Childhood memories part 4- You have my word

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I turn around to see boba rummaging his pocket looking for something, I step closer to him as he soon takes out a necklace and looked at me. "I uh...made this for you" he rubbed the back of his neck looking nervous as I examined the necklace with a Mandalorian symbol neatly carved out of a purple crystal, I was amazed by it it looked beautiful in that natural purple color from the crystal. I was so distracted by it that I didn't noticed boba was talking. I shake my head snapping out and laughed nervously "s-sorry boba, it just, I just got distracted by it, looks so pretty"

Boba soon smiles almost showing his teeths as he then walks around me until he stops behind me, I tried to look behind me to see what he was doing but kinda failed. "Can you grab your hair and hold it for me?" He had a calm soft tone as I pull up my hair up and held it as I see the necklace in front of me, soon laying above my chest. "There" boba said, I let go of my hair, naturally falling leaving some hairs standing but I brushed them down with my fingers. Boba watched me and smiled with his lips but slowly fades as his worry expression comes back. "Do you like it?" He asked. I giggled with my hands over my lips at the worry-some boy in front of me. "Of course i do silly" I chirped a bit.

Boba chuckles and grins, showing his teeth and nodding as a okay. He looked relieved at my answers a, boba motioned me to go follow him to find his father who was waiting inside a house we were staying here on Geonosis.


A few minutes has passed before I showered and got into a simple white shirt, black long pants and boots. my lightsaber was next to me on the bed and as for the rest of my stuff, Jango suggested that we should leave them in the ship since we were only staying at the house for one night and then leave, At least that's what Jango had planned.

I was feeling a bit tired so I decided to stay in my bed to maybe eventually take a nap or fall asleep but I couldn't, so I just stared at the ceiling for a bit, dozing off in my own thoughts and what happened back in the ship with the jedi, knowing that he is no longer a bother to us and my father, I could say I felt relaxed and even tho im only 9 years old, my father taught me a lot and has been a good teacher for when it comes to showing me on how to defend myself from basically anything but I know that there is more to learn along the way, learn from mistakes and your own fails in order to be better in the future.

As I was deep in my thoughts not really noticing that I was slowly falling asleep, right when I noticed, I was already with my eyes closed. My body relaxes as I soon start to spin around the bed to comfortable side and position until I found one.

—-Jango's P.O.V——

I was checking the Slave I for any damage taken by the Jedi's ship blasters but to my luck, there was none, just a few scratches taken by the asteroids and debri. My eyes wondered around the ship, only to find the tracking device attached on the ship's hull just as I expected it to be. I look around the tool box I had behind me and grabbed a tool that might help me take the tracking device. I struggled a bit as the device was stuck in the hull but with a lot of force, it finally came out. I exhaled a sigh as I looked at the device before setting it on the floor and without hesitating, blasting it with my blaster. I stared at the now disintegrated device as I put my blaster away on its holster.

"Lets see if you can find me now" I spoke to myself before grabbing my helmet and walk inside the house but stopped as I get a holo-call, putting the helmet on and then grab to answer the holo-call, I saw that it was Kira's father, Darth Vader. "Lord Vader" I bow a bit at the holographic vader, vader nods slightly as his breathing was heard from his mask. "How's my daughter?" He had a robotic voice as I would look down remembering the jedi and his plan he had on taking Kira with him. Not wanting to make Vader wait or get worried about his daughter, I respond. "She's in her room, my guess she's asleep by now" Vader exhales and inhales slowly "you look troubled, Jango fett" he sounded serious.

I sighed under my mask, knowing that I have to tell him about the jedi's plan and the attack we had before coming here, but I know that I might trigger some nerve on him if I mentioned the jedi's name. "Jango? What's wrong? He now sounds stern. I snap and quickly spoke, not wanting the sith lord to be more concerned than he already is "my apologies vader, Its just that we had to move planets due to some inconvenience" I start. "What kind of inconvenience?" He crossed his arms and I knew he had his brow raised under that mask, looking directly at my eyes through the visors. "A jedi came to Kamino wanting to know about the clones but also came" I stop for a brief second then continue "for Kira"

Vader uncross his arms and walk a little closer to the holo-caller only to hear him yell "WHAT?! WHICH JEDI?! DID THEY TAKE KIRA?!" I wave my hands. "No no, she's fine, like I said earlier, she's in her room sleeping and as for the Jedi it was Obi-wan kenobi" I could hear Vader growl but I quickly add "but you don't have to worry about him Vader, we managed to get rid of him on our way here, I give you my word" I assured hopefully giving the sith lord a weight off his shoulder. "Very well Bounty hunter, that should be a bonus for the favor you are doing on taking care of my daughter while I finish my plan" vader said, his voice was now a calm and slightly proud to hear that obi-wan is dead.

I bow "thank you lord vader" "I should get going here, oh and tell Kira I love her" I nod "I will, I'll see you soon lord vader" I said before turning the holo-call off and look to boba's closed room. I put the holo caller away in my pocket and took off my helmet as I head towards my son's room, gently knocking to make my presence known before pushing the button to open the door. I look around the room before my eyes land on boba who was laying on bed facing the door I was standing in, watching as boba rest made me not want to disturb him, but as I exit trying to be as quiet as posible, my son calls me from behind "dad?" His voice was a tired one. I turn around to see him yawn as he sits on his bed. "Sorry to wake you up son" I walk over to him. He smiles and shakes his head to a no "you didn't, I was just I don't know trying to sleep I guess" he chuckles.

I let out a small laugh, ruffling boba's hair, I think about something that has beed on my mind for a while and I thought it was time to tell him. "Boba, we need to have a discussion, father to son" my voice starts to sound serious as the curly haired boy sitting on the bed looks at me with eyes frowned in curiosity. "Sure dad, whats up?" He makes way on his bed and pats the free up space, I move and sit next to him, thinking on a way to start. "Boba, you know that since you were much smaller I was with you and right now we still are together" boba nods, clueless at why was I saying this, I continued "but you know that..." I sigh slightly, feeling boba scoot close, I look over and place my arm around him.

"You know that one day, it wont be the same, you know that One day I wont be here with you to protect, help or take care of you" my tone changed to a low and calm one. Boba gave me a sad look, his eyes almost start to tear up, I brought him to a hug in an instant, I hated to see him like that but as his father I had to prepare him for the real world. "One day you'll have to continue this journey on your own, make your own choices, protect yourself, go to different planets, doing your own job, if you want have your family as well" I started to tear up a the thought of boba growing up fast. I hugged him tight, feeling him do the same as he then sob "dad...don't go...I still need you" boba sobbed the words "I feel like im not ready for the real word yet" he adds.

I gently break the hug to look at him, wiping some of his tears away I spoke "yes you are boba, you are ready, you just fear it and thats something you can't fear, you have to be brave either if time is bad or good, stay brave and strong"  boba sniffles as more tears form and run down his cheeks but after a while, he wipes his own tears and nods. "Okay..." he finally says, feeling proud of him and how far he has come "thats my son" I ruffle his hair again before I remembered something "there is one more thing" "what?" Boba asked. "I want you to continue the bounty hunter legacy and always protect Kira from the jedi" boba tilt his head a bit. "But, didn't we killed the jedi that was-" I cut boba off "yes, but those jedi wont stop till nothing to complete there mission, who knows they might send someone else to look for her" I shrug. Boba thought about it before giving me a determined look "I will dad, I will continue the bounty hunter legacy as well as protect Kira with my life" His voice, serious and determined, assured me that I didn't have to worry anymore.

Boba suddenly adds. "You have my word father" I smile with my lips and nod once. "That's my son"

End of chapter 4

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