger. Her cheeks grew a deep red, her eyes stared at mine in shock with a touch of shyness in them. "What's the matter sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?~" I coo. I watch as she shakes her head to a no before she gulps and opens her mouth but nothing comes out of it, so she close it back again. I caress her cheek "don't worry sweetheart, you don't have to say anything other than tell me to stop, okay?" She nods. With that, I peck her cheeks and then lean to rest my chin on her shoulder making her think I was just resting, what I was really doing was taking the jetpack off her armor and setting the heavy object aside on the bed. Once done, I carefully lean her down until I was finally pinning her on the bed, eyeing her up and down her armor really defined her curves really kriffing well, I bit my lower lip in satisfaction of what I was seeing.

"Boba, I-I don't want to go that far" she stutters out. I blink moving my eyes up to look at hers, releasing my lower lip before speaking "don't worry, if you say you don't want to go that far, I won't" I state. Even if this feeling of wanting more was consuming me from the inside, I rather for to stop now then forcing her to do something she didn't want to, I respect her so much and I would never forgive myself if I forced her. I thought about something first as I kept her pinned on the bed. My hands go behind my back over to the jet pack and push two buttons that release the jetpack, the jet pack falls onto the bed. I layed down next to her and turn to her "come here" I extend my arms towards her, watching her scooting closer to me 'till my arms wrap around her. Her hands were resting on my chest plate as for her head, it was resting against my forehead. I observe her until I noticed her eyes closing slowly 'guess she's tired'

I smiled warmly at the sight of her resting on my arms " you sweetheart" I hesitated cause I knew I wasn't going to get a response back, not until she truly remembers me at least that's what I want. I yawned after placing a small kiss on her forehead and closing my eyes, keeping her on my arms and close to me. "Boba" she calls my name in a whisper. "Yeah?" I whispered back, expecting to be something random or to tell me something about what I did 'did I screw up? Oh no' "Kira I'm-" I was about to apologize when her whispering voice spoke first "I think...I think I like you"

End of chapter 49

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