Chapter 33- His identity

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I stayed, gently running my fingers through Kira's soft hair, tugging them behind her ear at times as she sleeps peacefully. My eyes sometimes wonder at her closed eyes, her lips and her cute small button nose 'god she's so perfect' I thought. My thoughts were cut short when a small hand grab a hold of my wrist, stopping me from running my fingers through the hair. 'Shit' I thought a curse. Kira's eyes slowly began to open as she grunted tiredly. At that moment I realized that I didn't have my helmet on, so I kind of started to panic 'She's going to see my face! I wasn't planning on showing my identity to her, at least not now!'

"Who's-" she's cut off by her yawn. I yank my hand away from her, accidentally rough and backed away. "Fett? Is that you?" She rubs her eyes and blinks, adjusting her vision. My eyes wide as I quickly turned around, not noticing the edge of the door of the room and banged my head hard against it "GAH!" I fell to the ground with my left hand on my side forehead, it hurt like hell, groans of pain escaped my mouth. "Fett? Fett are you oka-" she cut her own words off and I knew why. I looked away, grabbing the towel that was around my neck and cover my face with it "don't look at me" I said, my voice filled with panic as my thumb gently rub the injured area on my forehead.

I could hear footsteps approach me, my body stiff as my heart began to pound fast from being nervous. Soon had a feeling of something warm and liquidy run down thinly from the injury 'did I managed to cut myself?' I thought. The same small hands that grabbed my wrist earlier were being placed on my shoulder "please, I'm okay just stay away from me" I moved away from her touch, but she was filled with worry. The next thing I know is that she wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled me to stand up, she took me to my bed and told me to sit and wait as she sprinted out of the room, stopping me from calling her back.

A few minutes later she came back, I don't know with what because I kept the towel over my head, I probably looked ridiculous but its the only thing that kept her from seeing my face. "Take off the towel" she sat on the bed next to me, but I refused to do so "Kira, understand that-" "Oh stop acting like a child and let me help you" she sassed "also, I get that you want your identity to be a secret just I wanted, but now my identity its not a secret cause you know who I am, so c'mon, take the towel of or so help me I will-" her sentence came to a stop followed my a small gasp once I slowly pulled down the towel off my head revealing my identity to her.

"There, you happy now?" I moved my eyes away from her once the towel was off. I wasn't really happy with the idea of showing her but her stubbornness attitude made me give in. I sighed unsatisfied, hearing her shocked voice speak "B-boba?" I frowned my brows confused. My head turns to face the female sitting next to me 'how does she-? Does she remember who I am?' I thought. I scoot closer to her, interested to know how she remembers my name "how do you know my name? Do you remember who I am?" Kira's eyes looked to the side as if she was thinking of the right words to answer my questions but they only came back with her shaking her head to a no "I-I don't remember who you are" she respond.

I raised my brow clearly lost and confused 'maybe someone from the rebels told her my name? No, that can't be it because yeah they might of told her my name but how would she know the persons face?' My head started to hurt from all of this and the injury, earning a grunt from me. "H-here, let me help you" Kira grabbed the towel in my hand and used it to clean the blood off my side forehead, she was being gentle but I would still flinch unexpectedly. As soon as she was done, I watched as she rummaged through the med pack and pulled out a small bacta patch. The packaging of the patch was surprisingly being tough for her to open so I wanted to her help her out. "Here" I opened the packaging and handed the patch to her.

"Oh! Haha, thanks" she gave me a sheepishly smile before she continued to apply the patch on my injury. I gulped my nerves down at how close she was to my face, I could definitely feel my face warm up "there, all done" she giggles before she realized at how close we were with one another. My brown eye locked with her deep and beautiful brown and red eyes. I was about to lean in slowly when she cleared her throat "w-well I uh, better check the deck hehe" with that, Kira jumps out of the bed, picked up her boots and dashed out of the room. 'You idiot!!' I hissed at the thought, feeling embarrassed "why did I have to do that now?!" I facepalmed myself "she probably thinks im a creep instead of...well, her childhood bestfriend-wait, she still doesn't know that' I realized and looked towards the door where Kira dashed out.

'Shit! The deal!' I remembered. I got up from the bed and left the room. I was making my way up to the deck when the ship suddenly moves upwards like it always does when I land it 'are we here?' I thought. "Uhhh, Fett! Why are we in a rainy planet?!" She shouts a question from the deck.

End of chapter 33

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