109 | lowlife

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Taehyung's POV

"Here's what's gonna happen." Jungkook begins. "Take Jimin and Tae and together you will head towards the university. It's not far away from here so you'll be okay. When you reach the parking lot wait there."

I stare at both Elena and Jungkook, utterly confused about the panic that overtakes them, mostly Jungkook that is. He seems to think that somebody is following us for some unknown reason. On the other end, Elena doesn't seem convinced.

"Jungkook what the hell man?" Jimin snaps. "Just fucking tell us what's going on!"

"Okay, fine I think Taehyung's brother hired someone to spy on Elena." Jungkook finally says and I turn to him. He mentioned something about Jin just a moment ago, but I can't comprehend why on earth he might even think of such a thing.

"What business would Jin have with her anyway?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Look we'll tell you everything later but for now can you just listen to me?" His voice is dripping in desperation. Judging from past experiences, I've learnt to trust Jungkook's instincts at such situations, so there's a chance he's not wrong right now. But what I still don't understand is what my brother Seokjin has to do with the two of them.

Jimin raises his case. "Whatever man, I'm still confused."

"Don't tell me you're going to confront this person." Elena says.

"I'll beat the shit out of him until he leaves you alone. And maybe break a bone or two." Knowing him, he's probably going to do something rash.


He rolls his eyes. "Fine, only one bone."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I."

She sighs. "What if your intuition is wrong?"

"Better safe than sorry."

"You're not breaking a man's bones because of your gut instinct Jungkook." Elena says.

"How about this? You head with the guys to campus, and if I notice someone following you, I tell them to back off and we go on with our night."


"Take the route where the isolated alleys are." I tell her. "Also, don't run or walk fast. I'll be right behind you."

"Okay, can we go now?"

"You seem quite calm for someone that is being followed." Jungkook comments.

She scoffs. "You think this is the first time something as creepy and disturbing as this has happened to me?" Elena, Jimin and I pace away from the food truck and follow the path of the pavement that leads to some isolated alley. I look around at the crowded streets, watching different kinds of people, each and every single one of them leading lives that I'll never know of and that makes me feel oddly uncomfortable. It's a peculiar feeling that I can't explain and I always feel discombobulated when I'm around big crowds. I guess it's sad that I can't be a part of so many different worlds, just because mine so incredibly small and cold.

"Taehyung?" A soft voice calls and I look down at Elena who's looking up at me with concern. "Are you okay? You seem a bit restless."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply. How did she even notice? I barely even said anything.

"Do you think that someone is actually following us?" She inquires.

"I thought Jungkook said they're following you." Jimin interjects.

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