Chapter 72- A place to stay

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Boba's eyes not only showed how terrified or creeped out he was, but also showed shock to hear that my dead father's voice contacted me. I get off from his lap and stood up, extending a hand for him to grab so I could help him up. He accepts my offer. "I know, I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true, I heard my dad's voice" I repeated myself, my tone sounding truthful, yet it wasn't enough cause Boba gave me a skeptical look as if im playing around. He opened his mouth ready to say something but I spoke first. "I'm not playing around Boba, im telling you the truth!" I exclaimed crossing my arms. The bounty hunter's expression changed when he acknowledged that I was in fact telling him the truth. I watched as he turns his head to the side thinking about something before he looks back at me.

"Okay, I understand you're freaking out with all of this but do you think we can talk about this when we get to the place we're going to stay? There's someone waiting for me and he doesn't like to wait too long" the bounty hunter changed the subject and explained his situation which I was left with my brow raised, thinking that he just doesn't want to listen to me or that im going crazy, whatever it was, he wanted it to wait. So I just went with it "okay, fine" I sighed, grabbed my helmet and slip it on my head, Boba did the same before he picked up his rifle. I follow the male down the hatch to a small path that leads to the town.

As we walked in the same pace, Boba nudges me gently with his elbow trying to grab my attention, when he did, he spoke "K.R, I know you want me to listen and I will, I just need to meet up with this guy who's going to give me a job and then I'll come back to you" I was a little surprised when he called me by my code name that I used to use when I was with the rebels, but im guessing he did because he doesn't want to leak my name to anyone, specially to other bounty hunters. I took a small glance to his T shaped visor and nod once "yeah, okay" there was a feeling inside me that felt a little upset by the fact that he's focusing on this job more than to listen to me. I was about to turn my face to look what was in front of me when the way Boba was walking caught my attention.

He looked like he was limping, he must've noticed me staring at his actions and attempt to hide it by walking normally but fails at times. "Your back still hurts, doesn't it?" My worried tone made the hunter turn to glance at me, then back forward. "The soreness its making it a little hard to walk but nothing I can't handle" he informs in his usual calm/serious tone. My eyes examine Boba fett once more, making him look at me again "im okay sweetheart, I promise" he reassured. I turn to look forward again, only to realize that we were standing in front of a building. The bounty hunter stepped forward towards the scanner and opened the door, waiting for me to enter with him. When I did, I looked around the inside of the building spotting that this was not just a building, this was kind of like a hotel for travelers to stay.

I saw Boba walking up to the counter so I paced behind him. Few minutes later, we got access to stay in a room which we both head to see if it was in good conditions first. "What do you think?" Boba asks while I explore the different rooms. I smile warmly even though he couldn't see it and nod "its amazing!" I chirped. Boba chuckles delighted and relieved that I liked the room. He soon takes a device that looked like a holo caller and handed it to me "here, call me when you have an emergency okay? I'll be off to get the job" he simply stated. I look down at the device before I hear him add "i'll have someone bring your stuff here from the ship" he finishes, ready to turn around and leave, I stopped him. "When are you coming back?" I asked, sadness leaking out of my lips.

Boba turns around again and brings me to his tight embrace "I hopefully won't be gone for long, i'll give you updates every now and then, i'll also call you when I'm not busy, alright?" He backs up, his T visor meeting mine. My stomach suddenly tightened a not as the suddenly unsettling feeling swarmed me, making me hold onto Boba's arms. "Boba. don't go, don't leave, i'm scared" I hugged him again, this time never letting go of him. "I don't want to be alone, I feel like that voice is going to come back again, I feel like something is about to happen when you're gone" His muscular arms wrapped around me once again, equally tight and spoke as calmly as he could possibly be "everything will be okay Kira, no one is going to hurt you okay? And just don't think about the voice, pretend that is not there, I will come back sooner that you could think off"

His large gloved hand rubs my lower back since he could rub my back because of my jetpack. Soon, he broke the hug and took off his helmet before I do the same thing. He saw my sad expression and smiled warmly as his index lift my chin and his head leans in to place a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back "I love you sweetheart" he whispered with another smile before he slipped his helmet on again and left before I could say it back to him.

"I love you too Boba..."

End of chapter 72

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