Chapter 85- Not too late

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Now that we got that Akari girl to finally talk, we managed to get the coordinates out of her, so now we are obviously headed there. "Do you have some kind of plan for when we get there?" Mando asked as the child tries to get on my lap. Shaking my head slightly I reply "no, I don't and please get this...whatever it is away from me..." Mando takes the child and puts him back to his floating capsule, that's when I add "why did you even bring that here?" I was referring to the child. Mando looks at me for a bit and then out to the stars "I can't really leave him to someone random...or else they'll either call the other bounty hunters or hurt him"

"So what? You just basically became some sort of...father? Guardian to it?" Mando shakes his head. "I wouldn't say that, anyway...this isn't about the child or even me, this is about getting your girlfriend out of whatever situation she's in" Mando stated. "Yeah, I know that..." I sigh "But as of right now, I'm thinking of nothing more than just have her save with me" "but in order to do that, we have to get her out and away from that new empire" Mando cleared "and we can't really do that unless we come up with a plan first or even think how her behavior is at the moment" 

That's when Akari's voice came out of nowhere "yeah well, if you want Kira to even talk to you, then you have to get that saber away from her" "I forgot she was still here..." I respond annoyed, Akari rolled her eyes "yeah you son of a bantha, im still here" I growled under my helmet, grabbed the rifle and aimed at her "I swear to god if you insult me one more time I'll shoot the live kriff out of you!" I shout. "Oh really? Go ahead! See if there would be someone else to "help" you wake her up if she's too far gone from being controlled by Vader you big idiot!" As soon as I heard the words "too far gone" I immediately calmed a bit and slowly lowered my rifle.

"What do you mean by too far gone?" A bit of fear slipped through my words. "I don't really know how she is at the moment cause hey, I've been trying to search for her for a while now and get her back to our base-" "yeah right..." I mumbled. "Look Boba fett" Akari snapped as she stood up making the chains rattle by her movement "if we don't get there as on right now, who knows if Kira is already destroying planets, sending troopers to murder or even being fully controlled by Vader, In other words, GONE!" She tears up, while I was gripping tightly the riffle, not because I wanted to shoot her, but because of what if she's right? What if Kira is already doing Vaders uplans? What if Kira Is sending troopers to murder people? What if...she's gone?

Mando comes and stands on my side and called my name "Boba?" I gave the riffle to Mando almost pushing him down back to his chair and I moved quickly back to mine to steer "im going to hyperdrive, so you better sit down now" I ordered, my hands and body trembled a bit in worry for Kira. Once Mando and Akari found a place to hold themselves, I used the hyperdrive and grip on the steer. A few minutes later we were at the right coordinates making me stop the hyperdrive and steer normally. "If anyone sees the base, let me know..."

"Got it" Mando reply, Akari was already on the look out "there! To the left!" She informs. I look over to the left and see the base //it really looks like the old base, it's as if it was never been destroyed\\ I get the ship closer to the base until the radio on my ship had a static. Mando tried to fix it but thats when a female voice , not Kira's, came through "who are you and why are you here?" Mando looks at me wanting to reply but I did it first "the names Boba fett, and i'm here to see Kira...Kira skywalker" I respond in my usual serious tone. The female voice didn't come through until a few minutes when she was heard again "you're gonna have to turn tour ship around and go back to where you came from, our lord isn't going to be receiving any "visitors" at the moment"

I chuckle a bit and reply "I'm afraid I can't do that, I AM going to see here and I AM coming in either the easy way or the hard way, you choose.."  We then hear the sounds of mechanics around the base "um...Boba?" Akari looked at the base weapons moving slowly till they aimed at us. "Dank farrik" Mando whispered. The female spoke once again "you have one more chance to leave, or we will have to shoot your ship with you in it-" the female got cut short on her sentence. We got confused by that and also when the weapons were moving away aiming at other directions. A different voice, robotic voice came through "You may pass..."

//was that...her?\\


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